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Example sentences for "plain enough"

  • Be that as it may, the position which the Apostle takes is plain enough.

  • That is plain enough surely, nor do I suppose that I need to dwell on that thought at any length.

  • It is plain enough that if the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in us there is no term to its operations until our mortal bodies also are quickened by His Spirit that dwelleth in us.

  • If there be dangers around us, and dangers within us, the discipline which we have to pursue in order to secure this uniform, single-hearted devotion is plain enough.

  • Plain enough, you see; and you will go and shut him up immediately.

  • I see it plain enough on the order; but for the same reason that the king's signature may have been forged, so also, even more likely, may M.

  • That's plain enough," said the member of the party addressed; "they nearly all have long spears.

  • Our course is plain enough--to keep along here at the edge of the great plain where the grass is short and the ground firm.

  • Yes, that's plain enough," was the reply.

  • It is plain enough," murmured Frank, "that you do not want us to go to Devil Island.

  • Then he turned and observed: "It's plain enough that he doesn't consider it healthy around here, and he is in a hurry to get away.

  • It's plain enough he doesn't want to be seen.

  • I will show you some pictures of hairs as seen through the microscope, and then these joints will be plain enough.

  • Well, boys, here are some pictures, and with their help I hope what I have been saying will be plain enough.

  • Ah, now it is plain enough, and we are much obliged to you, Uncle Philip, for telling us what we wished to know.

  • You know him, that's plain enough," said Dolly, laughing.

  • She left him in anger, that's plain enough; and about what could it be?

  • Did not the Trial show things plain enough?

  • Not much, but just enough to show that the current hugs the shore, bringing the river water with it; and there it all is plain enough.

  • When a man, instead of burning up three hundred pounds of carbon a year, has got down to two hundred and fifty, it is plain enough he must economize force somewhere.

  • It is plain enough what is at the bottom of this disturbance.

  • All this is plain enough, and the only use of the story is to bring the dogma of inherited guilt and its consequences into a clearer point of view.

  • But dead men's fingers hold awful tight, And there was the will in black and white, Plain enough for a child to spell.

  • It is a revenue cutter, sir; now she's out of the sun's wake, that is plain enough.

  • All that is plain enough," said the much interested Rose--"but of what use is it all?

  • His dark figure against the white-washed stones is plain enough to be seen.

  • That's plain enough, sir--and she's armed.

  • They're plain enough, Harry, and 'tis fitting they should be so.

  • Poor gal, poor gal, it's plain enough how it is, but the Lord will bear in mind one of your simple heart and kind feelin's!

  • That is plain enough," said Nunna, laughing.

  • It is plain enough," he said at last, staying his walk at a side table.

  • He would not have had it too close if he could, but there are various passages in which it is plain enough that he is telling his own story.

  • It is plain enough to any impartial reader that there are at least plausible grounds for this accusation against Mr. Motley's critic.

  • It's plain enough it's a brutal murder, isn't it?

  • And so I could, you see, plain enough to see if it was opened.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "plain enough" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    common salt; control them; fine ship; full blast; historical painter; little princess; order that; plain chant; plain clothes; plain enough; plain language; plain question; plain round; plain stitches; plain terms; plain that; plain truth; plain view; plain white; plainly enough; plainly seen; plainly written; pliocene period; special circumstances; spoke unto; will open