The marriage, however, did not take place during the lifetime of Henry VII.
She endured her bitter and undeserved misfortunes with extraordinary courage and resolution, and at the same time with great womanly forbearance, of which a striking instance was the compassion shown by her for the fallen Wolsey.
In May 1527 a collusive and secret suit was begun before the cardinal, who, as legate, summoned the king to defend himself from the charge of cohabitation with his brother's wife; but these proceedings were dropped.
She was not without some influence in state affairs.
The following year an affectionate meeting took place between the king and queen at Richmond on the return of the former.
There was no difficulty as to this on the continent of Europe, where towns were numerous, and where the cities were the natural centres from which Christianity was diffused among the people who inhabited the surrounding districts.
In regard to viscosity the following observations are typical:-- (a) A viscose of 1.
Viscose silks,' by the decomposition of sulphocarbonate of cellulose (Cross and Bevan).
Plane or flat by solidifying the viscose on glass surfaces, removing the by-products and rolling the films.
In the industrial applications of viscose it is important to maintain a certain standard of composition as of the essential physical properties of the solution, notably viscosity.
Stearn (4) describe the application of viscose to the spinning of artificial silk.
The film is also produced by applying the viscose on textile fabrics, drying down, and fixing on a stenter machine, then washing away the alkaline by-products from the fixed film.
Secondly, it is found that all the conditions obtaining in the alkali-cellulose stage affect the subsequent viscose reaction and the properties of the final solution.
Thus in the case of the wood celluloses the percentage recovered from solution as viscose is from 93 to 95 p.
Solid aggregates are formed by incorporating viscose with mineral matters, hydrocarbons, &c.
The viscoseis used as a vehicle for pigments, the mixture being used either as a paint or for coating papers with fine surfaces, such as required in the reproduction of photo-blocks.
Films are produced from the viscose itself in various ways.
The alkali-cellulose changes with age; there is a gradual alteration of the molecular structure of the cellulose, of which the properties of the viscose when prepared are the best indication.
The viscose is projected into solutions of chloride of ammonium and washed in a succession of saline solutions to remove the residual sulphur impurities.
But this effect equally follows from addition of alkali to the viscose itself.
Besides the viscose method there are several other methods of getting cellulose into solution so that artificial fibers may be made from it.
Viscose replaces ramie or cotton in the Welsbach gas mantles.
Viscose tubes for sausage containers are more sanitary and appetizing than the customary casings.
Viscose film, transparent and a thousandth of an inch thick (cellophane), serves for candy wrappers.
The viscose threads made by the process look as well as silk, but they are not so strong, especially when wet.
In 1892, Cross and Bevan, English chemists, discovered theviscose or xanthate process, and later the acetate process.