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Example sentences for "various shades"

  • Silk in its raw state, as spun by the worm, is either white or yellow of various shades, and is covered with a varnish, which gives it stiffness and a degree of elasticity.

  • A beautiful mineral or gem, of moderate price, usually of a green colour of various shades, passing into honey-yellow and sky blue.

  • It dyes wool of a fast brown of various shades, according to the quantity employed.

  • Various shades of yellow may be produced by tinging a weak alcoholic solution of shell-lac or mastic, by digesting turmeric, annotta, saffron, or socotrine aloes in it.

  • It may be tinged of various shades by the addition of the proper 'stains.

  • The under surface, though by no means brilliant, exhibits a rich blending of various shades of brown.

  • Both sides are prettily marked with various shades of brown and buff, and adorned with white-centred dark eye-spots which have earned for it the name of Argus.

  • The spores are of various shades of brown, dull or bright.

  • The pileus is corky, leathery shells, with the upper surface marked with rough zones of various shades of brown; margin yellowish.

  • The abdomen is brown of various shades, with light markings on the front part that are often bright red or yellow.

  • They are all about the same size, a third of an inch in length, and of various shades of brown, with a distinct scalloped middle stripe on the abdomen.

  • Various shades of orange, yellow or yellow brown when old.

  • Five eggs are usually laid, green of various shades in ground colour, spotted and blotched with olive-brown and gray.

  • The four eggs are buff of various shades, or pale olive, spotted and blotched with amber and blackish-brown, pale brown and gray.

  • The varnish is quite distinct from that of Cremona; it is very transparent, and of various shades, chiefly yellow.

  • The Venetian is also of various shades, chiefly light red, and exceedingly transparent.

  • You may have raven grey, or duns of various shades, by boiling with the logwood a small quantity of alum and copperas.

  • Various shades of green are procured by combining the first or second yellow with the darkest blue.

  • Various shades of lilac and peach colours are produced by a careful admixture of the bright crimson, middle blue, and white.

  • The buds are made of solid wax; some green, others orange; and painted with the rich brown in various shades.

  • Russelliana, or Scarlet Grevillia, blooms in large clusters of a rich, dark lake, changing to various shades of red and lilac, so that the cluster presents a curious diversity of hue.

  • The colors of its flowers are copper and yellow in various shades.

  • Its color is olivaceous, or green of various shades on the head and back, with silvery or greenish sides, and silvery white belly.

  • The color is of various shades of olive-green, with brassy or coppery reflection, more or less mottled with black, forming broken and indistinct lines along the sides.

  • The general color, however, is greenish of various shades, always darker on the back, and paling to white or whitish on the belly.

  • The ground color is a pale bluish or greenish white and the markings are various shades of brown and black.

  • They are of various shades of color from a light drab to a brownish, and are spotted with brownish and black.

  • The eggs have a creamy ground and are sprinkled with dots and blotches of various shades of brown.

  • The two eggs have an olive greenish or brownish ground and are marked with various shades of brown and black.

  • It is for the most part of various shades of blue and green, but these shades seem to be due to copper rather than to iron; at least we do not meet with the well-known olive greens derived from the latter metal.

  • The metal itself is of a primitive type, of various shades of green and bluish-green.

  • Favourite herbaceous plants, generally of various shades of blue and purple, white, and sometimes bright orange.

  • Vigorous herbaceous plants, with large and splendid flowers of various shades of crimson, rosy–crimson, and white, well calculated for producing the finest effects in the wild garden.

  • A numerous race of beautiful dwarf mountain plants, with flowers mostly of various shades of rose, sometimes sporting into other colours in cultivation.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "various shades" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    considerable distance from the; many small; probably from; she repeated; skin yellow; various attitudes; various colors; various colours; various countries; various forms; various kinds; various left; various localities; various members; various methods; various nations; various occasions; various periods; various phases; various proportions; various readings; various shades; various sizes; various stages; various times; various writers