Outside and above the colony there wereuncountable myriads of stars.
But it was peculiarly smooth, as if sand grains had rubbed over it for uncountable aeons and carefully worn away every trace of unevenness.
It shone on an uncountable number of enormous crates, stacked three high and set in rows extending beyond the range of the minimal light.
Modern Dryasdust, interpreting the mysterious ways of Divine Providence in this Universe, or what he calls writing History, has doneuncountable havoc upon the best interests of mankind.
Which has been of uncountable advantage to Brandenburg:--how could it fail?
Since the establishment of the Principate in our Republic many men, even an uncountable horde of men, have incurred Imperial displeasure.
Next they produced at the portal, and high on the vehicle seemly Piled the uncountable worth of the king's Hectorean head-gifts.
But surely the heart is a strange and wayward thing, and given to quick fears, and immediately unto great and uncountable rashnesses.
The Nadine was out of overdrive and all the uncountable suns of the galaxy shone steadily, remotely, as infinitesimal specks of light of every color of the rainbow.
There were clickings, uncountable clickings that made a background for all the rest.
Great, clumsy pelicans rose painfully and flew with surprising speed, once they were in the air; small blue herons went shoreward in uncountable flocks, flying high into the morning sun.
Beyond its brim a great conflagration seemed to be raging, throwing its flames of gold, of red and of uncountable tints high into the sky.
Uncountable varieties of water-fowl can always be seen at this point.
Every year the people of the United States are wasting uncountable millions of pounds of venison, because we are neglecting our opportunities for producing it practically without cost.
One living specimen and a few skins, skeletons and stuffed specimens are all that remain to show for the uncountable millions of pigeons that swarmed over the United States, only yesterday as it were!
Grouse in uncountablenumbers inhabit the drier tablelands and open moors.
Its long spines as sharp as needles and almost uncountable in number, under the weight of Pete's body had penetrated his flesh no one yet knows how far.
In the reeds there are a lot of little dams and canals with green, still water, where duckweed and pondweed run to seed; and where gnat-eggs and blackfish and worms are hatched out in uncountable masses.
But she heard all these uncountable bird-throngs, which lived along Takern, send forth cry upon cry.
Long before it works up to man we see this amazing force stemming an uncountable number of attacks, and meeting ruinous conditions with daring contrivances.
Having hung, as it were, a cloud about ourselves we disregard the uncountable ways in which God persists in shining through, in spite of our efforts to shut Him out.
To try to enumerate the uncountable would be folly.
It has kept the people in submission, and has sent uncountable millions through wretched lives to shameful graves.
Page 256] Yet uncountablemyriads on myriads of atoms have gone.
In the air above the city an uncountable number of very small objects darted hither and thither like sparkling fireflies.
The senior queen had the subtle magnetism, the uncountable fascination, the poise and decision that held and dictated all things to her fancy.
But in this monstrous complex of tunnels and rooms carved out of solid stone, with uncountable millions of miles of pure emptiness without, the feeling of loneliness was incredible.
But this part of the asteroid was a maze of corridors with uncountable doorways opening into innumerable compartments.