One naturally wishes to ascertain how far Cirripedia are highly or lowly organised and developed; but in all cases this, as it seems to me, is a very obscure enquiry.
After he had bathed and when he became calm and cool Laeg put upon him his beautiful banqueting attire, and he came into the great hall lowly and blushing.
When Cuculain saw them advancing towards him in lowly wise, with exposed bosom and hands crossed on their breasts, his weapons fell from his hands and the war-demons fled out of him, and low in the chariot he bent down his noble head.
It was a lowly edifice, built in the time of the Dutch dynasty, and stood on a green bank, overshadowed by trees, from which it peeped forth upon the Great Tappan Zee, so famous among early Dutch navigators.
He comes like thelowly violet, the most unpretending, but welcomest of flowers, breathing the sweet promise of the early year.
How lowly she felt, how humble was the little saint who recently had elevated herself above others only too quickly and willingly!
Was it no sin to hope and plead that he would wear their common colour, not in honour of the Queen of Heaven, but of the lowly Eva, in whom nothing was strong save the desire for good?
But towards the end of the third century three lowly wayfarers were journeying from Rome along the great southern road to Paris, charged by the Pope with a mission fraught with greater issues to Gaul than the Cæsars and all their legions.
He died in his palace at Melun in 1031, and the benisons and lamentations of the poor and lowly winged his spirit to its rest.
He seems, in such altitude, to have left the earth for ever, and to have forgotten his lowly nest.
Of one whose stock Of virtues bloom'd beneath this lowly roof.
At the rear of the palace soars up the old Abbey where kings have their tombs in right of the names they inherit; men, lowly as we, have found tombs there, in right of the names which they made.
Since he was the truth, he needed to say so, for men's sake and for the truth's sake, and he could be meek and lowly in heart in saying so.
And what criticism shows us, in its treatment of the early chapters of Genesis, is that God does not disdain to speak to the mind, nor through it, even when it is at this lowly stage.
Yet what must the agony of that man's mind have been while the child lay upon the bed in the lowly cottage?
He was stooping--in a lowly cottage at a little distance--over the form of his only son, a boy of ten.
Enclosed in the note were the following lines, in which she hinted as to her doubts of the steadfastness of Genji's character: "Your heart admires the lowly flower That dwells within our mountain bower.
Forgot may be thelowly bed From which these darling flowerets spring, Still let a kindly dew be shed, Upon their early nurturing.
Sethos tendered the wine-cup as in duty bound, then stood with hands crossed before him, and looks bent lowly on the earth.
Shadows the rebuked and chastened, Worn-out warriorlowly laid.
Then we see the other path that was trod by the bleeding feet of the lowly Nazarene.
In religion they were Reformed Methodists, but, being in lowly circumstances, were looked down upon by the proud members of the flourishing church to which they belonged.
But the majority liked Valentine all the better for not forgetting his lowly comrade in the hour of his greatest elevation.
Even recently, while writing his book, he had often thought of them as of the most ancient and venerable remains of that community of the lowly and simple, for the return of which he called.
Death had then spoken of Life: nowhere had there been more intimate and touching life than in these buried cities of the unknown, lowly dead.
Poor and lowly and meek ones swarmed there, reposing beneath the soil, whilst up above the sun continued its everlasting task.
Who speak above his lowly grave The last sad praises of the brave?
My fugitive years are all hasting away, And I must ere long lie as lowly as they, With a turf on my breast and a stone at my head, Ere another such grove shall arise in its stead.
Are lying in their lowly beds, with the fair and good of ours.
T is better to be lowly born, And range with humble livers in content, Than be perked up in glistering grief, And wear a golden sorrow.
Holland has this bit of verse, whose application is apparent: "Heaven is not reached at a single bound; But we build the ladder by which we rise From the lowly earth to the vaulted skies, And mount to its summit round by round.
Throughout the period of human occupation, the Palaeolithic inmates of the cave remained on an unaltered and rather lowly level of culture.
As the main result of their investigations, they are enabled to record a list of characters indicative of a comparatively lowly status as regards the form of the brain, although in actual size it leaves little to be desired.
But Professor Klaatsch evidently regards them as intruders and invaders of the territory previously occupied by the more lowly Neanderthaloid type.
Moreover the cranial base assigns to it an extremely lowly position.
The tableau is changed again, and we think less of the Neanderthal type and of its lowly position (in evolutionary history).
She was a new star and her beauty the color of cloth of gold, and Hattie in her lowly comedian way not an undistinguished veteran.
Don't you come in here," she said, lowly and evenly.