A copper wire and an iron wire of the same length are found to have the same resistance.
Similarly, if a circuit be made of a copper wire and an iron wire, a current passes across the warmer junction from copper to iron.
Hence, for equal resistances, the weight of an aluminum is only one-half as great as that of a copper wire of the same length.
A choke-coil for this purpose usually consists of a flat coil of copper wire or strip containing twenty to thirty or more turns and mounted with terminals in a wooden frame.
Copper wire, both soft and hard, as regularly made, does not vary more than one per cent from the standard, and aluminum and annealed iron wires also show high uniformity as to resistance.
An annealed iron wire is equal in resistance to a copper wire of the same length when the iron has 7.
A piece of copper wire is pierced through the center of a sheet of cardboard, and carried vertically for two or three feet then bent around to the terminals of a battery or other source of current.
In the case of a dynamo, an inductor may be either a copper wire or copper bar.
When no watch is at hand seconds can be indicated closely enough for practical purposes by suspending a small bag of shot or bullets from the end of a piece of fine fishing line or copper wire.
Snares may be made of annealed brass or copper wire, or of several strands of twisted horsehair.
In their early infancy, a small incision is made in the center of the under lip, and a piece of brass or copper wire is placed in, and left in the wound.
Simply perforated, and a piece of copper wire introduced.
Copper wire is used for electric light and power lines, for most telephone and some telegraph lines, and for all cases where low resistance is required at moderate cost.
The simplest kind is a transmitting inductance which consists of 25 or 30 turns of copper wire wound on an insulating tube or frame.
A tuning coil of the simplest kind consists of a single layer of copper wire wound on a cylinder with an adjustable, or sliding, contact, but for sharp tuning you need a loose coupled tuning coil.
Fasten one end of a copper wire to the zinc of the first cell and the other end of this wire to one binding post of an electric bell.
If you were to use a piece of string instead of a copper wire to go from one pole of a battery to another or to spin between the poles of the magnet of the dynamo, you could get no flow of electricity to speak of.
Fasten one end of another piece of copper wire to the carbon of the third cell, if you have three, and touch the other end of this wire to the free binding post of the electric bell.
Should the company have obtained resistance wire or copper wire to carry it?
We shall see later what might happen, but first let's think of an enormous lot of atoms such as there would be in a copper wire.
It's these wandering electrons which are affected when a battery is connected to a copper wire.
We don't know all we might about how the electrons wander around from atom to atom inside a copper wire but we do know that there are always a lot of them moving about in the spaces between the atoms.
The telephone and telegraph companies use uncountable miles of copper wire in line service and other miles in fine sizes for instrument coils and divers other functions.
Then the Government inspectors test the copper wire.
Copper wire of all sizes down to the very fine is spooled and sold for use in arts and manufactures.
It consists in this, that while a current of galvanism is passing through a copper wire A B, it is magnetic, it attracts iron filings and not those of copper or brass, and is capable of developing magnetism in soft iron.
He went to the round lake near Kensington Palace, and stretched four hundred and eighty feet of copper wire, north and south, over the lake, causing plates soldered to the wire at its ends to dip into the water.
Illustration: Battery Voltmeter Construction] tube and solder a piece of copper wire to it; the other end of the copper wire being hooked to the spring, C.
Of course, a regulator must be had for the vibrator; this can be accomplished by bending a stout piece of copper wire as shown.
The fuse hole of the cannon is counterbored as shown and a small hole is drilled at one side to receive a small piece of copper wire, E.
They'll swap you a nugget as big as your fist for a yard of copper wire.
Bukawai saw them go, and he mumbled through his rotting face, swearing a great oath that he would yet have the three fat goats, the new sleeping mat, and the bit of copper wire.
Tibo caught repeated references to fat goats, sleeping mats, and pieces of copper wire.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "copper wire" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.