It is much esteemed in England, and is grown extensively for the London market.
In Europe it is much esteemed by agriculturists, and is preferred to the White Belgian, as it is not only nearly as productive, but has none of its defects.
In the vicinity of Paris, it is extensively cultivated, and is much esteemed by dairy farmers on account of the rich color which it imparts to milk when fed to dairy-stock.
The flesh of this monkey is much esteemed by the natives in this part of the country, and the Military Commandant of Obydos, Major Gama, every week sent a negro hunter to shoot one for his table.
Among their fruits are many kinds of plumbs; one like a wheaten plumb is wholesome and savoury; likewise a black one, as large as a horse plumb, which is much esteemed, and has an aromatic flavour.
To the general he gave a handsome Java dagger, which is much esteemed there, a good bezoar stone, and some other things.
My much Esteemed Friend Mr Arthur Lee will take the Charge of this.
As food for children and convalescents, it would probably be much esteemed in Europe, and it deserves a trial on account of its fragrance, and its being exceedingly easy of digestion.
A variety considerably grown in Indiana, where it is much esteemed.
Whoever was the author of this work (and though it was so much esteemed by many christians, as to be publicly read in their churches) it is certainly a very poor performance.
The fine varieties, well ripened, are a good dessert-fruit; for sweetmeats and tarts they are much esteemed; they are one of the better and more wholesome dried fruits.
Their flesh is much esteemed, and, with the exception of that of the Woodcock and Snipe, is undeniably the best among the group of Waders that frequent our coast.
It is an excellent and useful acquisition to man, for its flesh being of an agreeable flavour, is much esteemed.
It is not so much esteemed in Europe, but is exported to the West Indies, and will keep best in hot countries; for which reason I touched here to take in some of it for my voyage.
Comesserie and guitteba are chiefly used in building ships; these are as much esteemed here as oaks are in England, and they say either sort is harder and more durable than oak.
Beef of the best quality is of a deep-red colour; and when the animal has approached maturity, and been well fed, the lean is intermixed with fat, giving it the mottled appearance which is so much esteemed.
The turkey is one of the most difficult birds to rear, and its flesh is much esteemed.
It is now, though very dark and dry, and devoid of fat, much esteemed by Europeans, on account of the peculiarity of its flavour.
This fish ismuch esteemed by the French, and by them is considered excellent.
Defn: A pie made of truffles, much esteemed by epicures.
Pepper pot, a mucilaginous soup or stew of vegetables and cassareep, much esteemed in the West Indies.
Note: Turquoise is susceptible of a high polish, and when of a bright blue color is much esteemed as a gem.
The Godwit is much esteemed by epicures as a great delicacy, and sells very high.
The flesh of the Stag is accounted excellent food, and his horns are useful to cutlers; even their shavings are used to make ammonia, so much esteemed in medicine under the name of hartshorn.
The Roebuck is more graceful, more active, more cunning, and comparatively swifter than the stag; his flesh is much esteemed.
My much esteemed friend, Mr, Riddel of Glenriddel, has just read me a paragraph of a letter he had from you.
Many thanks, my much esteemed friend, for your kind letters; but why will you make me run the risk of being contemptible and mercenary in my own eyes?
This foul smelling production seems to have a specially attractive fragrance to many animals, and for general use is much esteemed by trappers.
These Antelopes inhabit the Western Prairies and wooded borders from New Mexico northward, and their flesh is much esteemed as an article of diet.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "much esteemed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.