He lifted the hammer, removed the cap, and taking a pin from his waist band worked at the nipple until he extracted a splinter of wood.
While he was waiting to see which way the bear was coming next, he made motions with his hand, pointing to the nipple of his rifle, to indicate that he wanted caps.
The heart's apex beat in the sixth interspace in the nipple line, and the precordial dulness was somewhat increased.
Entry (Mauser), in the seventh right intercostal space in the nipple line; exit, 1 inch to the right of the twelfth dorsal spine.
The screw was lodged in the abdominal wall at the margin of the thorax, just outside the left nipple line.
The fragment of shell was retained over the ninth costal cartilage in the nipple line.
Entry (Mauser), midway between the last right rib and the crista ilii; exit, below the eighth costal cartilage in nipple line.
Entry, at the posterior margin of the sterno-mastoid muscle, 2 inches above the clavicle; the bullet came to the surface beneath the skin over the fifth rib, in the nipple line of the right side.
Some old sister gets the "Amusement" nipple in her mouth and it sours her stomach, and up go her heels and she yells.
The analogy is indeed very close: the erectile nipple corresponds to the erectile penis, the eager watery mouth of the infant to the moist and throbbing vagina, the vitally albuminous milk to the vitally albuminous semen.
Hallibut had placed another cap on the nipple of his rifle, and as the struggling mass surged back into the charred space he fired into it point-blank.
Try another, Gloss,” suggested McTavish, placing the cap on the nipple of the rifle with clumsy fingers.
This said, Thymbræus with his lance he tumbled from his horse, Near his left nipple wounding him.
This basin of unbroken green rises away to the south and southeast into the rocky heights of Dix's Peak and Nipple Top,--the latter a local name which neither the mountain nor the fastidious tourist is able to shake off.
The western walls of it are formed by the precipices of Nipple Top, not so striking nor so bare as the great slides of Dix which glisten in the sun like silver, but rough and repelling, and consequently alluring.
All the slopes of Nipple Top are hirsute and jagged to the last degree.
The guide had never been through the pass before; although he was familiar with the region, and had ascended Nipple Top in the winter in pursuit of the sable.
Our first day's route was through the Gill-brook woods and up one of its branches to the head of Caribou Pass, which separates Nipple Top from Colvin.
The guide said then--and he mentioned it casually, in reply to our inquiries about ascending the mountain--that there was a cave high up among the precipices on the southeast side of Nipple Top.
The arduous labor of scaling an Alpine peak has a compensating glory; but the dead lift of our bodies up Nipple Top had no stimulus of this sort.
In one of his expeditions over Nipple Top he chanced upon the cave.
His mouth was stretched round the nipple as he sucked, his face was pressed close and closer to the breast, his fingers wandered over the fine white globe, blue veined and heavy, trying to hold it.
We must content ourselves with saying that, by whatever accident the nipple arose, the success of it when present determined its selection by nature and its consequent persistence.
The little creature instantly fastens upon the nipple of the mother, keeping its mouth constantly in this position.
The nipple will also enlarge, or become erect on being rubbed, and, as gestation advances, milk may be forced from it.
In many cases when the nipple is small, it may be much enlarged by titillation, just before the child is put to it, after which the suction will increase it still more.
In many cases however I have known it prevented, to a great extent, by having the nipple gently sucked, very frequently, for six weeks or two months before childbirth.
The breasts also may be diseased, or the nipple not sufficiently prominent, and the same difficulty be thus produced in another way.
Clark, of Alabama, informs us that a married lady, who had never been pregnant, was requested to take charge of an infant during the night, and that to quiet it she had put her nipple in its mouth.
Sometimes there has been seen two and even three nipples on one breast, and in a few cases one of the breasts has had no nipple at all.
The nipple becomes elevated, and the circle around it assumes a dark brown color, and is dotted with small tubercles, from which a thin watery liquor may often be pressed.
A brass nipple is wiped on a piece of lead pipe and then screwed into the fitting left for the closet connection.
When a nipple is so short that the threads cut on each end meet in the center of the piece, the nipple is called a "close nipple.
To cut and thread these nipples a nipple chuck or nippleholder is necessary.
The lead pipe must be attached to the brass nipple by means of a wiped joint.
There are a number of patented nipple chucks on the market, but as they are not always at hand the above method is resorted to and serves every purpose.
Put the nipple holder in the vise with the coupling out from the vise about 8 inches.
With this procedure a nippleof any length can be cut.
I leaned against the counter, playing peek-a-boo with a tan nipple now half- concealed in the bubbles.
She watched as I trailed a finger around the hard tip of a nipple beneath her shirt.
The nipple becomes more prominent, and the circle around its base altered in color and structure, constituting what is called the areola, and as pregnancy advances milk is secreted.
Try to keep the nipple covered," said the zealous officer, returning the piece.
Devenish to one or two; from a third he took the man's dripping piece, and from the nipple poured a tiny jet of water into the palm of his left hand.
The mother's part is to a great extent a passive one, provided that she can supply one essential--a nipple that is large enough for the child to grasp properly.
The breasts of all mothers will secrete milk if strong and vigorous suction is applied to the nipple by the child.
Then very gently he can be carried to his mother and the nipple inserted.
On thenipple was placed the copper cap containing the detonating composition, now made of three parts of chlorate of potash, two of fulminate of mercury and one of powdered glass.
Some bright member of the family will suggest that a bottle of cow's milk with rubbernipple will do the trick.
We gave him a bottle at first with a nipple made of a goose-quill wrapped each time with clean, soft rags.
The gas-inlet nozzle or nipple of the burner is set within a spherical bulb in which are four air inlets.
In this burner the injecting nippleis of porcelain.
The orifice in the nipple is extremely small-- usually less than 0.
In order to overcome this defect, inherent to metal nipples, burners are now constructed for acetylene in which the nipple is of hard incorrodible material.
The gas nipple extends into a domed chamber at the base of the mixing tube, and the internal air is supplied through four holes in the base-plate of that chamber.
Among the early incandescent burners, one made by the Allgemeine Carbid und Acetylen Gesellschaft of Berlin in 1900 depended on the narrowness of the mixing tube and the proportioning of the gas nipple and air inlets to prevent lighting-back.
He was wandering in his mind, speaking without control, but Sandy's mouth tightened at the mention of Nipple Peaks, relaxed again on the word "girl.
At Nipple Peaks he could rest, attend to his wound.
Case they've got some one who does know the way in, he'll side-track by Spur Rock an' git through the pass at Nipple Peaks.
Plimsoll's makin' fo' Nipple Peaks an' he's likely to git clear.
It was Goldie that Sandy rode under the stars toward Nipple Peaks.
To leave him here where the raiders would find him might mean a confession wrung from him that would tell of the getaway trail by Spur Rock and Nipple Peaks.
Nipple Peaks he knew by sight, two high mounds of bare granite above the timber-line, barring the way to a jumbled country of peaks and ravines and cross cañons among which lay Plimsoll's Hideout.
Reverdin describes a man having a supernumerary nipple on the right side of his chest, of whose five children three had preauricular appendages.
The right mamma was quite well developed, flaccid, the nipple prominent, and the superficial veins larger and more tortuous than usual.
Striking the ribs near the left nipple it fractured three, and made its exit.
Barnes saw a case in St. George's Hospital, London, 1876, in which the young girl menstruated vicariously from the nipple and stomach.
Liver-dulness began at the 4th rib cartilage in the nipple line.
It was excised, and microscopic examination showed its structure to be that of a rudimentary nipple and mammary gland.
Ansiaux, surgeon of Liege, saw a conscript of thirteen whose left mamma was well developed like that of a woman, and whose nipple was surrounded by a large areola.
Blanchard speaks of a father who had a supernumerary nipple on each breast and his seven sons had the same deformities; it was not noticed in the daughters.
He discusses the idea that woman was meant to bear more than one child at a birth, using as his argument the existence of the double nipple and mamma, to which might be added the not infrequent occurrence of polymazia.
Smellie has recorded an instance in which, after avulsion of a nipple in suckling, restitution was effected.