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Example sentences for "quene"

Lexicographically close words:
quencheth; quenching; quenchless; quencht; quendam; quenelle; quenelles; quenes; quens; quent
  1. And that scho saw nocht the Quene thir seuin ʒeir.

  2. Andro Man of Aberdeen in 1597 confessed 'that all thay quha convenis with thame kissis Christsonday and the Quene of Elphenis airss'.

  3. The said Bessie ansuerit, that sche remembrit wele thairof; and Thom said, That was the Quene of Elfame his maistres, quha had commandit him to wait vpoun hir, and to do hir gude.

  4. Thow confessis that be the space of threttie twa yeris sensyn or thairby, thow begud to have carnall deall with that devilische spreit, the Quene of Elphen, on quhom thow begat dyveris bairnis, quhom thow hes sene sensyn.

  5. Siclyk, thow affermis that the Quene of Elphen hes a grip of all the craft, bot Christsonday is the gudeman, and hes all power vnder God.

  6. Thow affermis that the quene is verray plesand, and wilbe auld and young quhen scho pleissis; scho mackis any kyng quhom scho pleisis, and lyis with any scho lykis'.

  7. Ye be my lyf, ye be myn hertes stere, Quene of comfort and of good companye: Beth hevy ageyn, or elles mot I dye!

  8. The mention of 'the quene of Ermony' in l.

  9. Or what man might with-in the chambre dwelle, 165 If I to him rehersen shal the helle, That suffreth fair Anelida the quene For fals Arcite, that did hir al this tene?

  10. This was the tale: Ther was a king That highte Seys, and hadde a wyf, The beste that mighte bere lyf; And this quene highte Alcyone.

  11. Woltow than make a statut on thy quene That I shal been ay at thyn ordinaunce?

  12. Tho was I war wher that ther sat a quene That, as of light the somer-sonne shene Passeth the sterre, right so over mesure 300 She fairer was than any creature.

  13. And, first of othir, the quene hir self has kaucht Towart the Troianys a ful frendly mynd, As on to thame tilbe bowsum and kynd.

  14. And as thai come, the quene was set at des Vndir hir gloryus stentit capitale; Amang provd tapetis and mych rych apparale Hir place scho tuke, as was the gys that tyde, Ourspred with gold amyd a beddis syde.

  15. The king demanded of the quene and her ladies, if they durst venture to go into the wood with so many outlaws, and the quene was content.

  16. The king and quene sat down, and were served with venison and wine by Robin Hood and his men.

  17. Then Robin Hood desired the king and quene to come into the green wood, and see how the outlaws live.

  18. I desired them to advise better of it, and to see if they could find out any other meanes to prevent their mischievous intentions, without putting the quene and countrey to any further charge.

  19. Souch as wrote trayterouse l’res (letters) ynto Germany be apprehendyd as lykewyse oothers yt dyd calculate ye kynge and quene and my Lady Elizabeth natyvytee, wherof on Dee and Cary and butler, and on ooyr of my Lady Elezabeths .

  20. My bill of Manchester offered to the Quene afore dynner by Sir John Wolly to signe, but she deferred it.

  21. Secretour, "ye ar the weall worst of the twa; for I remember weill your ressonyng whan the Quene wes in Caryke.

  22. First, The Quene Regent had her espyellis in England.

  23. Yea, yf the King then lyving[907] was King, and the Quene now in this Realme be lauchfull Quene, that Parliament can nott be denyed.

  24. Thre syndrie dayis the Quene raid to the Tolbuyth.

  25. Also I send yow a copy of the letter that the quene sent to my Lord of Oxenford for the maner of Cotton for Blyaunt; but my Lord of Yorke told to Skerne that he wold in any wysse that my Lord of Oxenford shuld help yow to kepe possession.

  26. Thenne the quene lete al the other goo, and reteyned Iudas without moo[21]/.

  27. Theis salbe to certiffy you vpon monday the xxiii of Jully the quene and the lordis of the congregation are agreit on this maner as followeth.

  28. Nowe to conclude yf it had not bene for some nobillmens causis who hes promised to be owres we hade not appointted wt the quene at this tyme.

  29. For our part we sall remove of Eddingburght to or awne houssis, yt the quene may come to hir awne palyce, wch we tuke of before and hathe left it voyde to hir G.

  30. On Saynte Crispyns eve Wensday (24th October), dyid quene Jane in childbed, and is beryid in the castelle of Wynsor.

  31. And vppon the lefte hande of the quene satte the Kynge of Scottes in hys estate, the wyche was served wythe covered messe, like vnto the forenamed byshoppes, but after them.

  32. Whiche Quendrida dothe signyfye Quene Drida; as the author of the Antiquyties of Seint Albons and of the Abbottes thereof (supposed to be Mathewe Paris) dothe expounde yt.

  33. Quene Isabell and the prince, but the prince sent for her afterwardes, and so I suppose sayeth Hardinge in his cronicle, yf I do not mysconceve yt, not havinge the historye now in my handes.

  34. Com, nece myn; my lady quene Eleyne Abydeth yow, and eek my lordes tweyne.

  35. Eek I nil not be cured, I wol deye; What knowe I of the quene Niobe?

  36. For, by that ilke lord that made me, I nolde a forlong wey on-lyve han be, After your deeth, to han be crowned quene Of al the lond the sonne on shyneth shene.

  37. Ye seen that every day eek, more and more, 1345 Men trete of pees; and it supposed is, That men the quene Eleyne shal restore, And Grekes us restore that is mis.

  38. At that tyme was our Quene crouned,[290] and new promess maid to France.

  39. He travailled nocht the less earnestlie in the Quene Regentis affares, and could nott be perswaded bot that sche ment sincerlie, and that sche wold promote the religioun to the uttermost of her power.

  40. After the English lordes had done ther commission the French kynge wylled the to take no lenger payne & so gaue to theim good rewardes and they toke ther leaue of the quene and returned.

  41. Noueber, ther the sayde quene was receyued into the cytee of Parys after the order thar foloweth.

  42. On the morowe bega the iustes, and the quene stode so that al men might see her, and wonder at her beautie, and the kynge was feble and lay on a couche for weakenes.

  43. In the whiche Universite is no Collage founded by eny quene of England hidertoward.

  44. Item, sere, please youre maystership hit was leten me wete in ryght secrete wyse that a pyssaunce is redy to aryve in thre parties of this londe, by the meane of Kyng Herry and the Quene that wes, and by the Dewk Somercete and others, of vi.

  45. My Lord of Warwek hathe be in Skotlond, an take a castell of the Skoots; and upon thys ther came the Quene of Skoots[44.

  46. Quene to take ye ayre about your howss on horssback, so your L.

  47. I declared to the Quene her title to Greenland, Estotiland, and Friesland.

  48. Mr. North from Poland, after he had byn with the Quene he came to me.

  49. I spake with the Quene hora quinta; I spoke with Mr. Secretary Walsingham.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "quene" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.