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Example sentences for "viscounts"

Lexicographically close words:
visceral; viscid; viscidity; viscose; viscosity; viscounty; viscous; viscus; vise; vised
  1. The lesser towns like Libourne and Lectoure must inevitably have succumbed with their stores, and the viscounts were in full possession of Comenge and Loumaigne, the most fertile counties of all Guyenne.

  2. The viscounts continued to operate in Languedoc against Joyeuse and others.

  3. He had never been in the country before and all the forces he had brought with him were three score and ten horses, and he had no other forces but those of the viscounts in the beginning.

  4. But at least Joyeuse had prevented the union of the viscounts with the prince of Condé.

  5. The towns organized an army of their own and distinguished themselves by routing the viscounts upon one occasion.

  6. In conformity with the plan there arranged, the viscounts remained in Quercy and Languedoc while the main army crossed the Dordogne with the purpose of joining the prince of Condé.

  7. These four viscounts were the nucleus of the group and began their career in the first civil war.

  8. Ferdinand of Aragon, ancestors of viscounts in war against, 395.

  9. For these viscounts of Morlaäs had recourse to a savage expedient to control the lawlessness of their day.

  10. In past time it was a distinct principality, small but defiant, and it had its own line of hereditary viscounts entirely independent of the larger province enfolding it.

  11. Standing against the north-western horizon were the high towers of the vast feudal fortress of the Viscounts of Turenne.

  12. This building, after the English left, was the residence of the seneschals of the Viscounts of Turenne down to the Revolution.

  13. The viscounts' bench was placed across, opposite the throne, and behind, between the viscounts and the bar, were two benches for the barons.

  14. You are related to the Viscounts Valentia in Ireland, whose name is Power; and to the Earls of Umfraville in Scotland, whose name is Angus.

  15. The eldest and younger sons of viscounts and barons are the first esquires in the kingdom.

  16. The port of Narbonne was choked with sand, and belonged to the viscounts of that town.

  17. On the one hand the viscounts besought him, and made him great promises; and he had before pledged himself, and sworn upon the saints at Bayeux, to smite William wherever he should find him.

  18. The viscounts hated the duke; they seized his lands, and omitted to lay hold of nothing which they could reach.

  19. Renouf, Viscount of the Bessin, is afterwards called by Wace Renouf de Bricasard, from the castle of Bricasard, which formed the caput of the barony of the viscounts of the Bessin.

  20. Viscounts of his stamp don't parade their addresses in the directory.

  21. Costard and Serpillon, pretended viscounts though they were, were quite beneath the notice of a Gordon-Chalusse, as M.

  22. Louis the Stammerer, Carloman and Eudes were each in turn here crowned king of Aquitaine, and the last in 876 established the line of viscounts of Limoges, the last of whom, Henry of Navarre, reunited the domain to the crown of France.

  23. These viscounts inhabited from the thirteenth century the castle of Chalusset, about ten miles distant from the city.

  24. The Hôtel or Palace of the Viscounts was formerly called the Hourquie, or Forquie: from whence the money was called moneta Furcensis: the town itself was occasionally called Furcas.

  25. The Vallée d'Ossau has had to defend its rights sometimes against the viscounts of Béarn, sometimes against the monks of Cluny, and the Poublans of Pau.

  26. Joyce, sister of Sir Anthony Denny, king’s remembrancer, are descended the Viscounts Falkland.

  27. In the Hundred Years' War the bishops sided with the French, while the viscounts were unwilling vassals of the English.

  28. A branch of the Beaumonts, Viscounts of Maine.

  29. Hence, the Earls of Monmouth and Viscounts Falkland.

  30. Towards the end of the 11th century the viscounts of Carcassonne assumed the style of viscounts of Beziers, which town and its lords they had dominated since the fall of the Carolingian empire.

  31. And the question of mutual precedence which was never mooted until the creation of Viscounts in Henry VI.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "viscounts" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.