Langenbuch recommends securing permanent drainage by leaving a bit of rubber tubingin the cervical canal--a plan concerning the merits of which I am not able to speak from experience.
To prevent this, I am in the habit of directing india-rubber tubing to be drawn over the point in such a way as not to obstruct its action.
The impact of the long steel tubing directly upon the shell of the mine was sufficient to explode the deadly thing.
It was a long tubing very much like an ordinary length of gas pipe set up usually forward as one of the wireless supports, and folding down into the deck plates when the Dewey was stripped for undersea navigation.
I am going to bring home some tubing from the store and attach a spray.
The peculiar mouthpiece and narrow tubing have very much to do with the soft voice-like tone quality of the horn.
On the other hand, the tubing introduced for valves not being quite conformable in curve with the instrument, and hampered with indispensable joins, unless in the best form of modern valve, affects the smoothness of tone.
For convenience of holding, the tubing is bent in a spiral form.
But the intonation becomes imperfect when valves are used together, because the lengths of additional tubing being calculated for the single depressions, when added to each other, they are too short for the deeper notes required.
In the valve horn the bore is only theoretically conical, the extra lengths oftubing attached to the valves being practically cylindrical.
The three devices, crooks, valves and slides, are in fact all based upon the same principle, that of providing additional length of tubing in order to deepen the pitch of the whole instrument at will and to transpose it into a different key.
It is clear therefore that horns with tubing respectively 8 ft.
It may be purely a coincidence that the early illustration of a horn with the tubing wound in coils round the body in the Strassburg Virgil mentioned above was put to the same use and associated with the same instrument.
In order to deepen the pitch one tone by means of valve 1, a length of tubing exactly proportional to the length of the main tube must be thrown into communication with the latter.
The second valve opens a passage into a shorter length of tubing sufficient to lower the pitch of the instrument a semitone, as though the instrument were for the time being in E.
A piece of brass tubingis then cut off with a hacksaw to form a brass bushing.
This is made from a piece of brass tubing with an internal diameter of 3/4 inch.
The vaporizing coils are made of Shelby steeltubing with an internal diameter of 1/8 inch.
As a temporary arrangement, a thin rubber tubing is inserted through a hole in the lower deck and allowed to hang outside the water-level.
As before mentioned, the stern tube is a piece of brass tubing 3/8 inch in diameter and 8 inches long.
A piece of small brasstubing is used to form the barrel.
The outside diameter of thistubing should be the same as the size of the bit used.
For instance, if a 1/2-inch bit is used, brass tubing 1/2 inch in diameter should be purchased.
It is also possible to use brass tubing instead of wood if the proper size is in the model-builder's shop.
It consists merely of a coil of copper or Shelby steel tubing with an internal diameter of 1/4 inch.
It consists of a piece of brass tubing made to correspond with the performer's ordinary wand but with square ends.
The apparatus consists of a piece of one and one-half inch brass tubing about seven inches long, with a cap of the same metal fitting loosely over one end; also two billiard balls about the size of the diameter of the tube.
In addition to the glass and the paper cylinder a piece of glass tubing of the same height as the tumbler, and large enough to pass easily over the same, will also be required.
It consists of a piece of one and one-half inches of brass tubing four inches long, with two caps of the same metal to close the ends.
This piece of tubing must be blackened on the inside to within one inch of the top, and finished with a little white paint to represent froth, when, thus prepared, it will readily pass for a glass containing stout.
In one end of this tubing is inserted a cylindrical lead weight made to fit nicely.
To produce this effect you must obtain some very fine glass tubing about the thickness of a darning needle, and having broken off several pieces about an inch long, fill them with sulphuric acid.
For seamless hose the tube is made in a tubing machine and slipped upon the hose pole by reversing the process that is used in removing hose by air compression.
For example, the rubber is squirted out of a mammoth tubing machine in the shape of a huge tube, then slipped on a mandrel and vulcanized.
In ordinary garden hose, for instance, the process is as follows: The inner tubing is made of a strip of rubber fifty feet in length, which is laid on a long zinc-covered table and its edges drawn together over a hose pole.
A still better way of showing the presence of this gas is by bending a piece of glass tubing of small-bore, into the shape shown in Fig.
We require a little lycopodium, a piece of glass tubing one foot long, and about a quarter-inch bore, and the non-luminous flame of the Bunsen burner or a spirit lamp.
At the same place he bought some pieces of glass tubing of such a size that it would fit inside the rubber tubing.
Glass tubing may be bent easily to any shape by holding it in the flame of an ordinary gas burner.
The outfit consists of a platinum point, sometimes called the burner, an alcohol lamp, and a benzine bottle with rubber tubing terminating in a bulb as shown in the illustration.
We are breathing out carbonic acid gas; and on breathing through a piece of glass tubing into some of the clear lime-water we shall see that it will be turned milky in just the same way as when the candle burned.
By attaching a piece of india-rubber tubing to the stem of the pipe and gas burner, you can get a supply of lighter gas which will make the bubble into a balloon.
It consists of a bag encircling the tubing and filled with flax seed, which swells when wet and fills the space between the tubing and the sides of the hole.
Instead, small rings are bent out of wire, with pieces of small rubber-tubing slipped over the wire, and the ends of the rubber strands are looped through these rings and bound in place with thread (Fig.
Purchase a piece of glass tubingfrom your druggist and secure a cork that will fit the opening in the glass bulb.
How To Make a Small Searchlight [336] The materials required for a small searchlight are a 4-volt lamp of the loop variety, thin sheet brass for the cylinder, copper piping and brass tubing for base.
Enough tubing to last many days, the Bunsen burner, blowpipe, file and charcoal should not exceed $2 in cost.
A piece of rubber tubing must be placed over the wire terminals before inserting them in the holes.
Insert a wick in a piece of the glass tubing and put this through a hole bored in a cork and the lamp is ready to burn alcohol or kerosene.
Wind the rubber tubing around the box and you have a neat outfit that can be carried in the pocket.
Glass-Cleaning Solution [31] Glass tumblers, tubing and fancy bottles are hard to clean by washing them in the ordinary way, as the parts are hard to reach with the fingers or a brush.
To weld two lengths of, glass tubing together, heat the end of a tube and insert the point of a piece of charcoal in the opening, and twirl it about until the end of the tube has a considerable flare.
The file is for cutting the glass tubing into lengths convenient to handle.
It may be covered either with india-rubber tubing or with roller composition 40 III.
A piece of tightly-fitting india-rubber tubing is drawn over the cylinder.
A portable gauge of this description is very useful, as it can be attached by means of a short piece of flexible tubing to any tap or burner.
Flexible tubing is then connected in place of the burners to all the other brackets in the house, and acetylene is similarly allowed to escape into the open air from each for a quarter of an hour.
The composition tubing must not, of course, be sharply bent, but carried by easy curves to the desired point, and it should be carefully rolled in a roll of not less than 18 inches diameter when removed.
Flexible connexions may also be required for temporary use, such as for conveying acetylene to an optical lantern, and if only occasionally called for, the cost of the metallic flexible tubing will usually preclude its use.
If the connexion is for permanent use, it must not be of rubber, but of the metallic flexible tubing which is now commonly employed for such connexions in the case of coal-gas.
Then they took out a big coil of something that looked like rubber tubing which was wound on a great wooden spool.
The spool was as big around as David's body, and the stuff that looked like rubber tubing looked all twisty, as if there were two pieces twisted together.
They are often called tubular wells because they are lined with iron tubing or tile, to prevent the earth from refilling the hole.
A piece of heavy rubber tubing is forced over the water tap and the other end tightly wedged into the drain pipe; the water is then turned on and generally the pressure is sufficient to force the accumulation down the pipe.
It is made of perforated brass tubing and provided with a sharpened end to facilitate driving.
It consisted of a piece of seamless steel tubing with each end fastened into a phosphor-bronze casting, these castings comprising the big and little ends, drilled through to make the bearings (See Figures 5 and 6).
Fuel was gravity fed to the can through copper and rubber tubing from a tank fastened to a strut, several feet above the engine.
The direct screw assembly method called for accurate machining and hand fitting in order to make the ends of the tubing jam against the bottom of the threaded holes in the castings, and at the same time have the end bearings properly lined up.
It was made in three parts, a piece of seamless steel tubing being shrunk on a cast-iron barrel to form the water jacket, with a cast-iron cylinder head shrunk on the upper end of the barrel.
The final decision was possibly determined by the practicality that there existed no standard tubing even approximating the size and wall thickness desired.
The ordinary soda-glass tubing melts easily in the blowpipe flame, it has not a long intermediate or viscous stage during fusion, but becomes highly fluid rather suddenly; it does not blacken in the reducing flame.
The mercury reservoir, a, and the upper part, b, are made by joining two larger pieces of tubing on to the capillary.
The outer bulb is blown from a thick piece of tubing which has been inserted in a smaller piece (see d, Fig.
We will now consider the various forms of join in glass tubing which are met with in the laboratory.
Assuming that the thermometer has been made of carefully selected tubing in which the bore is parallel and free from any small irregularities, we have only to fix the freezing point and boiling point.
A transitional portion of tubing may be built up by the successive addition and interfusion of beads of one of the glasses to the end of a sealed tube consisting of the other glass.
Small tubing may be bent in a flat flame gas burner and offers no special difficulty.
This brief sketch will give a little idea of the difficulties and dangers incident to the tubing of some of these springs.
During the past winter a defect in the tubing has led the proprietors to retube it very carefully and at great expense.
The tubingis eleven feet, and fits closely to the rock.
The tubing is a block tin pipe, encased with iron, eighty-five feet in length and two inches in diameter.
Though long known, its situation was such, being in the midst of a deep morass, that the owners took no steps towards tubing it.
Often it is advisable to heat the metal and put it “through the pickle” before working on it, especially in the case of tubing that has been lying by for some time and has become dirty.
This consisted of equal parts of lead and tin made into fine tubing and afterwards filled with flux having resin as a base.
All indiarubber tubing must be perfectly smooth inside, for if it is wired or in any way rough, the resultant friction will cause a loss of pressure.
The end is then connected to an ordinary bracket or burner by means of an indiarubber tube G, and a short piece of tubing is fitted with a bone or other mouthpiece, and attached to the projecting end of the air tube.
The connection to the flexible gastubing is at G, while H indicates a guide and stuffing box for the gas-valve cone or needle.
Note the tubing used to connect the pump to the cups, and the circular scarificator with blades cutting in opposite directions.
All pieces excepttubing and scarificator are engraved with the Charriere name.
This consisted of a piece of hollow metal tubing cut obliquely at one end and provided with a metal bulb or ring at the other end.
It would be difficult to find a food which could pass without effect through twenty-seven feet of intestinal tubing only to become suddenly effective on the wall of the rectum.