And Christe wolde haue vs all / yea euen the blessed virgin / and the Apostles themselues to praye / [[Mat.
But if I wolde spẽde more tyme here / I mighte reherce many other doctrines of the papistes in which they do shãfully swarue frõ the truithe of Godds worde.
Again our men do obiecte and saye: It is not we that haue corrupted theis thinges / we wolde be gladde to haue them pure and incorrupte: ther impuritie must not be adscribed vnto vs.
For if they do yt not / it is certeyne that they loue not God with all their harte / bycause they sholde then leaue vndone somewhat that they mighte do / to the glorie of his name / and wolde not.
Wherof the Emprour in the Code doth saye / that yf he shulde commaunde anye thinge agaynste righte / he woldenot that any suche decree of his shulde auayle in iudgementes.
Paule wolde not that the faithfull maried vnto an vnbeleuer sholde departe / yf the vnbeleuer will dwell together with the other.
To be your own marshal at your own ba{n}ket ¶ And whan appolo se it wolde none other be ¶ He called to hym Aurora the goddesse.
In me wolde haue had or claymed ony part ¶ Which sholde haue caused me grete heuynesse ¶ Within whiche tyme & short processe ¶ Came thyder Reason and Sensualyte.
Oh had I but yon holie roode, That there soe brighte doth showe; I wolde not care for yon Englishe hoste, Nor the worste that theye colde doe.
Forthy my lord, if that ye wolde So great a charite fulfille, God wote it were well my wille.
Of depe ymaginations And straunge interpretations, Problemes and demaundes eke His wisedom was to finde and seke; Wherof he wolde in sondry wise Opposen hem that weren wise.
My lege lord, this wolde I rede: The erthe it is, which evermo With mannes labour is bego As well in winter as in maie.
The king somdele had an envie, And thought he wolde his wittes plie To sete some conclusion, Which shulde be confusion Unto this knight, so that the name And of wisdom the highe fame Toward him selfe he wolde winne.
This knight was sory of this thinge, And wolde excuse him to the kinge; But he ne wolde him nought forbere, And thus the knight of his answere Goth home to take avisement.
The yongest of hem had of age Fourtene yere, and of visage She was right faire, and of stature Lich to an hevenlich figure, And of maner and goodly speche, Though men wolde all landes seche, They shulden nought have founde her like.
And ever among mercy[13] she cride, That he ne shulde his counseil hide From her, that so wolde him good And was so nigh flesshe and blood.
Tho was ther great merveile on honde, That he, which was so wise a knight, His life upon so yonge a wight Besette wolde in jeopartie, And many it helden for folie.
He wolde beare me in hande the kowe is woode; il me veult fayre a croyre de blanc que ce soit noyr.
Som menwolde seyn, some relate the story by saying.
And here I ryde about my purchasing, To wite wher men wolde yeve me any-thing; My purchas is theffect of al my rente.
I wold geve my gold," she saith, "And so I wolde my fee, For a blaste of the wesleyn wind To dryve the smoke from thee.
Tho wolde the baylies that were come from Fraunce, 25 Dryve the Flemisshe that made the destaunce; Hue turnden hem ayeynes with suerd ant with launce, Stronge men ant lyht.
And atte the laste Cosdroe hadde the flyxe in his bely / And wolde therefore crowne his sone Kynge / which was named Mendasa /.
A bettre felaw sholde men noght finde, He wolde suffre, for a quart of wyn, A good felawe to have his concubyn A twelf-month and excuse him atte fulle.
Werfore I preye to alle the rederes and hereres of this boke, yif it plese hem that thei wolde preyen to God for me, and I schalle preye for hem.
I am oon of the fayrest" in all "the toun of Troye," though I should not like people to know that I know it: Al wolde I that noon wiste of this thought.
I wolde han caught hit, and anoon Hit fledde and was fro me goon.
But he wolde gyue largely of hys own to such aswolde take upon theym that vyge.
Here was a complainte against Jo: Jerrard for saying that Richard James his wief had the ffrenche pocks, and he made answere and saide he wolde justifie the same, and he was dismist to the Comon Lawe.
This were a wikkede wey, 3794 But who so hadde a gyde, That wolde folwen us ech a foot;" Thus this folke hem mened.
Of manye swiche I may rede, 7540 Of men and of wommen, That wise wordes wolde shewe, And werche the contrarie.
Wilneth nevere to wite Why that God wolde Suffre Sathan His seed to bigile; Ac bileveth lelly In the loore of holy chirche, 5850 And preie hym of pardon And penaunce in thi lyve, And for his muche mercy To amende yow here.
Whan thei drawen on to deye, And indulgences wolde have, Hir pardon is ful petit At hir partyng hennes, That any mede of mene men For hir motyng taketh.
He warnede Watte His wif was to blame, For hire heed was worth half marc, And his hood noght worth a grote; And bad Bette kutte A bough outher tweye, And bete Beton therwith, But if she wolde werche.
Ac many a justice and jurour Wolde for Johan do moore {141} Than pro Dei pietate, Leve thow noon oother.
Kynde wit wolde That ech a wight wroghte, Or in dikynge or in delvynge, Or travaillynge in preieres; Contemplatif lif or actif lif Crist wolde thei wroghte.
Clergie of Conscience 8430 No congie wolde take, But seide ful sobreliche, "Thow shalt se the tyme Whan thow art wery of-walked, Wille me to counseille.
For armes straughte you wolde reade yt haughte, when straughte is moore significa{n}t (and moore answerable to Chaucers woordes whiche followethe) than haughte ys.
Then shee sent east, and shee sent west, By north and south bedeene; But never a champion colde she find, 95 Wolde fight with that knight soe keene.
Then forth she rode on a faire palfraye, Oer hill and dale about; 110 But never a champion colde she finde, Wolde fighte with that knight so stout.
I wolde have laine by our comlie queene, But shee wolde never consent; 190 Then I thought to betraye her unto our kinge, In a fyer to have her brent.
The damsell scant wolde deigne a looke, But fast she pricked on.
Then kyng Estmere he plight his troth 95 By heaven and his righte hand, That he wolde marrye her to his wyfe, And make her queene of his land.
And I had rather have one twinkling, 25 Childe Waters, of thine ee, Than I wolde have Cheshire and Lancashire both, To take them mine owne to bee.
But keep my counsayl, Syr Cauline, Ne let no man it knowe; For, and ever my father sholde it ken, 180 I wot he wolde us sloe.
He wolde have layne by our comelye queene, 5 Her deere worshippe to betraye; Our queene she was a good woman, And evermore said him naye.
Manye a kinge, and manye a duke, 45 And lorde of high degree, Did sue to that fayre ladye of love; But never shee wolde them nee.
Some other wolde more haue preised my trauaile, if I hadde spente the like time in some morall matter, other in deciding some controuersy of religion.
It had ben best for bothe parties yf it had pleased the goddes to haue sent our fore faders that mynde / that you of Rome wolde haue ben content with the Empyre of Italy / and we Carthaginoys with Af- frike.
A logician wolde briefly argue / who so euer violently wyll slee an other / may lawfully of the other be slayne in his defence.
If one wolde praise kynge Charles / he shulde kepe in his oracion this order.
I wolde nat that any of you shulde thynke that I am now come amonge you nat remembrynge my condicion and state / but the como[n] ieopardy that we be all now in / wyll compell euery man to open and [D.
As yf any manwolde speke of Camillus dede / wherby he recoue- red his contrey / and delyuered it from the handes of the Frenche men.
As if one wolde praise Sceuolaes acte / of the whiche mencion was made afore / he may.
As yf a man wolde prayse the kynges hyghnes / or dysprayse some yll persone / it must be done by an ora[-] cion demonstratiue.
Liberty turneth him 690 With that nother I am not content I wolde there should be liberalitie compet[=e]t And with honesti it is conoenient That our neighbour fare the better +Wyll.
Yf Helth be neuer so lust and stronge yet if Lyberty were kept from him longe Then sorow and care wolde be his songe.
I durst be so bolde I wolde pray you hartely To shewe vs apart of your great aceoritie, +R md+ My actoritie is geuen to me most speciall To maintaine you three, in this realme to be What mine intent is.
And yf that I had yll wyll here with this money we woldemake good chere 370 Gentle brother wyll, I pray the apeare For thou art in some corner.
And she wolde over the threswold gon, The markis came and gan hire for to call, And she set doun her water-pot anon Beside the threswold in an oxes stall, And doun upon hire knees she gan to fall.
Mother, with you wolde I changen my cheste, That in my chambre longe time hath be, Ye, for an heren cloute to wrap in me.
For wel she had herd say, that thilke day The markis shulde wedde, and, if she might, She wolde fayn han seen som of that sight.
Larde of Grange, late Thesaurer of Scotland, wolde attempt eyther to apprehend or slee him at some time when he sholde goe through the Fyfeland, and, in case he colde so apprehend him, wolde delyver him unto His Majesty.
But who so wolde in other thing him grope, Than hadde he spent all his philosophie, Ay, Questio quid juris wold he crie.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wolde" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.