I rejoice to see him manfully coming among us, to imbibe a knowledge of the Constitution within the walls of the Commons of England.
Then influenza laid hold of him, and though he struggled manfully against it, at last there was no doubt that the end was near.
Bill was at work in the field, fighting manfullywith a large growth of weeds; he greeted them kindly, but continued his labors.
Spaniards, fought manfully till he was borne down with pikes, and so died.
The company who were to turn the left flank walked manfully down into the sea, and never found out where they were going till they were knee-deep in water.
This last appeal struck home, and up leaped half-a-dozen of the old Pelicans, and set to work at his sidemanfully to rig the jury-mast.
There's Porter and Grundy and Rhea, In Congress who manfully vapor, Who draw their six dollars a day, And fight bloody battles on paper!
The President fought manfully for life, but blood poisoning developed, and death followed on September 19.
He triedmanfully to pull himself together; he reminded himself that he could still work, could still serve the world, and that, after all, was what he was in the world for.
Then the seaman swore before the senate, that he would manfully defend the fleet intrusted to him, and sacrifice everything, body and soul, rather than abandon his ship.
It was the heroic time of the Protestant faith; simple preachers, fathers with wives and children, manfully suffered for their convictions, and were soon followed by thousands of laity.
I pity you more than myself, but supportmanfully the little torment that yet remains.
That night Vartan, with priests and bishops, passed through the army exhorting them to fight manfully against the invaders.
Toby knew that the advice was good, and he struggledmanfully to carry it into execution, but it was very hard work.
The cutter, meanwhile, had been manfully following her lighter consort all this while, the midshipman in charge of her amusing himself by blazing away at me as fast as he could load and fire even after we had run out of range.
And he fell to praising the good help which the Eastdalers had given them by cleaving so manfully to the shot-stour, which he said had been their deliverance; for delivered they looked to be.
One's thought kindles in thinking of him here at this quiet village, as a friend of Milton, like him using his gifts manfully and successfully in defence of the Englishman's birthright.
To have established such relations with readers of my books is a great happiness to me, and one that I hope never to forfeit by being otherwise than manfully and truly in earnest in my vocation.
Firstly, because he boldly said what all the others think, and therefore deserved to be manfully supported.
And hereupon the Masters mate of the Anne Francis called Iohn Gray, manfully and honestly offering himselfe vnto his Captaine in this aduenture and seruice, gaue cause to others of his Mariners to follow the attempt.
After this dialogue, with much more conversation of a similar character, the Secretary and the envoy set themselves frankly and manfully to work.
Sculpture, with him, was a religious faith, and he defended it manfully and practiced it with skill and an industry which was astounding.
Every day an assault was delivered upon one of the three gates of the city, and sometimes upon all at once; but the besieged replied manfully with showers of stones and arrows.
At this moment Douglas came on the scene, raised his war-cry, and pressed hard on the English, who manfully defended themselves.
He obeyed her, and looking squarely in her eyes, manfully told her his plans, and tried to make her feel as he felt, that no love like his had ever filled a man's heart before.
He seized the lunch basket and marched manfully out to the wagon.
It means, further, the putting ourselves bravely and manfully on the side of right and truth and justice, in all their forms.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "manfully" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: gamely; hard; heroically; industriously; laboriously; manfully; strenuously