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Example sentences for "foorth"

Lexicographically close words:
fools; foolscap; foor; foorce; foorced; foorthe; foorthwith; foos; foot; footage
  1. At which time the same Aurelius Ambrosius lay sicke at Winchester, and being not able to go foorth himselfe, desired his brother Vter Pendragon to assemble an armie of Britains, and to go against Pascentius and his adherents.

  2. When Aurelius and his brother Vter perceiued that they were sufficientlie furnished of people, they marched foorth towards Wales against Vortigerne, who [Sidenote: Vortigerne burnt to death.

  3. Neuerthelesse I wan them to goe all with me, except three which I set on land, and with all diligence I was readie to set foorth about eight of the clocke at night, being a faire moone shine night, and went out.

  4. And then he declared how contrary to that sowing, Mahomet had sowen seed, which brought foorth euill fruit.

  5. In this Isle there are such swarmes of people, that euery yeare they goe foorth in great numbers with their wiues and children into France.

  6. Hee set foorth also what power the Turke had, what diuersities of companies, what captaines he had, so that he thought, that without a marueilous great number of people, he could not be ouerthrowen.

  7. These speeches being finished, there was brought foorth certain peeces of blacke silke of twelue vares[17] long a peece.

  8. This ilander perceiuing it, came foorth and swimmed aboue the water, shewing his handes, and made signes that he had nothing in them, which was the occasion that they did not shoot at him.

  9. The cause was so iust, that euerie man allowed it; and to the setting foorth of the war taken in hand for so necessarie an occasion, euerie man promised his helping hand.

  10. The king hauing aduertisement of this siege of Excester, hasted foorth with his host, in as much speed as was possible, and sent the lord Daubeneie with certeine bands of light horssemen before, to aduertise all men of his comming at hand.

  11. The Englishmen got great riches at this field, for they that went foorth in cloth, came home in silke, and those that went out on foot, came home on great horsses.

  12. But the citizens, with helpe of such as were come foorth of the countrie adioining to their aid, so valiantlie defended the walles, that they slue aboue two hundred of Perkins souldiers at that assault.

  13. Daw thou her vp, ande I will fetch thee foorth Potions of comfort to represse h r paine.

  14. Queene March foorth in homely weede and be not seene?

  15. As for example, an Englishman that hath heard of Waterford in Ireland, and not of Wexford, might in taking foorth a copie of some writing easilie commit a fault in noting the one for the other.

  16. Now Voadicia being prepared (as you heare) set foorth with such maiestie, that she greatlie incouraged the Britains; vnto whome for their better animating and emboldening, she vttered this gallant oration in manner and forme following.

  17. Our children are taken from us, we are forced to go to the musters, and are set foorth to serue in forren parties, as those that are ignorant which way to spend our liues in the quarell of our owne countrie.

  18. Cesar learning by relation of prisoners which he tooke, what the Britains intended to doo, marched foorth to the riuer side, where the foord was, by the which his armie might passe the same on foot though verie hardlie.

  19. But about noone, when Cesar had sent foorth thrée legions of footemen and all his horssemen vnder the [Sidenote: Caius Trebonius.

  20. At their first approch togither, Cassibellane sent foorth his horssemen and charets called Esseda, by the which he thought to disorder the araie of the enimies.

  21. In the version of 1560 the same passage is given thus: "For as much as many have taken in hande to set foorth the storie of those thinges whereof we are fully persuaded.

  22. For God is our witnesse that we haue by all meanes indeuoured to set foorth the puritie of the word and the right sense of the holy Ghost for the edifying of the brethren in faith and charitie.

  23. He wyll conuerte my soule; he wyll bring me foorth into the pathes of righteousnesse for his name sake.

  24. Newly corrected, enlarged and amended: with such Additions as are requisite unto every seuerall Booke: Taken foorth of the most approved Authors, the like heretofore not translated in English.

  25. First set foorth in the Dutch or Almaigne toong by that learned D.

  26. First set foorth in the Doutche or Almaigne | tongue, by that learned D.

  27. First set foorth in the Doutche or Almaigne tongue by that learned D.

  28. Awaked from her Dreames, Shooting foorth goulden Beames Dansing vpon the Streames Courting the Fountaines.

  29. When down theyr bowes they threw, And foorth theyr bilbowes drewe, And on the French they flew, No man was tardy.

  30. Foorth that braue King couragious Henry goes, An hower before that it was fully light.

  31. The writ was dated at Tutburie the eleuenth of March, and the like writs were directed and sent foorth to all other shiriffes through the realme, and likewise to the bishop of Durham, and to the iustice of Chester.

  32. But he was counselled not to go foorth of the realme to the king, so that therevpon rose no small displeasure, and great doubt least there would haue followed ciuill warres about it.

  33. Because this word Maiestie is a word expressing a certaine Soueraigne dignitie, as well as a quallitie of countenance, and therefore may properly be said to raigne, & requires no meaner a word to set him foorth by.

  34. These examples I haue the willinger giuen you to set foorth the nature and vse of your figure metaphore, which of any other being choisly made, is the most commendable and most common.

  35. As the good seedes sowen in fruitfull soyle, Bring foorth foyson when barren doeth them spoile: So doeth it fare when much good learning hits, Vpon shrewde willes and ill disposed wits.

  36. Whereupon it came to passe, that all the commendable parts of speech were set foorth by the name of figures, and all the illaudable partes vnder the name of vices, or viciosities, of both which it shall bee spoken in their places.

  37. Then setteth foorth Simon earle of Hampton, whose déeds consist in words, & whose gifts rest in promises.

  38. He brought his armie therefore into Scotland, first wasting and spoiling the countrie, and afterward preparing to fight with such Scots as came foorth to defend their goods and houses.

  39. Duke Henrie aduertised hereof departing from the place where he soiourned, hasted foorth to succour his people that were besieged, [Sidenote: The castell of Newmarch deliuered to the French king.

  40. Thus came things to passe in sundrie places with so good successe as duke Henrie could wish, wherevpon meaning to follow the steps of prosperous fortune, he marched foorth to Stamford, [Sidenote: Stamford was taken.

  41. The flowers come foorth before the leaves, oftentimes in the moneth of Januarie, clustering togither about the stalks at certain distances, of a whitish colour tending to purple, and of a most fragrant and pleasant sweet smell.

  42. These things doone, at length when as king John had remained at Paris with great mirth and solace certeine daies, the French king brought him foorth of the citie, and tooke leaue of him in verie louing wise.

  43. King John holding his Christmasse this yeare at Bristow, set foorth a commandement, whereby he restreined the taking of wild foule.

  44. The legat comming foorth of the towre, repaired to the church of S.

  45. About the same time that the earle of Cornewall was in his returne foorth of the holie land, new wars suddenlie arose in Wales, which happened well for king Henrie.

  46. Some of his ships were rigged and vittelled at Lin, and some at Hull, and well furnished with souldiers were herewith set foorth to the sea.

  47. Great is my quill, to bring foorth such a birth, as shall abash the Virgins of our earth.

  48. The earth in diuers places yeelded foorth a hideous noyse; It cast foorth flames at certaine rifts diuers dayes together, which neither by water nor by any other meanes could be suppressed.

  49. So the flame brake foorth more furious then it was before, and ouer went King William with an able armie; where hee found the Duke also in good condition of strength commanding the field.

  50. The Pall was caried to Anselme with great pompe, in a vessell of siluer; and he came foorth bare footed, in his Priestly Vestments to meete and to receiue it.

  51. Here the Duke, because he would not either aduenture or trust his Souldiers, went foorth in person to discouer the Countrey, with 15.

  52. Here the Abbot with the Couent of Monks came foorth with all accustomed ceremonies, to meet the corps: to whom the whole multitude of the Clergie and Lay-people did adioyne.

  53. Here he Marshalled his Armie, and marched foorth into the Countrey: and when hee came neere vnto Yorke, he was encountred by the English, led by Edwine and Morchar the principall commanders of all those quarters.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "foorth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.