Be a voltigeur for to-day, and we 'll show you something you 'll not see from your bearskin saddle.
The hussar's coat is slashed with gold; He rides an Arab courser fleet: But is the voltigeur less bold Who meets his enemy on his feet?
That is what I cannot comprehend by any stretch of ingenuity,--how a man who has once seen something of voltigeur life can go back to the dull routine of dragoon service.
The corps, however, was greatly changed since I knew it before; and so I asked the Emperor to appoint me to a voltigeur battalion, where discipline is not so rigid, and pleasant comrades are somewhat more plentiful.
I had often heard that this was a voltigeur habit, but never was witness to it before.
The artillery-driver must halt his team If the current be fast or the water deep: But the voltigeur can swim the stream, And climb the bank, be it e'er so steep.
The cuirassier is clad in steel; His massive sword is straight and strong: But the voltigeur can charge and wheel With a step,--his bayonet is just as long.
The tricks referred to are the obedient card, the cabalistic clock, and the automaton known as Diavolo Antonio or Le Voltigeur au Trapeze.
Before the voltigeur had cleared the court-yard, Rawlings, attended by La Pablos, presented themselves by a private door which communicated with the garden.
The Frenchman waved his arm, and, with a voltigeur on either side, the condemned guerillas left the kitchen of the posada for the court-yard.
The voltigeur stormed--the answer invariably was, "I don't understand ye.
To the Flying Dutchman drink success who has so nobly run, He's beat the famous Voltigeur and show'd them how 'twas done.
The blueVoltigeur flag, now full of holes, was planted on the parapet.
Four otherVoltigeur companies under Colonel Andrews, after crossing those open fields, rushed with loud cheers into the swamp; and the Ninth and the Fifteenth Infantry, deploying into line, followed them closely.
Voltigeur went confidently forward, and I was very content to sit upon his back and to peer about me, avoiding every light.
Even Voltigeur could not compare with this magnificent creature.
He said to the voltigeur Jean Meyer: "You shall be well paid.
He said to the voltigeur Georges Koehly: "I am Napoleon; you shall have promotion, decorations.
Four companies of the voltigeur regiment, under Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph E.
General Alvarez, commanding the Mexican cavalry, was held in check by the voltigeur regiment under command of Major E.
For this, indeed, large forces were set in motion; the Guard Voltigeur Division, the VIth Corps, and the IVth in the forest of Woippy.
The IInd Corps of the French Army thus assailed was now reinforced by the Guard Voltigeur Division.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "voltigeur" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.