I wold prefer those of the Elk because I beleive them more durable and strong than those of the Buffaloe, and that they will not shrink so much in drying.
The composition betwixt Mr. Stanford and the towne wold we very gladly see, yt is for tythe willows and partinge grasse, wee thinke that they challenge more than of right they should have.
I wish the ugly sly wold witch Would tumble over into ditch; I woulden pull her out not very vast.
Their fame hath filled the Seven Climes, they rose and reigned, they fought and fell, As swells and swoons across the wold the tinkling of the camel's bell.
When the lights of Malton glimmer in the valley this day of exploration is at an end, and much of the Wold country has been seen.
Going to the east we reach Helperthorpe, one of the Wold villages adorned with a new church in the Decorated style.
In haste to him I wente anoon, And to him al my wo I tolde, Fro him right nought I wold withholde.
But at the laste they devysed, That they wold goon in tapinage, As it were in a pilgrimage, Lyk good and holy folk unfeyned.
No, Goodwife Chat, I wold be loth such drabs shulde blot my name; But yet ye must so order all that Diccon beare no blame.
Thou lier, lickdish, didst not say the neele wold be gitten?
I wold not for an hundred pound this mater shuld be knowen, That I am auctour of this tale, or have abrode it blowen!
Well, knave, and I had the alone, I woldsurely rap thy costard!
He tolde me Hodge wold come, and in he came indeede, But as the matter chaunsed, with greater hast than speede.
Here is a prety matter, to see this gere how it goes; 15 By Gogs soule, I thenk you wold loes your ars, and it were loose!
I wold my head were half so hole; I wold seeke no redresse!
But yet, in feyth, yf I myght ete one morsell, 495 I wold thynk the matter went very well.
Sith Gabriel gan grete Ure ledi Mari swete, That godde wold in hir lighte, A thousand yer hit isse, Thre hundred ful iwisse, Ant over yeris eighte.
The Old Man shook his Hed, andwold have passed; But I caught him by his Arme and held his Clothes.
Soe saying, wold agen have passed me by); His hollow Voyce sank depe into my Harte: Yet I wold not let him goe, but asked Why?
Some Doctours sed the Lakes did Agewes breede, But Springe returning wold the same disperse; Whyles others, contrarie to Nature's creede, Averred the Heate itself wold make us worse.
Who can behold The sheer sun burning in the orbed blue, What while the noontide over hill and wold Flames like a fire, except his mazed view Wither and tremble?
Where now are they whom gleaming gold Led on to many a bandit blow, Who roamed with thee the widening wold And vine-clad hills, and shared thy woe?
Remdi+ I pray god be your spede & preserue you frõ paine it is mi mind ye shold prosper I wold haue it so fain.
I wold see th[=e] come in 780 Helth commeth in with a kercher on his head.
And than went I faster than i wold certayn ¶ Thus he hath me dryuen ayen myn entente ¶ And contrary to my course naturall.
Procede tyll I therof haue knowlege you let ¶ It befell on a day the weder was wete ¶ And Colus thought he wold on his dysport.
Blere whos ey ye wyll hardely {with} your myst ¶ And kepe your werkes close there as in a chyst ¶ Saaf I wold desyre you spare Pollucyon.
How ca{m} ye make good your pate{n}t wold I know ¶ Hit is to Impossable to bryng that aboute.
Yf it shold I wold not gyue you ii pesecodd{i}s ¶ For grau{n}t of your patent of offyce nere of fee.
In his honde he helde a fawchon all blody ¶ It semed by his chere as he wold make a frai ¶ A baudryck of Isykles about his necke gaye ¶ He had and aboue on hygh on his hede.
To which he my{gh}t leue & what p{ar}t he wold take.
In the churchyard at Sutton-in-the-Wold was a monument which, for downright ugliness and bad taste, could hardly find its fellow in the whole county.
Yhyt I wold ye had declaracioun before of the conduyt and grounde of thys mater.
Than I told Gonnor that I shuld certifie a rescuse, and prayd the baly of the hundred that he wold record the same.
I wold not Jon of Damme xuld com hom tyl the cuntre be storyd otherwyse than it is.
Whan I had answeryd hym ther to, than he seid he wold comown with my mayster Yelverton her of whan he come home, and til he had spok with hym he wold not ensele hem.
Whereto he wold not agree, but alle tymes wolde that thoe juges shulde entrete the parties as they myght be drawe to by offre and profre to my conceyte as men bye hors.
And he seyd he xuld com forby this plase on huntyng after non, and ther xuld no mor com with hym but Hegon and on of his owyn men; and than he wold bryng seche an answere as xuld plese me.
Thei seyd thei wold do me servyse and plesans, if it lay in her powres to don owth for me, save only in that that longeth to her lordes rytz.
Barow and his felaw spak to me in the most plesawnt wyse, and me semyth be hem thei wold fayn plese me.
I have tolde the masengere that he schulde brynge me nothyng but evydens, for he is in a manere departyng owt of my servyse, wherfore I wold nott he knew so myche of my counsell.
We wold have ben joyous to have seen your maistirship, if our fortune so had ben.
Wherfore her benevolers willith hir to continue hir sute and labour; and so I can not departe nor leve hir as ye know well; and if I might be there, I wold be full glad, as knowith our Lorde God, Whoo have you in His blissid kepynge.
Syr, so it is that I am not yet purveyd of men to my nowmbyr of archers, suych as chold go hovyr see with me; wer for, syr, I be ceche yow that it wold plese yow at thys tyme to do so mych for me as to a purveyd me of ij.
Than John a Lowe was there, and he seyd to your debite that he wold have the Kynges part in this wise, that the Kyng and my lord shuld part the halff.
And they told hym that they have apoynted to have a town of strength, for they wold an had Sandwich, and the countre had nott a resistid them.
At the Kynges comyng to London I wold advise you to see his Highnes.
Also I send yow a copy of the letter that the quene sent to my Lord of Oxenford for the maner of Cotton for Blyaunt; but my Lord of Yorke told to Skerne that he wold in any wysse that my Lord of Oxenford shuld help yow to kepe possession.
Sythe I was ther, I undyr stande yf it had not happyd me to have seyne them as zester day, she wold this day have made her cowntenance to have seyn her nes, Bothas (?
Neither are we so hard to strangers as Horace wold seeme to make vs, sith we loue them so long as they abuse vs not, & make accompt of them so far foorth as they despise vs not.
And then there was great joy more than there was to-fore, for else had there been mortal war upon the morn; notwithstanding she would none other, whether they wold or nold.
So, soon after Joseph would depart, and King Evelake would go with him, whether he woldor nold.
Neuerthelesse the men assayed wyth rowenge to bringe the sheppe to lande: but it woldnot be/ because the se so wrought & was so trowblous agenst them.
The sonnes of Zebede wold sitt/ the one on the right hōde of Christ ād the other on [the] lifte.
They wold praye/ that fire might descēde from heuen/ and consume the Samaritanes.
Fytte I By Wood andWold [A Preamble] "Beneath the greenwood bough.
For dout ye nat but heerdemen with their catell, shepeherdes with their shepe, and tieng of horses and mares, destroyeth moch corne, the which the hedges wold save.
And the rych men that hath moche catell wold have the advantage, and the poore man can have no help nor relefe in wynter when he hath moste nede; and if an acre of lande be worthe sixe pens, or it be enclosed, it will be worth VIII.
The King says in his diary,-- "The Duke of Northumberland wold not agree that any searching of his death shuld bee treason.
Northward, beyond the stream, the white road climbs the woldabove Tetford, and disappears from sight.
Mablethorpe was nearer to Somersby, but had no house of any size at which, as here, the dwellers on the wold knew that they were always welcome.
He's worth thousands and thousands, they say, though 'a do live on in the same wold way up in the same wold house.