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Example sentences for "could help"

  • If I could help you I would not leave you at all.

  • I wish I could help you, but I don't see any chance just now.

  • First, Syama told me you were at some particular task, and I wanted to know if I could help you.

  • I wish I could help him, for he is a prince with a tender conscience; but there is no way--at least Heaven does not permit me to see anything for him in my gift but prayer.

  • It was curious that in these days he would neither sit nor walk alone if he could help it.

  • He began to feel a deep and kindly pity for her, coupled with an earnest wish that he could help her to make her life more adequate and satisfying.

  • She wished nervously to give Catherine's extraordinary moral strength no greater advantage over her than she could help.

  • If there were any possible way in which we could help to tide you over the difficulties at this time, we would be glad to do so, but as a banker yourself you must realize just how impossible that would be.

  • He had been very tactful these last two months--avoiding any reference to Cowperwood in so far as he could help in her presence.

  • I would rather do anything than suspend for one hour, if I could help it, for I know just what it means.

  • I am sure I would not give any pain if I could help it, much less to you.

  • Mr Gazebee, of course, did know very well; but he was not going to discuss the subject with Sir Louis, if he could help it.

  • No; I would not if I could help it," said the cousin.

  • But what she had written to Ted Holiday for was because she thought perhaps he could help her to find a job in the college town.

  • He never sought out Ruth's society, was never alone with her if he could help it, never so much as touched her hand.

  • She didn't care what and would be very grateful to Ted if he would or could help her to find work.

  • That was when I thought, p'raps, I could help you to patch it up.

  • A number once issued from his hands Rickman never looked at it again if he could help it, and he never troubled to look at it now.

  • He never let his mind dwell on those dreadful syllables any longer than he could help; he never thought of her as Poppy Grace at all.

  • I resolved to mind my work and not read the papers, if I could help it, and not think about politics or my friends' course in them.

  • Live upon stolen money I would not, — any more than I could help.

  • It was very odd for me to do; but I was taken unawares; my eyes fell and filled, and before I could help it were more than full.

  • I don't know whether we could help it," he said; "but we would try.

  • He could, therefore, sympathize with the fullest understanding with those similarly situated, could help as one who knew from practice and not from theory.

  • He made arrangements at the American Red Cross Headquarters for an official department to begin at once in the magazine, telling women the first steps that would be taken by the Red Cross and how they could help.

  • After that I could not, of course, suffer the Duke to be arrested by my side, if I could help it, and therefore I did what I could to assist him, but that was little.

  • Wilton had too much good taste to suffer his annoyance to appear; and though he strove to avoid taking any greater part in the conversation than he could help, still when he joined in, what he did say was said with ease and grace.

  • Already I could almost see the eyes of the infuriated beasts; but I was not going to give up my life if I could help it.

  • Though she had not abandoned all hope, she had been fearfully anxious about me; and she made me promise not to go wandering again over the wilds, if I could help it.

  • Had it not been for Stephen and the children, I would have watched all day, in the hope of our friend's return; but I had promised not to be longer than I could help.

  • The girl noted the worn look on his rugged face, and when he had hung up the receiver again, said: "I wish I could help you, George.

  • I thought perhaps I could help you, Mother Gray," she said, as she removed her hat and arranged a beautiful bunch of flowers on a little stand in the center of the room.

  • I wish to God I could help you in some way or other beyond repeating the parrot cry.

  • He writes:-- I am sorry to hear that you are so poorly, and wish I could help you to sit down and work quietly at pure science.

  • Tirlemont, and I did not mean to quit Belgian soil if I could help it, leaving five of them behind.

  • The sanitars now began to pack up the hospital; we did not mean to leave anything behind for the enemy if we could help it.

  • I beg your pardon for speaking to you," he said, "but I received so much kindness from every one when I was in England, that it would be the greatest pleasure I could have if I could help you at all.

  • I was very sad that they had discovered I did not want to go, because I knew now that they would leave no stone unturned to make me, but I determined to resist to the last moment and not go if I could help it.

  • Besides Arithelli had no respect for priests or nuns; Emile remembered her inimitable descriptions of the spying "Children of Mary," and she should not be worried with either if he could help it.

  • And Vladimir was wise, for he allowed her to dream, and did not show her more than he could help of modern Paris.

  • It was the drowsy hour of the siesta, when no one moved out if he could help it, and all work and play were at a standstill.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "could help" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    could bear; could distinguish; could endure; could feel; could judge; could just; could live; could muster; could not; could not have said; could not help saying; could not help smiling; could obtain; could offer; could reach; could scarcely; could see; could stay; could succeed; could tell; could they; could venture; hold water; many lands; million pounds; really didn