Bradamant from her finger slipt the ring, Nor this alone would have bestowed with joy; But heart and life would at her feet have laid, If she had deemed they could Rogero aid.
Whether what met the eye was false or true, Was never sight more fair or glad to view.
The cone fruits arecylindrical or ovoid, ripening in a single season and discharging their seeds at maturity.
They ripen into tall cylindrical cones, six to eight inches long and half as wide, that fall to pieces at maturity, discharging their broad thin scales with the purple iridescent winged seeds.
If we imitate a natural timber shaft in stone we have a smooth cylindrical column like that seen in Fig.
Here and there cylindrical piers built up of small units seem to have been employed.
The diameter of these cylindrical jars was about two feet.
Another novel characteristic of the Peirce pendulums was the mainly cylindrical form.
Commandant Defforges, of France, also designed and used cylindrical reversible pendulums, but of different length so that the effect of flexure was eliminated in the reduction of observations.
At the extremities of the stem of the pendulum were movable cylindrical disks, one of which was solid and heavy, the other hollow and light.
The Busao Igorrotes, who live in the North of Lepanto, tattoo flowers on their arms, and in war-dress wear a cylindrical shako made of wood or plaited rattan, and large copper pendants in their ears.
Their arms are the same as the Busaos, and, like them, they wear a cylindrical shako, which they dye a brilliant red.
Essentially they consist of a cylindrical vessel with perforated sides, so constructed that it can be revolved at a high speed.
There is a slight difference in the structure of the two kinds of fibre, woolly fibres having a more scaly structure than hairy fibres; the latter also differ in being more cylindrical in form.
It consists of a half-cylindrical dye-vat built of wood.
The revolution of the discs carries the yarn through the dye-liquor contained in the lower semi-cylindrical part of the machine previously alluded to.
In other cases these relays are built en bloc, a rectangular strip of soft iron long enough to afford space for ten relays side by side being bored out with ten cylindrical holes to receive the electromagnets.
The switches are built with a contact bank cylindrical in form and with internal movable brushes traveling in a rotary manner in circular paths upon horizontal rows of contacts fixed in the cylindrical banks.
These cylindrical structures, usually of brick, erected in a shady spot and reinforced at the base with the cooling earth, were packed ten, fifteen or more feet deep with ice, depending on the supply available.
A Gay Mood A young girl displays a seventeenth-century costume with full skirt, cylindrical bodice and falling band (large loose collar).
The bodices of the women remained cylindrical in shape with sleeves tight from shoulder to elbow, falling loosely to the wrist where they were often finished with turned back cuffs.
The nest is a huge cylindrical structure, about 18 inches long and a foot in diameter, composed of straw, leaves, and feathers.
In shape they are elongated ovals, generally very obtuse at both ends, and many of them exhibiting cylindrical or pyriform tendencies.
Two eggs taken by Mr. Darling[A] are very elongated, somewhatcylindrical ovals, very obtuse at both ends.
These are long, cylindrical ovals, very obtuse even at the smaller end.
The coats of these breathing tubes are very elastic, and always preserve a cylindrical form, even when not distended.
When one of them is taken and held between the fingers, there may often be seen a small, oblong, whitish, cylindrical worm come out of the posterior part of the body, and shake itself in order to disengage itself thoroughly.
The AEshna, with a cylindrical abdomen, attains to the length of two and a half inches.
The abdomen has the form of an elongated, or--in the majority of species--an almost cylindrical oval.
The Urocerata and the Tenthredinetae form two tribes of insects, of which the first are of great size, have a cylindrical body, the abdomen being attached to the thorax in its whole breadth, without any pedicle.
On the upper part of the body are two small cylindrical horns, surmounted by a small knob.
The cartilaginous spiral is sometimes cylindrical and sometimes flat.
They lay, without ceasing to walk about, white eggs of cylindrical form and microscopic dimensions.
In fact, the leaf-rollers construct for themselves a sort of cylindrical cell, which receives light only through the two extremities.
Some species of humble bees give them long and narrow necks; others, less recherche in their style of construction, simply make cylindrical vases.
It is much larger and more cylindricalin shape, the abdomen occupying nearly the whole of the body, and consisting of nine visible segments, the terminal one being obtusely conical.
The larva is a fat apodal grub, and may be found in the cells constructed by the perfect insect, which usually selects a large cylindrical hole in a log, previously drilled out by a weevil.
Its larva is a small cylindrical grub, with the head and legs so minute that they are scarcely perceptible, causing it to closely resemble the maggots of many dipterous insects, occurring in similar localities.
This weevil is not often noticed in the open, but may be found in great abundance in the dead stems of fuchsia, mahoe, and other soft-wooded shrubs, whose trunks are frequently noticed pierced with numerous cylindrical holes.
Carding was done by cylindrical carding machines invented by Lewis Paul.
The machines inside were very tall, cylindrical in shape, and rotated on vertical axes.
In this instrument it consists of twocylindrical tubes parallel with each other, upon which two other tubes communicating by a pipe at their lower ends curved in a half circle glide without loss of air.
This instrument is the rhythmic bass and support to the simple galoubet, a cylindrical pipe with two holes in front and one behind, sounded by the same performer.
The chalumeau being a cylindrical pipe, the upper partials could only be in an odd series, and when Denner made them speak, they were consequently not an octave, but a twelfth above the fundamental notes.
The Boehm flute, since 1846, is a cylindrical tube for about three-fourths of its length from the lower end, after which it is continued in a curved conical prolongation to the cork stopper.
This was the cromorne, a wooden instrument with cylindrical column of air; the name is considered to remain in the cremona stop of the organ.
The diameter is three-eighths of an inch along the cylindrical length; it then widens out for about fifteen inches, to form the bell.
It is suitable for both conical and cylindrical instruments, and has six valves, which are always used independently.
The compass was limited to fundamental notes, and from the cylindrical tube and reed was an octave lower in pitch than the length would show.
When we go downstairs, we shall see how the forms that are set here are cast in two large metal sections that fit on the two halves of the cylindrical rollers of the press.
Cylindrical in shape, it weighed, according to Leighton's estimate, at least a ton.
Even the cylindrical drum and the long curved handle hanging at the side of one of the tall uprights were of stone.
Among the most common sights of these parts are the whirlwinds--the tourbillons,--each revolving with terrific rapidity round its own axis and raising to the sky a cylindrical column of dust.
The natives had made a sort of altar with this last inscription and some cylindrical sections of columns carved out of beautiful marble, white or most delicately variegated.
The chief had quite an imposing residence, with a tower and castellated entrance gate, and the characteristic cylindrical mangers for horses in front of his dwelling.
The loom is simple enough, the two sets of long horizontal threads being kept at high tension by an iron bar fixed into the cylindrical wooden rollers, round which the threads are rolled.
Then there are some huge cylindrical bells standing about two and a half feet high, with scrolls and geometrical designs on their sides.
They are cylindrical in shape, with castellated top, and are solidly built with massive walls.
One gets a glimpse of a picturesque blue-tiled pagoda-like roof with a cylindrical column upon it, and at last we emerge into a large quadrangular square, with European buildings to the west side.
It had yellow marble pillars of sugar-loaf andcylindrical shapes and was enclosed by a neat stone wall.
I have here a cylindrical glass jar in which I place some sal-ammoniac and quicklime.
The ready-made secondary is in solid cylindrical form, about 6 in.
The core for holding the cylindrical wax records is 4-1/2 in.
It comprises a core consisting of a cylindrical bundle of soft-iron wires cut to proper length.
Cochlearia Armoracia, a perennial plant of the natural order Cruciferae, having a stout cylindrical rootstock from the crown of which spring large radical leaves on long stalks, 4 to 6 in.
It completely embraces the truncated cylindrical tympanohyal, which is of great size, corresponding with the large development of the whole anterior arch of the hyoid.
Chladni, when speaking of open and closed pipes, refers to the standard cylindrical and rectangular organ-pipes.
The lituus, or cavalry trumpet of the Romans, consisted of a cylindrical tube, to which was attached a bent horn or conical bell, the whole in the shape of a J.
In the common pretty Purple-fringed Orchid, whose dense cylindrical spikes of plumy blossoms occasionally empurple whole marshes, we have an arrangement quite similar to the H.
We may test this action in various ways: a simple way is to take a cylindrical lamp chimney, press a card against its lower end and place it in the water in a vertical position.
If a wire be wound about a cylinder to form a cylindrical coil with parallel turns, it forms a helix or solenoid.
Let a cylindrical metal vessel open at the top and insulated by being placed upon pieces of sealing wax have a charge of negative electricity given it.
He proposed the truer boring of the guns, the use of a telescopic sight, and a cylindrical shot with its end of a parabolic form as presenting in his opinion the least resistance to the air.
Its principal features were two large cylindrical vessels, which were alternately filled with steam from an adjoining boiler and with cold water from the well or mine out of which the water had to be raised.
The huge cylindrical tilting helm was so constructed in front as to slope at an angle in all directions to one point.
The Earl was sitting upright in bed, dressed in a furred dressing-gown, and propped up by two cylindrical bolsters of crimson satin.
Meantime the other lay back upon the cylindrical bolsters, looking thoughtfully at him.
A circuit is made up of a standard coil of wire, the ends of which are made to touch at the circumference and near the centre of the disk, which is placed symmetrically with respect to a cylindrical coil, and within it.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cylindrical" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.