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Example sentences for "wole"

Lexicographically close words:
wold; wolde; wolden; woldest; wolds; wolen; wolf; wolfed; wolfhound; wolfish
  1. A-nother cause is this; that sothly, in any tretis of the Astrolabie that I have 15 seyn, there ben some conclusions that wole nat in alle thinges performen hir bihestes; and some of hem ben to harde to thy tendre age of ten yeer to conseyve.

  2. Put the ring of thyn Astrolabie upon the thoumbe of thy right hand, and thanne wole his right syde be toward thy left syde, and his left syde wol be toward thy right syde; tak this rewle general, 5 as wel on the bak as on the wombe-side.

  3. This tretis, divided in fyve parties, wole I shewe thee under ful lighte rewles and naked wordes in English; for Latin ne canstow yit but smal, my lyte 20 sone.

  4. For if ought shall be doo I trowe the Frere wole be there atte doyng.

  5. And as for that the Lord Moleyns hath wretyn that he dar put the matier in awarde of my Lord Chaunceler, and in what juge he wole take to hym, &c.

  6. And they gef you counsell in all wise that ye labour to have Yelverton Juge at that tyme, and in all wise bothe in that materz and in all other, that ye be war that Prisot have not to have do in any wise, for than all wole be nought.

  7. And if the comyng thider of our persone self shuld be to plesir of hir, we wole not leve our labour in that: wherfore we pray you that ye wole do your part heryn, as ye wole we do for yow in tyme comyng, and that ye se us in hast.

  8. And I suppose that as for Costardis accions thei wole have nisi prius, &c.

  9. Also that my Lord Norffolk shall certifie the Kyng and his Counseill that but if the day of the oyer and termyner stonde, it wole be full harde, by cause the peple is so wylde.

  10. I pray yow, neverthelesse, that ye wole eftsones speke to William White with my Lord Cardinall, for I desire his maistership and good will and wole do to my power.

  11. I preye yow hertily laboure ye so to my Lord Chaunceller that owther he wole graunte me my desire, or ellis that he wole denye it.

  12. I have wretyn to yow to fore this tyme; and I suppose that he wole have a nisi prius of the same atte seid assises.

  13. Sir, ye wole recorde that I was never thef;' and he seid he trowed right weel that he cowde telle why he took Plumpsteds goods, and othir words whiche were long to write.

  14. Shiref, William Genney wole undirtake for hym that he shall and wole be ruled weel inow, &c.

  15. Normandie, and men arn ferd that Calese wole be beseged hastily, &c.

  16. And zif a man caste iren there in, it wole flete aboven.

  17. Aftre take also a drope of bawme, and put it in to a dissche or in a cuppe with mylk of a goat; and zif it be naturelle bawme, anon it wole take and beclippe the mylk.

  18. For God wole not, that it be longe in the hondes of trytoures ne of synneres, be thei Cristene or othere.

  19. I have often tymes assayed, that zif a man kepe hem with a litylle of the roche, and wete hem with May dew ofte sithes, thei schulle growe everyche zeer; and the smale wole wexen grete.

  20. And zif men caste a fedre there in, it wole synke to the botme: and theise ben thinges azenst kynde.

  21. And it is not long siththen, that a knyghte of the Rodes, that was hardy and doughty in armes, seyde that he wole kyssen hire.

  22. May no deeth hym dere, Ne no develes queyntise; And where he wole is his wey, Ac ware hym of the perils.

  23. If this kyng come in, Mankynde wole he fecche, And lede it ther hym liketh, And lightliche me bynde.

  24. So harde he yede over myn heed, It wole be sene evere.

  25. Original line numbering preserved, appears to be a further 1 too low.

  26. The description of the minstrel given here is very curious.

  27. The author of these Distiches, Dionysius Cato, is supposed to have lived under the Antonines, and has certainly no claim to the title of an obscure French writer.

  28. WOLE gnashed his teeth and turned again to smite The helpless girl who pleaded; but the light Which angered him had beautified her so, That his cold breath grew moist upon his beard.

  29. Ye may hir gilt in othere bokes see; And gladlier I wole wryten, if yow leste, Penolopees trouthe and good Alceste.

  30. The yerde is bet that bowen wole and winde Than that that brest; and therfor I yow rede To folwen him that so wel can yow lede.

  31. Thus wole I seye and thus; Thus wole I pleyne unto my lady dere; That word is good, and this shal be my chere; This nil I not foryeten in no wyse.

  32. And go we anoon, for, as in myn entente, 1525 This is the beste, if that ye wole assente.

  33. For who-so wole of every word take hede, Or rewlen him by every wightes wit, Ne shal he never thryven, out of drede.

  34. Men, to sey wel of wommen it is best, And nat for to despyse hem ne deprave, If that they wole hir honour kepe and save.

  35. Bot he goth al an other wente; For rathere er he scholde faile, With Nigromance he wole assaile To make his incantacioun With hot subfumigacioun.

  36. For love is lord in every place, Ther mai no lawe him justefie Be reddour ne be compaignie, That he ne wole after his wille Whom that him liketh spede or spille.

  37. Mi Sone, who that wole it seche, In bokes he mai finde it write; And natheles, if thou wolt wite, 4240 In the manere as thou hast preid I schal the telle hou it is seid.

  38. Thus grante I yow myn hole vois, Ches for ous bothen, I you preie; And what as evere that ye seie, 1830 Riht as ye wole so wol I.

  39. Now have ye herd touchende of this, Mi fader, in confessioun: And therfor of Detraccioun In love, of that I have mispoke, Tel how ye wole it schal be wroke.

  40. And riht so in the same wise, If thou thiself wolt wel avise, 430 Ther be lovers of suche ynowe, That wole unto no reson bowe.

  41. Pite is thilke vertu blessed 3260 Which nevere let his Maister falle; Bot crualte, thogh it so falle That it mai regne for a throwe, God wole it schal ben overthrowe: Wherof ensamples ben ynowhe Of hem that thilke merel drowhe.

  42. Whan thou art come into the place, Wher now thei maken gret manace And upon thi comynge abyde, Thei wole anon the same tide 1600 Oppose thee of thin answere.

  43. F (173-4): ye schall see a wondur dreche whan my sone wole me fecche.

  44. Forthi tomorwe in other place 170 I wole it fonde for to selle, And if it wol noght with him duelle, Bot crepe into mi purs a[gh]ein, Than dar I saufly swere and sein It is the vertu of the ston.

  45. Gh]ef me shal wonte wille of on, [Th]is wunne weole y wole forgon, 35 Ant wyht in wode be fleme.

  46. Woltow wedde this womman," quod the kyng, "If I wole assente?

  47. Thanne he assoiled hire soone, And sithen he seide, 1450 "We have a wyndow in werchynge Wole sitten us ful hye, Woldestow glaze that gable And grave therinne thy name, Syker sholde thi soule be Hevene to have.

  48. Quod Conscience to the kyng, "But the commune wole assente, It is ful hard, by myn heed!

  49. The Englissh of this Latyn is, Who so wole it knowe Who so spareth the spring, Spilleth hise children.

  50. And is to mene to men That on this moolde lyven, Who so wole be pure parfit Moot possession forsake, Or selle it, as seith the Book, And the silver dele To beggeris that goon and begge 7120 And bidden good for Goddes love.

  51. I wole have leaute in lawe, And lete be al youre janglyng; {76} And as moost folk witnesseth wel, Wrong shal be demed.

  52. Now hastily do fecche a book,' quod he, 'And if this knight wol sweren how that she This womman slow, yet wole we us avyse Whom that we wole that shal ben our Iustyse.

  53. But peraventure he hath swich hevinesse and swich wratthe to us-ward, by-cause of our offence, / that he wole enioyne us swich a peyne as we mowe nat here ne sustene.

  54. Now wol I stinte of this Arveragus, And speken I wole of Dorigene his wyf, 815 That loveth hir housbonde as hir hertes lyf.

  55. Ire, after the philosophre, is the fervent blood of man y-quiked in his herte, thurgh which he wole harm to him that he hateth.

  56. And zif there ben 10 or 12 men or mo dwellynge in an hows, the wif of eyeryche of hem schalle ben comoun to hem alle, that duellen in that hows; so that every man may liggen with whom he wole of hem, on o nyght.

  57. And whan thei han eten, thei putten hire dissches unwasschen in to the pot or cawdroun, with remenant of the flessche and of the brothe, till thei wole eten azen.

  58. For the Pissemyres wole suffren bestes to gon and pasturen amonges hem; but no man in no wyse.

  59. And there ben also many trees, that of nature thei wole never brenne ne rote in no manere.

  60. And the most drede is, that God wole taken vengeance thanne, of that men han mys don azen his wille.

  61. And if thow take a wyf she wole destroye Thy good substance, and thy body annoye.

  62. Heroudes, who-so wole the stories seche, Ther may ye lerne and by ensample teche.

  63. That no man wole perisse = that wishes no one to perish.

  64. Wherefore, gracyus Lord, plese it your hyghe Majeste to delyvere such as we wole accuse, and they to have lyke, as they have deserved and done, and ze to be honorabled and worsshepyt as most ryghtffull Kyng and oure governour.

  65. Olivere is taile, I can not see it wole be, for there is noo suche worlde to bringe it abowte.

  66. I sende to yow the bokes of his accompt to th'entent that Spyrlyng may awayte upon yow at his comyng, and declare hym his dewte, wheche, as myn receyvore seyth, hit wole drawe to the summe of xlvli.

  67. Myhellmas next comyng; and it is solde ryth well aftyr that the wole was, for the moste part was ryte febyll.

  68. We hadde be beguyled and they hadde not be sen in Norffolk, for here til this day come noo counsaill; and to have per manus Johannis Wyngfelde it wole not be, for we can not bringe it inne, and also it is to late.

  69. Wherfor lyke yow to write on to your baly of Mauteby to take your tenauntes with hym to have a sight of the seid water and ground, and that they bere half costes for ther part, and I wole bere the other part.

  70. Wherfore, cosyn, I praye yow that ye wole tender the same for the weel and good speed therof, as myne syngler trust is in yow.

  71. And saide “a thefe is in my boure, Robbe me he wole or sloo.

  72. Where-of I wole yoᶙ telle of ooɳ, it would take too long It were to mocħ to telle of alle.

  73. If thai wole reneye he[rh] goddis the[rh] if they would And leven on myghty Mahounde.

  74. Knowist thou not that cruel lorde, How he wole thy Barons spille?

  75. Ner of your play we wole not fele, For than̄ were we cursed in dede.

  76. My goddis ben false by water and londe, consents to be I reneye hem alle here in this place,[132] christened, his gods Baptised nowe wole I be.

  77. He saide “my peple nowe ne shalle 232 polluted by them, and With hem noughte defouled be, he would destroy every But I wole distroie ou«er» all Christian seed.

  78. I trowe, he speketh these wordes in waste, [leaf 7] He wole make bute an easy brayde.

  79. Charles cut off their Fal what so euer byfalle, heads, which they To the Soudon̄ wole they trappe.

  80. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wole" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.