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Example sentences for "al"

Lexicographically close words:
akropolis; akti; aktually; akua; akvo; ala; alabarch; alabaster; alablaster; alacke
  1. Christmas flashed brightly, dulled and stood aside for the start of a new year.

  2. The two examiners also differed on the identification of one of the 'suspect' medical school SmurFFs.

  3. Then the very next year, they were the pits.

  4. Ann was adamant that she had not said that.

  5. With that, Henry thought, the book is closed.

  6. You were given samples of what you were told was my handwriting that covered twenty to thirty years?

  7. Lyle reluctantly agreed that it was and Henry quickly took back the questioning to bring Lyle to the crowning touch of his testimony before Trenchant could further discredit him.

  8. She recalled how all of these promises had been made when the panel had ended the first hearing.

  9. The curious treatise which contains the supposed conversations of King Bocchus and the philosopher Sidrac (p.

  10. To him is largely due the success of the Thomist scheme, of which he was an able, persistent, and vigorous exponent.

  11. There is neither date, place, nor printer's name given; but it is considered to have been the work of Nic.

  12. And I shall want seven for Haroun al Raschid this evening.

  13. Deze proefnemingen zijn echter in den regel mislukt, omdat eene bestendige, aanhoudende werkzaamheid met hunne gansche natuur in strijd is: zij kunnen zich daarin niet schikken.

  14. Mi vendi le tue brevi gioie, le tue fuggitive dolcezze a mari di lacrime, a milioni di sospiri, a prezzo di lunghi e infiniti affanni.

  15. Ma a solo a solo, all'oscuro e dentro un forno combatterò con te.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "al" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    alimentary canal; alkaline solutions; allowed himself; allowed them; almond extract; almond paste; almost impossible; alone together; alphabetical index; already acquainted; already alluded; already cited; already remarked; already stated; also built; also find; also means; also received; also says; also similar; also tells; also told; aluminum smelting; always something; always trying; always well