All the best authorities agree that the Gorilla and the Chimpanzee live in families.
Darwin certainly mentions the gorilla as a polygamist;[131] but the majority of statements we have regarding this animal are to the opposite effect.
Relying on the most trustworthy authorities, Professor Hartmann says, "The gorillalives in a society consisting of male and female and their young of varying ages.
Footnote 16: Layland, quoted by Burton, Two Trips toGorilla Land, i.
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo.
Winwood Reade, that "the gorilla seized his wrist with his hind foot, and dragged his hand into his mouth, as he would have done a bunch of plantains.
The gorilla breeds about December, a cool and dry month: according to my bushmen, the period of gestation is between five and six months.
The attack of the gorilla is that of the apes and the monkeys generally.
As a return for our information, he told us that the Gorilla was everywhere to be found, even in the bush behind his town.
Finally, whilst a hen will defend her chicks, Mrs. Gorilla will fly, leaving son or daughter in the hunter's hands.
We passed the mortal remains of a gorilla lashed to a pole; the most interesting parts had been sold to Mr. R.
A beautiful bit of country had been added to my mental Pinacothek, and I had satisfied my mind to a certain extent upon that quæstio, then vexata, the "Gorilla Book.
The German Expedition (1873) reports Chicambo to be a gorilla country; that the anthropoid is found one day's journey from the Coast, and that the agent of that station has killed five with his own hand.
As to the vertebral column and pelvis, the lower apes differ from the gorilla as much as, or more than, it differs from man.
In man the surface of the skull is comparatively smooth, and the brow-ridges project but little, while in the gorilla these ridges overhang the cavernous orbits like penthouse roofs.
The absolute capacity of the cranium of the gorilla is far less than that of man; the smallest adult human cranium hardly measuring less than 63 cub.
The foreheads of these two skulls have an ape-like form, obvious on comparison with the simian skulls of the gorilla and other apes, and visible even in the small-scale figures in the Plate, fig.
In the general proportions of the body and limbs there is a marked difference between the gorilla and man.
The projection of the muzzle, which gives the character of brutality to the gorilla as distinguished from the man, is yet further exaggerated in the lemurs, as is also the backward position of the occipital foramen.
The vertebral column of the gorilla differs from that of man in its curvature and other characters, as also does the conformation of its narrow pelvis.
Many naturalists hold the opinion that the anatomical differences which separate the gorilla or chimpanzee from man are in some respects less than those which separate these man-like apes from apes lower in the scale.
The gorilla race would have massive chest, big bones, massive jaws and teeth.
She would be kind to a young gorilla if I said so.
I could as easily live with a female gorilla as with Blanche Oleander.
The development of the anthropoid apes has taken a lateral course from the nearest human progenitors, and man can as little be transformed into a gorilla as a squirrel can be changed into a rat.
The gorilla has only very partially acquired the erect position, and probably sits but little in the attitude common to man.
The social history of any period may be studied in its lions, and, if the truth be told, in 1861 Du Chaillu and the Gorilla loom larger than Darwin in the pages of Punch, though the Origin of Species is described as "a book of much worth.
Of course it is, but while a pack of sentimentalists keep up a twitter about it, and offer prizes for Welsh Odes and such-like Gorilla utterances, how is the fatal jargon to be exterminated?
The noise was made by a gorilla and was renewed from time to time.
They had seen footmarks of a gorilla and of her baby.
The wonder is that he has not been killed by a gorilla or leopard long before now or been gashed in two by a boar or disabled by monkeys.
One of them was "Slim" Jim Collins, the otherGorilla Dave.
He lost no time in getting into touch with Gorilla Dave, who was under arrest at the station house.
There was a hint of the gorilla in the way the long arms hung straight from the shoulders as he leaned forward.
When I breeze in I find him croakin' this lad proper and he acts like a crazy man when I stand him and Gorilla Dave off till yuh come a-runnin'.
Gorilla Dave was thick-headed, but he was open to persuasion.
Through the open crack of the closed door Clay recognizedGorilla Dave.
I seen his shadow Gorilla Dave comin' outa the house next door twice to-day.
Gorilla Dave sat stolidly in his chair, but the other two got up from time to time and paced the room silently, always with an eye to the door of the other room.
Beat it," ordered Gorilla Dave, his head thrust forward in a threat.
Clay saw that the man who had flung him against the partition was Gorilla Dave.
Battell returned to Leigh about 1610, bringing with him a little negro boy, who claimed to have been kept a captive by a gorilla (see p.
A fine strip of silky-haired, younggorilla skin made the band to sling the ornament from the shoulder when worn.
Singlet, who was leading, carrying a good load of bottled fish and a gorilla specimen, went at it like a man, and disappeared before the eyes of us close following him, then and there down through the water.
I have no hesitation in saying that the gorilla is the most horrible wild animal I have seen.
One old lady in the crowd outside, I saw, had a necklace made of sixteen gorilla canine teeth slung on a pine- apple fibre string.
He was evidently a man of some importance from the way the others treated him; and moreover he had a splendid gun, with a gorilla skin sheath for its lock, and ornamented all over its stock with brass nails.
They had been reading The Gorilla Hunters in the orchard.
The largest cranium of any gorillayet measured contained 34.
Other characters are also given to show that the Orang's foot separates it more widely from the Gorilla than that of the Gorilla separates that ape from Man.
The largest cranium of any Gorilla yet measured contained 34.
The number of teeth in the Gorilla and all the Old World monkeys, except the lemurs, is thirty-two, the same as in Man, and the general pattern of their crowns the same.
But while the boys were still held spell-bound by this spectacle, such a one as perhaps no human being but a lone native hunter had ever beheld before, the red gorilla gave a mighty leap.
Then summoning every ounce of that strength that has made the orang the most dreaded of all the forest animals in that part of the world, even the Bornean tiger owning his supremacy, the red gorilla gave one grand wrench.
Perhaps, to its eyes, the red gorilla was simply a native, a poor weak human being, such as possibly had fallen victim to the great crocodile before.
The average human brain weighs about 48 ounces; the gorilla brain does not exceed 20 ounces at its best.
In the meanwhile he had exhibited his masterly "Gorilla and Woman" which won him a medal of honour at the Salon of 1887.
But gorilla I will accept, for in many ways the gorilla is, or at least once was, the superior of man.
The gorilla is straining at his bars, growling, hopping from one foot to the other.
As she looks at his gorilla face, as his eyes bore into hers, she utters a low, choking cry and shrinks away from him, putting both hands up before her eyes to shut out the sight of his face, to protect her own.
The gorillaturns his eyes but makes no sound or move.
The gorilla rattles the bars of his cage and snarls.
From behind the steel shield two others appeared, and following them loomed the gorilla form of Doctor Boelke, his face wreathed in a leer of triumph.
The girl cried out, startled, frightened, as Boelke's gorilla form flung his chair back.
Remind me to give it to you when I see you, and also to show you the portrait of a gorilla which I drew in London, and with whom I was on terms of intimacy; 'tis true, he was stuffed.
He has retained his whiskers, and looks like a gorilla that is slightly tipsy.