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Example sentences for "pinafore"

Lexicographically close words:
pimpled; pimples; pimply; pimps; pin; pinafores; pinang; pinax; pince; pincer
  1. While he grips his sister's pinafore with one hand, for fear of tumbling, he shakes his whip in the other like a sturdy lad.

  2. She wears a cotton check pinafore over her plain frock, and goes in wooden shoes.

  3. And now let me try on the pinafore for baby; I want to see whether it will fit.

  4. She slipped an all-enveloping pinafore over her head, that the new silk dress might not be crushed before church time.

  5. And the day when Charlie had deemed it prudent to withdraw the door for a peep at the beautifully fitted mosaic of bright little heads and bodies within, lifting up Giles in his holland pinafore for a long, blissful gaze.

  6. Pinafore craze was at its height, received the nickname of "Pinny," which has adhered to him to the present time.

  7. She wore a large blue pinafore apron, and she was so absorbed in her business that the advent of Mr. Prohack passed quite unnoticed by her.

  8. I had thought of Phillis as a comely but awkward girl; and I could not banish the pinafore from my mind's eye when I tried to picture her to myself.

  9. I thought it odd that so old, so full-grown as she was, she should wear a pinafore over her gown.

  10. Later she appeared on the front stoep, in a print pinafore over her grey linsey dress, and an old straw hat much bitten at the edges shading her pale fierce little face.

  11. Ina stood by and listened, with her pinafore in her mouth.

  12. Floss, pulling her pinafore till she bent her head down to listen.

  13. You are not too tidy, my dear little girl; that pinafore would be the better for the wash-tub.

  14. She shrugged her shoulders discontentedly, and was only comforted when nurse insisted on her wearing a white pinafore which nearly covered the frock.

  15. In a very leisurely manner, Sally rolled up her pinafore and put her work away.

  16. The pinafore was a simple matter for both Miss Summers and Sally; and before the morning was over Miss Summers had visited Madame Gala.

  17. Slowly Sally removed her pinafore and rolled it, thinking rapidly.

  18. Her own smile was instantly responsive, and she stood almost roguishly before him in her short frock, and the demure pinafore which she was wearing over it.

  19. She did not like Miss Jubb, who was a thin-faced and fussy person who always wore a grey pinafore and felt that her untidy grey hair looked as though it might hint a sorrow rather than betray advancing years.

  20. She picked up fir cones and beech nuts and acorns and filled her pinafore with them, also frosted fern leaves and dry grasses exquisitely outlined with hoar frost went into her apron.

  21. She wore a little red skirt and loose cotton blouse, and a tidy pinafore put on in order to cover her soiled frock on the way home.

  22. Now the Count had not noticed that Babette was very dirty, that her red pinafore hung in rags, and her hair had not been combed for many a day.

  23. The next morning Mabel woke up tired, and, if it must be confessed, a little cross; but the prince thought she looked lovelier than even on the night before, in her plain dark dress and fresh white pinafore and crossbands.

  24. Between them they got him at last into a clean pinafore of Horace's which the ayah had brought.

  25. The wolf had ceased to struggle, but it held his pinafore in a grip of iron.

  26. He told her interesting tales about a pink pinafore her mother had worn when she was eight years old, and what Fraeulein looked like when she was apple-cheeked and twenty-five.

  27. She took off her own breakfast pinafore and put on a quite clean one--one that looked quite clean anyway, just as if it had never been on, even though it had really been used two or three times.

  28. She dragged a chair forward, jumped on it, took a hammer and a big nail out of her pinafore pocket and banged away.

  29. And she always wore the same dark pinafore and the pink handkerchief over her hair.

  30. She had a way of stamping her foot and twisting her hands in her pinafore .

  31. On a plain, middle-aged woman such a pinafore would have been intolerable to the sensitive eye.

  32. To suit the coquetry of the age the pinafore was enriched with certain flouncings, which, however, only intensified its unshapen ugliness.

  33. But she thought with defiance: "Why should I take my pinafore off for him?

  34. In another minute he saw the strings of her pinafore appear on the surface a few yards beyond, and in yet another minute, with a swift rueful glance at his white flannels, he had plunged after her.

  35. Gretel emptied her pinafore until pearls and precious stones ran about the room, and Hansel threw one handful after another out of his pocket to add to them.

  36. The governess preceded the master up the stairs and into the room where Miss de Barral was found arrayed in a holland pinafore (also of the right kind for the pursuit of the art) and smilingly expectant.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pinafore" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    apron; dress; garment; parts; skirt