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Example sentences for "worke"

Lexicographically close words:
workaday; workbasket; workbench; workbox; workday; worked; workemanship; workemen; worker; workers
  1. I knowe that worke is of great moment and on it dependes much of the prosperitie, and good estate of the whole kingdome.

  2. Then why should Reason iudge that reasonles 'Which is wit's ofspring, and the worke of art, 'Image of concord and of comlines?

  3. Returne he cannot, nor Continue where he is: To shift his being, Is to exchange one misery with another, And euery day that comes, comes to decay A dayes worke in him.

  4. Nay, do not wonder at it: you are made Rather to wonder at the things you heare, Then to worke any.

  5. John Spens the Lawyer, she concluded in this maner: Work here, worke there: what kinde of workyng is al this?

  6. Prickett concludes this episode by showing that Hudson's eager desire to press on prevailed: "After many words to no purpose, to worke we must on all hands, to get ourselves out and to cleere our ship.

  7. The city authorities were very urgent in getting this Act passed, and pressed the judges to give the Bill all dispatch they could, "as a matter of principal concernment and encouragement to the great worke of re-building the citty.

  8. Charles was well pleased, and the Recorder was ordered to attend the council every Sunday afternoon with a similar account "untill the worke be perfected.

  9. In the English tractate, Praepositas his Practise, a worke .

  10. In the English translation of Solinus's De Mirabilibus (The excellent and pleasant worke of Julius Solinus containing the noble actions of humaine creatures, the secretes and providence of nature, the descriptions of countries .

  11. Remember in your play alwaies to keep the palme of your hand downeward: After you have once learned to hold these balls handsomely, you may worke divers strange, and delightfull feats.

  12. LEgerdemaine is an operation, whereby one may seeme to worke wonderfull, impossible, and incredible things by agility, nimblenesse, and slightnesse of hand.

  13. Called up betimes by my Lord Bruncker, who is come to towne from his long water worke at Erith last night, to go with him to the Duke of Albemarle, which by his coach I did.

  14. For the Fable and Fiction is, as it were, the form and Soule of any Poeticall worke or Poeme.

  15. His worke so done, he is a chorle vnkynde If he do nat content the workmannys mynde.

  16. Suche hertles folys to them self neglygent In theyr owne charge slepe contynually But with open iyen they ar full dylygent The worke of other with all theyr myght to aply And for others profyte prouyde they besely.

  17. I haue in many places ouerpassed dyuers poetical digressions and obscurenes of fables and haue concluded my worke in rude langage as shal apere in my translacion.

  18. I haue in many places ouerpassed dyuers poetical digressions and obscurenes of Fables and haue concluded my worke in rude langage as shal apere in my translacion.

  19. So where I in youth a certayne worke began, And not concluded, as oft doth many a man: Yet thought I after to make the same perfite, But long I missed that which I first did write.

  20. A very good peece of worke I assure you, and a merry.

  21. Hard handed men, that worke in Athens heere, Which neuer labour'd in their mindes till now; And now haue toyled their vnbreathed memories With this same play, against your nuptiall The.

  22. This shoulder was ordained so thicke to heaue, And heaue it shall some waight or breake my backe, Worke thou the waie, and thou shalt execute.

  23. For he it is, but I must not say so, That by my meanes must worke the Duches fall, Who now by Cuniurations thinkes to rise.

  24. They must hunger in frost that will not worke in heate.

  25. Gamesters worke not with their hands the thing that is good, to be free from stealing (Ephe.

  26. Howe many thousandes doth suche lubricite bring to beggery theft and idelnesse whiche shuld haue kept theire good name and haue set theim silues to worke had not ben this excesse treasure of the spiritualtie?

  27. Your grace may se whate a worke there is in London, howe the bisshoppe rageth for endyting of certayn curates of extorcion and incontinency the last yere in the warmoll quest.

  28. The kyng takyng his signet of[f] his finger, willed hym to haue hym reommended to the Lord Chauncellour, chargyng him not to bee so hardy to worke him any harme.

  29. Leland remarks upon it as follows: "There is a right faire and costely peace of worke for poor market folks to stand dry when rayne cummeth; the men of the towne made this peace of worke in hominum memoriâ.

  30. On the sixt hower, at which time, my Lord You said our worke should cease Pro.

  31. The sound is going away, Lets follow it, and after do our worke Ste.

  32. In the morning when the day began to appeare, she made hast to arise: and being asked of the king why she so hasted; That I may go to my daies worke if it please your grace (quoth she.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "worke" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    worked from; worked hard; worked out