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Example sentences for "social institutions"

  • Religion lost its prestige and the family bond loosened, until from being one of the purest of social institutions in the early days of the republic, the Roman family became one of the most degenerate.

  • The most lasting achievements are the social institutions.

  • In the meantime, the patriarchal theory has had to reckon with a totally different view of the genesis and development of social institutions.

  • It is the aim of social institutions to harmonize individual and social interests in the pursuit of wealth, to force men into lines of action where individual acquisition adds to the sum of social utilities.

  • The influence of lawmaking, of collective action, and of social institutions on value must be noted.

  • They bit deeply in to social institutions; the temper of mind they induced became part of our social heritage.

  • It is not only in his physical structure that man carries reminiscences of a lower form of life; such reminders are quite as plentiful in his mental life, and in social institutions.

  • All political life, and to a smaller degree all social life, involves the direction of force, but neither appeal to force for an ultimate justification, nor do social institutions originate in an act of force.

  • But they touched only the surface of social institutions.

  • But to say that the end of social institutions is happiness, is to say that they have no common end at all.

  • There are two separate sets of circumstances in which we may speak of consanguinity: (1) the existence of social institutions, which allow us to trace the physiological blood ties (e.

  • Jacques, the longest of the novels written at Venice, afforded fresh grounds to those who taxed her works with hostility to social institutions.

  • Attention first turned to social institutions, then to conflict groups, and finally to crowds and crowd influences.

  • From the point of view of common sense, "society" is sometimes conceived as the sum total of social institutions.

  • They came to think of maintaining the general security mediately through the security of social institutions.

  • The chief social want, which no other social institution could satisfy, was the security of social institutions generally.

  • The history of social institutions is a history of social experiment--of community progress through trial and error.

  • But when it comes to social institutions, even the wisest hesitate and question.

  • No country seems to owe more to its women than America does, nor to owe to them so much of what is best in social institutions and in the beliefs that govern conduct.

  • The chapter describing the shock also found the immediate reaction to have been a fairly general disintegration of social institutions, and of the usual methods of social control--in short, a dissolution of the customary.

  • From ocean to ocean, the country has been swept, during the past three decades, by a whirlwind of legislation directed toward the adjustment of social institutions to human needs.

  • The science of Social Adjustment treats of those forces which, through the modification of social institutions, may be relied upon to provide a congenial environment for the Super Race.

  • Social institutions work of their own inertia, they take the individual up into themselves and carry him along in their own sweep.

  • Yet as it profiteth a man nothing to gain the whole world and lose his own self, so indirectly and ultimately all these other social institutions must be judged by the contribution which they make to the value of human life.

  • In other words, the moment we apply an ethical standard to the consideration of social institutions, that moment they stand on exactly the same level as does the school, viz.

  • The application of psychology to social institutions is the only scientific way of dealing with their ethical values in their present unequal distribution, their haphazard execution, and their thwarted development.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "social institutions" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    has already been remarked; made good; more remarkable; silicic acid; social center; social conditions; social development; social duties; social duty; social economy; social equality; social evil; social institutions; social intercourse; social justice; social letter; social organization; social problems; social purity; social questions; social rank; social service; social unit; social work; social workers; would require