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Example sentences for "pure love"

  • Of many a dainty dame and damosel The coveted nuptial couches he rejecteth; for naught can e'er, pure Love!

  • This distinction seemed to me so self-evident that I did not dwell on it at length, but applied myself chiefly to the task of proving that savages and ancient nations knew only one kind, being strangers to romantic or pure love.

  • Widely as the Athenian way of treating women differed from the Spartan, the result was the same--the frustration of pure love.

  • But it was only very gradually and slowly that human beauty gained the power to inspire such a pure love; the proof of which assertion is to be unfolded in our next section.

  • Lady Nancie died on Tuesday's nicht, Lord Lovel upon the niest day; Lady Nancie died for pure, pure love, Lord Lovel for deep sorraye.

  • Dear reader, if you are now a Christian and feel the glowing of God’s pure love in your heart, if you neglect to employ the means for growth in grace that the Bible commands, that certainly you will backslide, or fall from grace.

  • There is a beautiful consistency in the worship of God when all is actuated by pure love.

  • When it pleases God to remove one of their little ones to a more peaceful home above they mourn most bitterly; more because of remorse of conscience than from a fountain of pure love.

  • Pure love desires, not to be pleased, but to please.

  • When light and peace and joy fill the soul, or when grief, sorrow, or loneliness presses the heart, pure love goes on loving and serving.

  • The part which the physical sex-force should alone play is the sacramental expression of pure love; so employed it is a perfect and divine activity.

  • Pure love, especially so intense a love as the homogenic attachment, is not profane but divine.

  • And this permanent possession can only come, whether in marriage or outside, where the mind, healthily developed and exercised, is taking its true place in the expression of pure love.

  • She is my ideal, for she is highly gifted and still only full of pure love.

  • They had an hour's very agreeable talk on the matter, and they were both of one mind, and decided that there and then they would live the new way; and they both sealed their sacred vow with a pure love kiss.

  • So, too, pure love is a rare thing on earth.

  • But we have elsewhere explained the nature of pure love.

  • God is Pure Love, Grace, Peace, and the Soul’s True Self.

  • Pure Love, independent of any particular state or form of life.

  • When haply he shall hear that she is gone He will return; and hope I may that she, Hearing so much, will speed her foot again, Led hither by pure love.

  • Her passions are made of nothing but the finest part of pure love.

  • From Scotland am I stol'n, even of pure love, To greet mine own land with my wishful sight.

  • The state of pure love is very rare, and it is intermittent.

  • But whoever has his heart void of this love, and has never felt its force and energy, nor tasted its goodness and gentleness, long suffering and patience, this man knows not God, who is pure love.

  • For it cannot be possible that a heart filled with wrath and bitterness, should in any degree reap a saving fruit from the blood of Christ, which was shed from a motive of pure love.

  • For as all things come freely from God to us, so we should return all things freely to our neighbor, from a principle of pure love, and in true singleness of heart, without any desire of glory or self-interest.

  • Coleridge remarks here: "With love, pure love, there is always an anxiety for the safety of the object, a disinterestedness by which it is distinguished from the counterfeits of its name.

  • For the whole doctrine of "Pure Love or Disinterested Religion," cf.

  • God then puts the soul in a passive state, where he accomplishes all, causing great progress, first by way of enjoyment, then by privation, and finally by pure Love.

  • O martyr of Pure Love,--a sacrifice for the good of others, what if the fires be already kindled in your bosom, shrink not!

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pure love" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
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