I praye yow geff credens in alle these materes to Shawe, for he can telle yow more shortlyer then I shuld wryte, and I hold hym trewe to yow in hese menyng.
And he told me that he shuld have brought me wrytyng this day from her be vij.
But I thynk that the English ladyes and jentylwomen, and the pore also, can do as well as they, and lyst not to lerne of them no thyng; and therefor we drede lest ther hye corages shuld meve them to make yow warre also.
As for the fensyng of your dykes, and ze shuld felle your bordorys off your wode the Suthsyde, viz.
Of | this flour, when that itshuld unclos-e'; 111.
By Mars, that is the cheef of my bileve, So that I mighte liven and nat faile 2110 To-morwe for tacheve my bataile, I nolde never fro this place flee, Til that ye shuld the verray preve see.
What shuld I make lenger tale Of al the peple that I say, Fro hennes in-to domesday?
Forsothe, I trowe, you and your bowe Shuld drawe for fere behynde: And noo merueyle; for lytel auayle Were in your councel than: Wherfore I too the woode wyl goo Alone a banysshd man.
The King says in his diary,-- "The Duke of Northumberland wold not agree that any searching of his death shuld bee treason.
It was answerid hym ageyn yat he shuld walke forth w't them on his feete and so he dede till he was a flyte shote or more from his place and yanne he was .
Lady, if your fader wull aggrey therto I hold me right wele pleasyd; for I wuld be right clad that she shuld do her servyse be for any other, if she cowde do that shuld pleas my ladyes good grace.
Calle told me that he hathe sent you a answer of all erands that ye wold shuld be do to Sir Thomas Howes.
For she is sotill and hath sotill councell with here; and therfore it were wele do ye shuld have summe with you thatshuld be of your councell.
And God have you in Hys kepyng, and make yow a good man, and zyf yow grace to do as well as I wold ye shuld do.
Wherfore send for hym, and take James Gresham or some of your frends and Richard Calle, and fele what he menyth; and if ye can fynd hym disposed to leve his bargeyn yet, though I myght kepe stille the seid mony I wold he shuld not lese therby.
And anon the monke went unto his abbott, and was schryvyd of him, and told the abbott all that the kyng said, and prayed his abbott to assoyl him, for he wold gyffe the kyng such a wassayle, that all Englond shuld be glad and joyful therof.
Ful riche was his tresor and his hord; For which ful fast his countour done he shet, And eke he n'olde no man shuld him let Of his accountes for the mene time; And thus he sat till it was passed prime.
I thought I shuld have bene kylled with his breth, for it is worse than your uncle's breth; and yet I was sett no nearer to him than in a chayr by his bolster, and he lyeth at the furdre syde of the bed.
And yet did I yesterday looke for that that shuld make me meryer then I shall be.
I hope that you desyre now that we shall lyve a happy lyfe; for if it weare otherwise, it could not be but greater inconvenience shuld happen to us both than you think.
In the end he desyred much that I shuld lodge in his lodging.
He said that he did dreme, and that he was so glad to see me that he thought he shuld dye.
The king is so desyrous, that I shuld give him meate with my own hands, but trust you no more there where you are than I doo here.
I have not sene him this night for ending your bracelet, but I can fynde no claspes for yt; it is ready therunto, and yet I feare least it should bring you yll happ, or that it shuld be known if you were hurte.
But it greevith me, that it shuld lett me from wryting unto you of newes of myself --long the same-- so much I have to write.
I have not made one worde, and it is very late, althoughe I shuld never be weary in wryting to you, yet will I end, after kyssing of your handes.
I shuld haue be he made me absente ¶ To my grete dyshonour & in especyall.
As desperate wounds still must have desperate cure, So all rash mischeiffes shuld have suddeine shiftes.
The cloyster gates are all bar'd and fast lockt; These suddeine mischieffes shuld have suddeine shifts.
It fortuned ther was a great varyance bitwen the bysshop of Norwych and one master Shelton[77] a poyet lauryat, in so much that the bysshop commaundyd hym that he shuld not come in his gatys.
To comforte hym there came a very merye man whiche, as they talked to gether sayde, he wolde teache hym suche a rule that, if he wold folowe it, he shuld neuer falle from tree more.
But he charged them that they shuld nat open it tyll the xv dayes ende: for, if they did, he sayde hit had no vertue.
One of the citezins, called Heradamon, for feare lest he shuld be slayne amonge the other, betrayed the cyte.
It is nat ynough to haue rebukes redie, and to speke vyle wordes agaynst other: for he, that so shuld do, ought to be without any vyce.
The kynge answered: if I shuld gyue euery manne so moche, that is my kynse manne lyke as thou arte, I shulde leaue nothynge for my selfe.
Thus, fearynge leest, whan thou arte gone, a worse shuld succede and reigne ouer vs, I praye God dayly to preserue the in helthe.
These Philosofers with gret study and delyberacion determinid and shewd this man that there were iii especial pointes, wherebi he shuld sure know if a woman were a shrew.
And forth-with they made a law, that no child after that (saue only Papirius) shuld come in to the parlement house with his father.
Why shuld not pilgrimes to thy body come' (marked 'F.
Which letters patents he after confirmed by his act of parlement, declaring also by his will vnto his said feoffees, his intent and meaning, how the sameshuld be imploied vpon the edifications of his said two colledges.
If we haue receiued any benefits of him, suerlie they be not so much as we haue deserued, nor so much as we looked for; and yet they be much more than he would we shuld inioy, as ye both well perceiue and know.
That he, al hool, or of him slivere, Shuld have his refut in so digne a place, Ther Iove him sone out of your herte arace!
And upon that was mad an ordinaunce, 575 They that cam first, hir billes shuld be red.
Wolde ye turne and leve your pryde, Your hye port, and your richesse, Your cursing shuld not go so wyde; God bring you into rightwysnesse!
Than eche of us took other by the sleve, And forth withal, as we shuld take our leve.
Who shuld her rule, who shuld her reed, Who shuld her forthren, who shuld avayl?
And if all suche shuld do so, certes, wel nigh al the world shuld go aboute and begge as 175 ye do: and so shulde there be ten beggers agaynst oon yever.
And all were it so, that he shuld have part of youre good dedes; yet shulde he have no more than god would geve him, after that he were worthy; and so much shall eche man have of goddes yefte, withoute youre limitacion.
And the pope were purely pore, 1085 Nedy, and nothing ne had, He shuld be driven from dore to dore; The wicked of him nold not be drad.
Hir dedes shuld be as bright as sterre, Hir living, lewed mannes light; 970 They say, the pope may not erre, Nede must that passe mannes might.
I dare not prayse, leest for fere I offende; My langageshuld rathere apayere than amend.
Aboute the world all-most eternallie; Lette his owne werkys prayse hym and magnifie; I dare not preyse, for fere that I offende, My lewde langage shuld rather appeyre than amend.
It is a myrakle that I tell, good syr, or els what maruayle shuld it be, that cowld water shuld slake thurste?
Thayr surnames be putto lest any man hereaftershuld vsurpe any || D iiij.
There thay saye that thys blessyd martyr sayd his last good nyght to our lady, whã he shuld departe hensse.
Wherfor shuld our lady rather doo so, than God hymselffe, whom thay be nat affrayd to pluke owt hys robes, & breake ye churche walles therfore.
What shuld ye do at Londo: seynge ye were not farre from the see cost, to seale in to yowr cuntre?
O how like to the sone is the mother, for he hath left to vs so moche blood here in erthe, & she so moche mylke, that a man wyl skarysly beleue a woman to haue so moche mylke of one chylde, in case the chyld shuld sukke none at all.
No, I wold you shuld know it, there is no lyuynge tode that more euydêtly dothe expresse hymselffe than it dyd there playnly apere.
And lest thereshuld be any suspectyõ of crafty cõuayance in you, you shall se the epistle wryten with his owne hande.
That I shuld se vn- to these thynges holy scriptu- re commaundethe, that I shuld commyt the charge to sayntes I dyd rede yt neuer com- maun- ded.
If thou do remember them, I shuld but trouble you: If you haue forgotten them, when by deede I haue profited nothyng, what good can I do in wordes?
Dubitatio, Dubitacion; when wee doute of two thynges, or of many, which we shuld inespecially speke of.
What shuld I speake of that ornamente Syr Thomas Wyat?
And what maruail is it if these words haue not bene vsed heretofore, seynge there was no suche thynge in oure Englishe tõgue where vnto they shuld be applyed?
Male collocatum, when wordes be naughtelye ioyned together, or set in a place wher thei shuld not be.
Neyther skylleth it that we haue rehearsed ficcion and comparicion amonge argumentes, for there is no cause why that amplificacion and oruacion shuld not be taken out of the same places from whence ther commeth probacion.
Humiliatio, when the dygnitye of the thyng is diminyshed by basenes of the worde: as if we shuld say to a greate prynce or a kynge: If it please your mastershyp.
Also, what shuld I speake of myne owne good turnes towarde the.
He shuld haue applied it to amplifiyng, if he had propouned it thus.
Sidenote: But this shuld not séem to be any iust excuse, for M.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shuld" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.