Infuse in cold water, three quarts, two or three days.
Boil slowly in three or four gallons of water down to three quarts; strain, and add six pounds of white sugar.
Bathe three times a day in a preparation of three quarts water, one quart alcohol, two ounces of cologne and one of borax, in proportion of two teaspoons mixture to two tablespoons soft water.
One half pint or less of these fluids may be taken at a dose, and at least three pints should be taken during the day and the amount gradually increased to two or three quarts.
Boil twelve potatoes in four quarts of water till reduced to three quarts.
Boil one quart of Irish potatoes in three quarts of water.
Three quarts cream, two pints brown sugar, put in a skillet and stir constantly over a brisk fire until it is dissolved.
Cover with from two to three quarts of sour cream, and stand in a cool place for forty-eight hours.
Put a soup hen on the fire in three quarts of water, bring to a boil, and skim well.
Then put in three quarts of boiling water; and when it boils up, skim it carefully, and wipe off with a clean cloth what sticks round the edge and inside of the stewpan, that the gravy may be delicately clean and clear.
Boil two feet in three quarts of water till reduced to half the quantity; strain it, and set it by.
Simmer it to three quarts, clear it from the fat when cold, and add an onion if approved.
Chop up twelve large onions, boil them in three quarts of milk and water equally mixed, put in a bit of veal or fowl, and a piece of bacon with pepper and salt.
To three quarts of gravy soup, or stock, add six ounces of vermicelli.
Take one pound and a half of rice, and boil it gently over a slow fire in three quarts of water about five hours, stirring it, and afterwards beating it up into a smooth paste.
Pour on three quarts of water, and stew for one hour, or until the vegetables can be rubbed easily through the colander.
Boil the vegetables, all chopped fine (reserving the parsley for seasoning), in three quarts of water until they can be pulped through a colander.
Pour on three quarts of cold water; put on the lid tightly, and stew four hours very slowly.
Boil in three quarts of cold water for about an hour after the water begins to bubble.
If, on the contrary, we rear a calf according to this method, we consume during the three weeks only three quarts of oatmeal, at most, and the skimmed milk.
Oil of lavender, four ounces; spirit, three quarts; rose water, one pint.
Boil three handfuls of walnut leaves in three quarts of water; sponge the horse (before going out of the stable) between and upon the ears, neck and flank.
This process should give you about three quartsof strong “stock.
Put potatoes, tomatoes, onion, celery and parsley on in three quarts of cold water, and cook gently two hours.
CUT celery heads two inches long then, some of the white part into small pieces; wash, blanch, and drain it, and put to it three quarts of cleared stock.
ADD to three quarts of cleared stock two ounces of rice, washed, picked, parboiled, and drained dry.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "three quarts" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.