Nor was it probably any thing else that so much encouraged Esau formerly to marry two Canaanitish wives, without his parents' consent, as Isaac's unhappy fondness for him.
I informed Secretary Chase of my doubt as to the passage of the bill, and especially whether Mr. Anthony would vote for it; without his vote I did not think it would pass.
Every act passed by Congress, with or without his assent, upon every subject whatever, connected with reconstruction, was fairly and fully executed.
How and when had the child come in without his knowledge?
Congress knows now that it must go on without his aid, and even against his machinations.
Here I saw a horse standing patiently, without his rider; and stopping once more to look and listen, I presently perceived an indistinct object: which I discovered to be a man; wounded and weltering in his blood.
I immediately discovered, without his explanation, that he had entrapped me, by the equivocal sense of the word chance; and I drew out my purse to pay him, with a strong feeling of indignation that I should be so caught.
The little man, scrupulously attentive to whatever might advance me or him in the good graces of the right reverend, advised me to put my corrected sermon in my pocket; which, with or without his advice, I suspect I should have done.
Thus, in a heroic attempt to be practical, he wrote a political article in one of the reviews, quite in the ordinary style, but so much worse than the average of such things that they would never have printed it without his name.
She did not understand that Grizel loved them because they showed Tommy trying to do without his wings.
And Aaron opened with the Double Corner; but so preoccupied was he that it became a variation of the Ayrshire lassie, without his knowing.
As he lolled in the sun he was turning, without his knowledge, into one of the other Tommies.
Lopez no doubt had declared that he would not go without his wife, even though the money were paid for him.
I will raise it if he will go without his wife, and give her a written assurance that he will never trouble her again.
If only he could secure the absence of Lopez,--if he could be sure that Lopez would in truth go to Guatemala, and if also he could induce the man to go without his wife, he would risk the money.
Without his knowledge, some honey was mixed with a plaster applied to his foot, and his agony compelled his attendants to withdraw it.
No one has the right to establish new tolls, mints, or markets, in the lands over which the patriarch has jurisdiction, without his consent.
No one has the right to establish new cities, towns, or markets, on land which is under the jurisdiction of the patriarch, without his consent.
The Roman church shall have the right to hold councils in any of the cities of Apulia or its dependencies or Calabria, except that a council may not be held in any city in which the king is staying, without his consent.
Antony writes, that in the former of these he ran away, and two days afterwards made his appearance (77) without his general's cloak and his horse.
He very probably penetrates the difficulties I should have to bring it to effect, without his assistance.
All taxes, levied upon a man's property for the support of government, without his consent, are mere robbery; a violation of his natural right of property.
It is an absurdity to say that a man has any rights of his own, if other men, whether calling themselves a government, or by any other name, have the right to take them from him, without his consent.
Lastly, the old bachelor himself had purchased a box of candied fruit, without his maid-servant's knowledge.
Send me your doctor a la rose too, with or without his gloves.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "without his" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.