The following case is fairly illustrative of this type:-- J.
It is simply quite illustrative of the absolute necessity for permanent segregation of mental defectives.
The following cases are illustrative of the type under discussion.
With Illustrative Specimen Hands in red and black, and a Revised and Augmented Code of Laws.
But the only begetters of theseillustrative cases are boys--and boys are in the savage stage, 'at least as far as they are able.
Containing all the Information necessary to acquire a Knowledge of the Game; with Diagrams, Illustrative of the Various Movements of the Pieces.
The Big Bear of Arkansas, and other Sketches, Illustrative of Characters and Incidents in the South and Southwest.
And they are for the most part taken from a state of society, and illustrative of social relations, which prevailed in these countries at a period long antecedent to that of Aurunzebe.
An incident illustrative of the time is remembered, that may hear repeating.
The juridical works excerpted in it are almost all foreign to Hindostan; the special cases illustrative of abstract doctrines are taken from other countries, and many of them from ages antecedent to the invasion of India by the Moguls.
Again the general scholar must be on his guard against the delusion that he will find in this digest materials illustrative of the social condition of India under the Mogul dynasty.
This edition of Byron might bear the palm from all other American editions, in respect to its combination of cheapness with elegance, if it were not the most valuable in point of completeness and illustrative notes.
We subjoin a passage or two illustrative of his inadvertencies in respect to language.
You must not conceive that I am contending for the justness of the opinion which I am now stating to you--I state it merely as illustrative of the system of Malebranche.
Footnote 226: The current edition of this anecdote, though somewhat too gross for literal translation, is curiously illustrative of the determined character of its heroine.
That of Riposati has indeed given us the series of these sovereigns, but his biographical sketches are meagre, and chiefly illustrative of their coinage.
It also contains one of Darley's spirited outlines, illustrative of a scene from Cooper's Prairie.
Redfield, entitled Episodes of Insect Life, with copious engravings illustrative of the department of natural history to which it is devoted.
In 1812 followed the third and last volume of her plays illustrative of the higher passions of the mind.
The last volume issued is The Banker's Wife, a tale illustrativeof American society, and conveying an admirable moral.
DOePLER, to whom we are indebted for the drawings illustrative of the Novelty Works in our last Number.
Thus I read Nicolo di' Lapi, a book unenlivened by a spark of genius, but interesting, to me, asillustrative of Florence.
I regret that they do not contain some pieces of mine which might be more interesting to you, as illustrative of the state of affairs in our country.
At the mosque of Zal Khan a passion play is performed yearly illustrative of the assassination of Hussein, the son of Ali.
But in his exposition of the fundamental contradiction involved in morality elaborated with much care and illustrative argument he appeals for the most part to facts familiar to the unphilosophical moral consciousness.
Latterly he had been engaged on a small composition of The Last Judgment; also he was occupied on designs illustrative of human life--a series which had advanced as far as the Return from Church of the Wedding Party.
The first stage is characterized by the textbook method, occasionally supplemented by illustrative experiment, performed by the teacher.
Besides the advantage just mentioned, the fauna and flora must be sufficiently well known so that choice is possible for laboratory experiment and illustrative purposes.
American Ornithology, with a Continuation by Charles Lucian Bonaparte, andIllustrative Notes and Life of Wilson by Wm.
A Popular Monthly Magazine Illustrative of the Animal, Vegetable and Mineral Kingdoms.
Illustrative of the Sports of the Past and Present.
To which is Added an Appendix, including Illustrative Ballads, Music, Papers on American Fishing, and the most complete Catalogue of Books on Angling, etc.
The Athenians received the news of this fatal siege with the deepest sorrow, and Herodotus records an anecdote illustrative of the character of that impassioned people, and interesting to the history of their early letters.
Rivers of Ice+: A Tale Illustrative of Alpine Adventure and Glacier Action.
The table d'hôte dinner is served in a kind of vaulted kitchen, the walls of which are hung round with scenes illustrative of the Italian campaign.
Occasional glimpses of sunshine buoyed up their hopes, and the following anecdote, quoted by Sir Gardner Wilkinson, is illustrative of the sanguine view which they were accustomed to take of the ways of Providence.