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Example sentences for "psychotic"

Lexicographically close words:
psychosexual; psychosis; psychotherapeutic; psychotherapist; psychotherapy; ptarmigan; ptarmigans; pterodactyl; pterodactyles; pterodactyls
  1. He may have gone through a psychotic episode in England, but that in no way destroys the validity of the previous two statements.

  2. He has exhibited signs of a “persecution complex” here too, but these have not been of psychotic proportions.

  3. The mental examination and physicians' notes made during his second admission showed no gross psychotic symptoms.

  4. We no longer today insist upon material changes in cells and tissues for every psychotic phenomenon, but rather endeavor to investigate mental life, be it normal or abnormal, from the biologic point of view.

  5. While his strictly psychotic symptoms subsided it is quite evident that the original defective constitution which has been responsible for all of his past difficulties has not improved.

  6. The distinguishing feature of their psychotic manifestations is that they are provoked essentially by definite situations.

  7. For several weeks following this he was very surly, dissatisfied, moody, and inaccessible, but showed no other psychotic symptoms.

  8. On this basis, now and then more marked, definite psychotic manifestations engraft themselves.

  9. This was immediately followed by a marked exacerbation of his psychotic manifestations.

  10. The prognosis of the acute prison psychotic complex is good in the majority of instances.

  11. All of this led me to suspect that the patient was simulating a good many of his symptoms, and that, at any rate, he was very much exaggerating his psychotic state.

  12. So, for the first time, we gained an understanding of psychotic condition by comparing it with the normal course of love.

  13. Can't money be more important to a psychotic than eating?

  14. He headed back to Headquarters and I went over to the park and sat in the sun, warming myself and trying to think like a senile psychotic who would rather die of starvation than spend a few cents for food.

  15. He'd call me a premature senile psychotic and he'd be right, from his point of view, not knowing the truth.

  16. In his dreams the normal person is constantly reviving his childhood, and the neurotic or psychotic individual merges back into a sort of psychic infantilism through his morbid productions.

  17. Faulty psychic actions, dreams and wit are products of the unconscious mental activity, and like neurotic or psychotic manifestations represent efforts at adjustment to one's environment.

  18. But whereas dreams, witticisms, and faulty actions give evidences of inner conflicts which the individual overcomes, the neurotic or psychotic symptom is the result of a failure and represents a morbid adjustment.

  19. According to Wolfsohn, 74 per cent of the war neuroses have a family history of neurotic or psychotic stigmata, including insanity, epilepsy, alcoholism and nervousness; 72 per cent show previous neuropathy.

  20. Shunkoff notes, however, that there are a number of psychotic cases amongst the prisoners because the mentally diseased who do not disturb the military routine are kept in the line.

  21. There were no further psychotic phenomena which could be attributed in any way to commotio.

  22. He was very weak in hospital and, towards the evening of the day after receiving his injury, he must have fallen into some sort of psychotic state lasting ten days.

  23. But in case 350 a psychotic factor may have entered.

  24. I discovered in working with people who have had psychotic breaks .

  25. Inevitably with such an ambitious scheme as the pigeon-holing of all psychotic phenomena some mistakes were made.

  26. It is really surprising how frequently something can be gained either from careful notes taken during the stupor or from the retrospective accounts of the psychotic experiences.

  27. Many of our psychotic patients achieve in fancy that for which the Persian poet yearned: “Ah Love!

  28. We believe that the mental symptoms summarized above constitute a specific psychotic type of reaction capable of appearing in any severity from mere lethargy and indifference to profound stupor.

  29. If this be a sound view, similar tendencies should appear in everyday life, the psychotic phenomena being merely the exaggerations of a fundamental type of human and animal behavior.

  30. What often happens is that these psychotic affects appear but incompletely, often in dissociated manifestations.

  31. We consequently regard stupor and partial stupor as different degrees of the same psychotic process which we term the stupor reaction.

  32. One common occurrence is a slow deterioration of character and energy that proceeds for months or years before flagrantly psychotic symptoms appear.

  33. Since psychotic stupors never develop without some signs of mental abnormality, the history is usually a sufficient basis for final judgment.

  34. Only a quarter gave any retrospective account of these fancies, so we presume that their psychotic experiences were repressed with recovery.

  35. This looks like a combination of two psychotic tendencies, the stupor reduction process which inhibits emotional response and the tendency to develop abnormal affects which characterize other manic-depressive psychoses.

  36. On the other hand, of those who began with reactions of definite excitement, anxiety or psychotic depression, there were interruptions which looked like miniature manic-depressive psychoses in all but one case.

  37. Wilmanns[17] examined the records for five years in a prison and discovered that there were two forms of psychotic reaction, a paranoid and a stupor type.

  38. It is definitely not, in itself, a symptom of a psychotic condition.

  39. You understand, there is usually a mixture of psychotic conditions, in cases like this.

  40. The task of a theory of libido of neurotic and psychotic disturbances would have for its object to express in terms of the libido-economy all observed phenomena and disclosed processes.

  41. It is easy to divine that the greater significance would attach thereby to the destinies of the ego-libido, especially where it would be the question of explaining the deeper psychotic disturbances.

  42. A psychotic man of nearly thirty, with a feminine character, he was hopelessly dependent on his father.

  43. Her psychotic experiences began some ten years ago when she entered into illicit relations with an elderly married man R.

  44. No attention has been paid to the general psychoneurotic or psychotic Anlage.

  45. It is small wonder that he sought relief in recurring psychotic episodes.

  46. White, I presume he meant to imply that there may have been some organic swing corresponding to the psychotic swing.

  47. In Schreber a profound psychotic reaction corresponded to crude formulations of his fancies, whereas, when he built these ideas into constructive speculations, he became relatively sane and an efficient citizen.

  48. He was always shy with women and, as we shall see, his first conflict in the sexual sphere was solved by a psychotic reaction.

  49. It is true that responsibility may and should be evaded when the psychosis is full-blown; but how about the innumerable cases of incipient psychotic disturbance which grade over into the "mental conflicts?

  50. With what tendency of the psychotic individual is it in conflict?

  51. It is important to note as evidence of the purely psychotic character of his ideas that he has never been either religious in his spirit or in action a propagandist.

  52. Although of more than normal intellectual vigor, judging by his success in school work, he probably always had a psychotic tendency.

  53. When studied she proved to be a mild case of chorea, exhibiting the typical psychotic tendencies of that disease, such as we have observed in court work a number of times.

  54. On account of her peculiar unreliability of statement and many quiet and staring periods, seen while she was under observation, we questioned whether she was not verging on psychotic conditions.

  55. I have a cousin who took anti-psychotic drugs for years.

  56. You indicated in the second sentence of the summary for the probation officer's report, "No finding of neurological impairment or psychotic mental changes could be made," did you not?

  57. Strongly resistive and negativistic features were thus noticed--but psychotic mental content was denied and no indication of psychotic mental changes was arrived at.

  58. Yes; it was just the sum total of the environmental factors rather than the boy's own inward manifestations of mental disturbance or psychotic disorder.

  59. No finding of neurological impairment or psychotic mental changes could be made.

  60. What do you mean when you say that "No finding of psychotic mental changes could be made"?

  61. It would have left him in psychotic break at the end, if he had not had the recuperative buffer of hypnosis to help him.

  62. And even the panic alone would be fatal in our psychotic world.

  63. From them on, it would probably be simple to apply a test, and separate the telepathic sheep from the psychotic goats.

  64. More used to the strange demands of neurotic and psychotic patients, they were readier to comply.

  65. By this time I'd also had enough of psychotic people anyway, and longed for sane, responsible company.

  66. When psychotic people know you feel comfortable with them, and probably understand a great deal of what they are experiencing, when they know that you can and intend to control them, they experience a huge sense of relief.

  67. But if the person had already become institutionalized, had been psychotic for many years, had received much prior treatment, then their case had been made much more difficult.

  68. It seems far more convenient for all concerned to suppress psychotic behavior with stupefying drugs.

  69. Protein putrefaction may even cause psychotic symptoms in some individuals.

  70. So naturally, I made my family home into a hospital for psychotic individuals.

  71. With any psychotic residing in your home it is foolhardy to become inattentive even for one hour, including what are normally considered sleeping hours.

  72. And I began to study all the references in The Orthomolecular Approach to Mental Disorders dealing with correcting the perceptual functioning of psychotic people using natural substances.

  73. As a psychotic genuinely improves, their aberrated behavior often becomes more aggressive initially and thus, harder to control.

  74. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "psychotic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    alcoholic; catatonic; deranged; disturbed; functional; hypochondriac; idiot; insane; mad; madman; maniac; maniacal; mental; morbid; neurotic; paranoid; psycho; psychological; psychoneurotic; psychopath; psychopathic; psychotic; schizophrenic; sick; unsound; valetudinarian