Crackers," gasped the Day-on, visions of childhood fleeting through his mind.
And then the happy little girl went to bed, while even in the dark the room seemed full of exquisite visions and voices that charmed her.
John Cotton had indulged in flowing versification, and even Governor Bradford had interspersed his severer cares with visions of softer strains.
In their plans of life they reason from fancy instead of from fact, and their Imaginations are filled with fantastic visions of things impossible, instead of the clear, bright images of that, which may rationally be expected to come to pass.
But now nothing was distinct to her; she was being lulled to sleep with that soft stream still flowing over her, with those delicious visions melting and fading like the wondrous aerial land of the west.
Poor Tom formed no visions of the distant future as he made his way homeward; he only felt that the present was very hard.
At first Mohammed thought that evil spirits possessed him, but Khadija encouraged him to believe that his visions were a revelation from another world.
Compare Joan of Arc's visionswith those of Mohammed.
Always a devout and imaginative child, she early began to see visionsof saints and angels and to hear mysterious voices.
With the return of external peace came fresh visions of internal reformation.
Under the excitement created by visions of untold wealth derived from making railways, iron rapidly rose in price to double its recent value.
In his canvases he tells inherently commonplace stories, but he does it with the force and the graceful ease of one on whom all the visions of the world have made a powerful impression.
Could painting extend itself into time and present singly and in sequence the visions of objective nature, dramatically synthesised with colour and line, it could perhaps influence people to emotion in the way music does.
It is the work of slightly synthetic artists who were without models and whosevisions encompassed only certain traits of form which, when expressed, became not composed but balanced, not imitative but abstract.
In this appeal no other painting succeeds like his--not even the Persian landscapes, the Chinese pictorial visionsof heaven, or the lurid images of Gustave Moreau.
If the drove had discovered us at this distance, our visions of fresh hump steak for supper would have resolved themselves into the dried meat of the morning.
During this time my mind was in a state of complete despondency; no bright visions of future liberty and happiness came to relieve the dreary forebodings that oppressed me.
Hastily formed plans and wild schemes of all descriptions chased one another through my brain, and it was nearly morning before I fell into a troubled sleep, haunted even in my dreams by visions of blood and slaughter.
One of her visions in particular shows into what a state of religious exaltation she could be thrown.
Her visions and trances were considered as closer ties between herself and the hosts of heaven, and she was looked upon with awe and wonderment.
In seven years the young girl was made the mother superior of the institution, and, beginning from that date, she was subject to frequent visions of a most surprising character.
I had seen visions of a finish, in which a certain person clad in a light-blue jacket had shot ahead just in the nick of time, and landed the race by consummate jockeyship after a neck-and-neck struggle for the last quarter of a mile.
She who sees beyond the earth in her visions heard the voice and told its words.
Sad midnight whispers with a greedy eare I catch from lonely graves, in hope to heare Newes from the dead, nor can palevisions fright His eye, who since thy death feeles no delight In mans acquaintance.
Charles supervised the rehearsals and had rosy visions of a big success.
Gustave now had visions of big business in Ohio, and especially at Wilmington, which was Sam Lucas's home town.
At last he fell asleep, but visionscontinued hovering around him in his painful slumber.
The city of Salta is approached; its many towers and Gothic spires, together with its setting at the base of wooded mountains, brings to one's mind visions of cities of Central Europe.
But he imparted none of thesevisions to Cecilia, and he suddenly swept them away with the declaration that he was of course an idle, useless creature, and that he would probably be even more so in Europe than at home.
A mother can't nurse her child unless she follows a certain diet; an artist can't bring his visions to maturity unless he has a certain experience.
Visions are airy; but I propose to see visions for a moment, and Britain as she might be in 1948.
The visions of the Old and New Testament are so plainly legible in many books, that he who runs may read.
Is it a marvellous thing that this wonderful book of the visions of all the American seers should be so skilfully entombed in stone, and then buried in the earth?
Modern religion rejects immediate revelation; consequently, all that knowledge that flows from visions and dreams, and the ministry of angels, and the prophetic inspiration of the Holy Ghost.
It must be the visions of some prophets and seers, that have lived and prophesied to some people, that have now faded from the knowledge of men.
In case I slept, the same visions reappeared, and made me suffer much more than I did by keeping awake.
I thought to encourage myself by this forced merriment, but the spectral visions which I laughed at by day became fearful realities in the hours of darkness.
His mind was teeming with new poems in the making and with visions of what he should do if his book should sell.
In their gray visions they obtain glimpses of eternity, and thrill, in waking, to find they have been upon the verge of the great secret.
They were happy, for they knew the state of mind that enveloped him to be one of profound happiness to him--though the brooding look that was often in his grey eyes told them that the visionshe was seeing had to do with sorrow.
With visions of a new start in life, of which there were many happy years in store for him (why not?
I had visions of myself going after him in the night as Derry had gone and his mother.
Some six weeks separated him from that afternoon when he had sat upon the Embankment watching his visions dissolve in mist as the waters swam past and the sense of his desolation still made him shiver.
There lives a light that none can view Whose thoughts are brutish:--seen by few, The few have therefore light divine Their visions are God's legions!
As an Opera divinity never knows how to take care of her money, she intrusted the management of the estate to a steward, occupying herself with her flowers and fruits and with the beautifying of the park.
Carried away by excitement and by his long waiting, Blondet slipped from the stones into the water.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "visions" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.