It is, indeed, from this economical and practical point of view, and not from the philanthropic point of view, it seems to me, that all these advantages conceded by the Anzin Company to its workmen should be considered.
The privileges its representatives enjoyed in London were balanced by sundry rather monastic restrictions; but it was a great commercial corporation, and it played a great part in the social and economical history of mediƦval Europe.
I have often wondered why the strange opinion has come to prevail, especially among the industrious yeomanry of the interior of our country, that it iseconomical to turn night into day, in this manner.
Besides, I never knew a person who was economical of the one, who was not equally so of the other.
In order to form economical habits, several important points must be secured.
The twenty-test method is even more economical of time, but it has a fatal defect.
On one of these trips, in an economical mood he refrained from dinner in order to save the cost of the meal.
The German kitchen stoves are certainly more practical andeconomical than ours, and I never can understand why we do not fetch a few over and try them.
A German family will sit down contentedly to an old hen that the most economical of us would only use for soup, and they will serve it roasted though it is as tough as leather.
Considering the economicalhabits of the community, this was certainly prodigality.
Indeed, it is said that there are sixty miles length of walls, which, in these economical times, are allowed slowly to crumble away.
And she is an economical little person, too," continues Theo.
Harry being provided for (whose welfare I could not grudge), all my mother's savings and economical schemes went to my advantage, who was her heir.
Previous experience had taught me that, in the prosecution of my chief hobby, I would also solve the problem of the most economical mode of living.
As soon as he arrived at his hotel, he commenced burning a box full of love-letters; then he called his steward to order some economical reforms, and sat down to his history of English politics.
Either all the inhabitants were already asleep, or they were very economical of wood and candles, which certainly were frightfully dear this winter.
The heavy cost involved in the suppression of internal disorders, maladministration, and the hindrances placed in the way of economical development by the semi-independence of the federal states had seriously depreciated the national credit.
Where the community is not large enough to afford a separate community house this is frequently the best and most economical means of meeting this need.
The items of economical working and money-making being fully weighed, the more serious considerations of the mode of life, and the good to be got from it, demand even greater attention.
Economical people heat ovens with pine wood, fagots, brush, and such light stuff.
It is aneconomical plan to use it for old silk linings, ribbons, &c.
It is more economical to buy a fore-quarter of mutton than a hind-quarter; there is usually two cents difference per pound.
Where sweet oil is much used, it is more economical to buy it by the bottle than by the flask.
The writer has no apology to offer for this cheap little book of economical hints, except her deep conviction that such a book is needed.
It is more economical to cut salt pork into small bits, and try it till the pork is brown and crispy.
When people have to buy butter and lard, short cakes are not economical food.
The shoulder of veal is the mosteconomical for roasting or boiling.
It resists sulphur in the process of vulcanization in a manner which renders it an efficient and economical substitute for platinum or gold.
Real economical management lies in this dovetailing one thing with another.
I mean by that they are not necessary, but a great improvement; and, as they cost very little, if you want plain dishes made savory it is economical to have them always in the house.
They had both decided to be very economical in dress; and it is astonishing how very little will keep up a wardrobe once well supplied, provided one does not easily tire of the same garments.
Molly had not tried it hitherto, but home-made ices were so economical that she was anxious to become familiar with it.
Shall I promise you that you shall never dread to bring a friend home for fear of a soiled table-cloth, and a too economical dinner?
When Molly and her mother were living in London in very economicallodgings at South Kensington, they had become acquainted with Mrs. Morris and her handsome daughter, whom at first they took to be an art-student at South Kensington.
Abstract conceptions are far and away the most economical instruments of thought, and abstract conceptions are fixed and incarnated for us in words.
In later life this economical tendency to leave the old undisturbed leads to what we know as 'old fogyism.
This is not because of any lack of progressive spirit, but because experience has shown that, under all conditions of the industry, the ox makes the most satisfactory and economical motive power, notwithstanding his lack of pace.
This was the first attempt at standard construction and it permitted quantity production more economical and quicker for they were not compelled to design and fabricate each section as it was needed.
The best and most economical coffee is made as follows: A small bag of unbleached cloth is so arranged as to remain suspended about midway of the coffee-pot.
The Departments were therefore desired to prepare their estimates accordingly, and I am happy to find that they have been able to graduate them on soeconomical a scale.