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Example sentences for "photography"

Lexicographically close words:
photographers; photographic; photographically; photographing; photographs; photogravures; photomechanical; photometer; photometric; photometry
  1. A very impressive illustration of the decomposing power of the waves of light is here purposely chosen; but the processes of photography illustrate the same principle.

  2. For the sensitized paper that is used in the blue process printing is, comparatively, very thick and stiff, and it may cockle more or less, while the paper that is used in ordinary photography is thin and does not cockle.

  3. Though experiments had been made in the problem of photography from the air before the war, principally by Fletcher, Hubbard and Laws, and its value to survey was recognized, it had not become of practical utility.

  4. In addition to the assistance of air photography to reconnaissance, the war gave it great impetus as the handmaid of survey and mapping.

  5. Lippmann has made of these waves to completely solve the problem of photography in colours is well known.

  6. Becquerel has shown by the aid of photography that they are deviated by a magnet, and Professor Rutherford has, on his side, studied this deviation by the electrical method.

  7. Our top-of-the-mountain photography was a great disappointment.

  8. The climbing of the tower, the traversing to the other side of it, the climbing of the ridge, would afford pleasant excursions, while the opportunity for careful though difficult photography would be unrivalled.

  9. Then spectrum photography was applied at the astrophysical observatory at Potsdam by Vogel.

  10. Above the tangled network of enemy defences roved the line photography machines, which provided the Staff with accurate survey maps of the Boche defences.

  11. A diversion is created by the return of the three photography machines.

  12. A gentleman named Mr. Wellington gave him information both in regard to this and to photography in general, for which father was very grateful.

  13. My father had now taken up photography and had made a collapsible dark room that he could carry on his back.

  14. Faulty: Color Photography I am interested in this new development of science.

  15. Right: Color Photography Taking pictures in color has long appealed to me as an interesting possibility .

  16. But when, as they will be in a few years, all these objections except the first have been removed, and even when we have colour-photography in a true sense of the word, there will still remain one field to conquer.

  17. A hundred years hence magazines and weekly periodicals may perhaps still be printed on greatly improved presses; but daily papers will be produced by photography alone.

  18. He is a surprise to those who meet him face to face--so far has photography failed to adequately present him, but the portrait we give is the best that has been made of him.

  19. They have never allowed the interest we have long taken in the miraculous art of photography to slacken.

  20. The reversed method of microscopic photography is that which gives portraits and documents in little.

  21. The number of amateur artists in photography is continually increasing.

  22. The field of photography is extending itself to embrace subjects of strange and sometimes of fearful interest.

  23. Within the last forty years, however, as reproductive processes have been invented, photography has come to be one of the most useful of arts.

  24. While all these wonders have come to pass in practical service, photography has likewise grown and expanded in the field of fine art.

  25. This is the first method of color photography to possess the great advantage of producing prints--not transparencies, so that any number of duplicates may be made.

  26. The writer believes the artistic value of color photography is relatively slight--a black and white art is capable of the fullest intellectual expression, and color is merely sensuous in its appeal.

  27. With the general acceptance of daguerreotypes, photography became a profession.

  28. The practice of photography depends primarily on the fact that certain chemical compounds are changed into other compounds by the action of light.

  29. Photography has been brought to such a state of perfection that good technical results may be obtained by persons that work by rote and know absolutely nothing of the principles underlying the craft.

  30. When photography appeared, it had no difficulty for a time in sweeping miniatures out of the field, for many people preferred the novelty of an exact portrait to a "work of art.

  31. The remark recalls another made to our own Queen when she said to Chalon, the miniaturist, that photography would ruin his profession.

  32. She knew, if Nan didn't, that Walker had made a hobby of photography and just the year before, had won a prize in a national show.

  33. Anyway it will only take a jiffy to teach you all I know about the photography business.

  34. Photography had evidently not done justice to Miss Lennox.

  35. Photography always fails with people of that sort.

  36. Among the many novel ideas which the discovery of Photography has suggested, is the following rather curious experiment or speculation.

  37. This book or tract--it is hardly a novel--contains among other extraordinary things a eulogy of photography that would delight the soul of a Steichen.

  38. Photography is based on this property in certain substances (for instance, in the salts of silver).

  39. A solution of collodion is employed in medicine for covering wounds, and in wet-plate photography for giving on glass an even coating of a substance into which the various reagents employed in the process are introduced.

  40. Fleet Street, where may also be procured Apparatus of every Description, and pure Chemicals for the practice of Photography in all its Branches.

  41. Suffice it to say, that the general principles governing other branches of photography are to be consulted here.

  42. Photographing Birds and Butterflies in Colors Color photography has surely come to stay.

  43. Chapman, upon Photography as an Aid to Bird Study, all the beautifully colored slides used as illustrations having been photographed from life.

  44. Briefly, this book is a record of observation and photography by two ornithologists in Great Britain.

  45. In photography a good portrait may be quite nullified by the choice of bad colors in dress.

  46. Again, there are others to whom photography is very favorable, and they show to more advantage in their pictures than ever they did in reality.

  47. It is a great mistake to imagine that photography is a mere mechanical trade.

  48. I read the book carefully, and took up photography as an amusement, using some apparatus which belonged to my father, who had at one time dabbled in the art.

  49. I then decided to try photography as a business.

  50. This art-training created in me a sort of disgust for photography, as I saw that the science of photography had really very little genuine art in it, and was more allied to a mechanical pursuit than to an artistic one.

  51. Photography has given us proofs of the incomparable beauty of our satellite; in short, all is known regarding the moon which mathematical science, astronomy, geology, and optics can learn about her.

  52. What this incomparable mountain really is, with all the projections converging towards it, and the interior excrescences of its crater, photography itself could never represent.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "photography" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    calligraphy; ceramics; decoration; design; designing; drawing; engraving; etching; gravure; letterpress; lithography; microscopy; mimeograph; offset; onset; optics; painting; photography; printing; publication; publishing; rotogravure; sculpture; stencil; typography