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Example sentences for "apropos"

Lexicographically close words:
apricot; apricots; apron; aproned; aprons; apse; apses; apsidal; apsides; apsis
  1. Here, for the first time, apropos of the hoof, we use the word 'foot.

  2. Apropos of these different osseous processes, we are reminded that they are also present in the human skeleton.

  3. Apropos of the atlas, we find that it, in the human being, is narrower than the corresponding parts of the skull, and is therefore hidden under the base of the cranium (Fig.

  4. It returned apropos of nothing and with the exchange of a glance.

  5. She had said to his mother, apropos of some forgotten bit of courtliness on his part, "You can always be sure that Rupert will do precisely the right thing.

  6. A few months later he writes: "The friendship of which I spoke to you, and at which you laughed, apropos of the dedication, is not all I thought it.

  7. Apropos of his marriage, he would say that it was postponed for reasons which he could not give his family; Madame Hanska had met with financial losses again through fires and crop failures.

  8. I answered a very unimportant letter, and apropos of a sentence, I explained myself; that was all.

  9. And, apropos of weddings, an old-fashioned Virginia wedding was an event to be remembered.

  10. Apropos of this there is an amusing story.

  11. With this piece of exquisite apropos did the infallible Mary Ashburleigh crown the edifice of her good taste.

  12. But the prettiest moment was when the two brides rose and touched glasses, mutually and to the health of the company, apropos of a little wedding-song which Fortnoye had composed and was trolling at the head our willing chorus.

  13. Apropos of bed-bugs, they nearly ate up the little Queen of Spain on her passage up the Mediterranean in the Spanish galleys.

  14. Apropos of its representation at Saint-Cyr, Mme.

  15. Apropos to writing verses in a language one don't understand, there is always the allowance given, and that allowance (like our excise drawbacks) commonly larger than it ought to be.

  16. Apropos of tame animals, there's a tame fox cub living in the toilet-room.

  17. But to-day, apropos of nothing, it has begun raining; I sit in our room, and already begin to feel that in another two or three days I shall be thinking of how to escape.

  18. The death of the actor is awful; it is as though you gave the spectator a sudden box on the ear apropos of nothing without preparing him in any way.

  19. For instance look at one of the Christ legends which was reproduced in poor Ophelia’s distracted mind apropos of the owl, “They say, the owl was a baker’s daughter.

  20. My dearest wish is the success of Berande," Joan had just said, apropos of a discussion about the cheapening of freights on copra to market.

  21. She's all right," he said, apropos of nothing spoken, and yet distinctly relevant to what was in each of their minds.

  22. Apropos of elections," writes Hannah More to her sister," I had like to have got into a fine scrape the other night.

  23. Norfolk has come very mal-apropos into the end of my life, and certainly never entered into my views and plans; and I, who could never learn the multiplication table, was not intended to transact leases.

  24. Apropos of two wives--when the newspapers the other day were pleased to marry me to Dr.

  25. From the letter of a colored gentleman of leisure, apropos of his wife's suit for divorce: "P.

  26. And by an abrupt, yet apropos question, he turned the current of the conversation, so as not to give Mr. Thornton the mortification of acknowledging his want of success and consequent change of position.

  27. Apropos of Manon,' replied he, 'what is it that annoys you about her?

  28. I consider it a blessing to have thought so apropos of Tiberge, and resolved to take measures to find him before evening.

  29. Then addressing Gronski: "Apropos of your Homeric Kings, and with them your Virgils and Horaces, why, in their days there certainly were not such hotels on the Riviera and such clubs in Nice as at present.

  30. Apropos to dreams and acting in character in the strangest circumstances, I mentioned Dr.

  31. Apropos of the negotiations for peace, there is a picture of Woodward’s (July 1806), in which Fox is just closing the door behind a messenger laden with despatches.

  32. He said, apropos of the then French Government: "To change a policy you must have a policy, just as to change a shirt you must have a shirt.

  33. Andrew Daney was greatly concerned about him, and one day, apropos of nothing, he demanded a bill of particulars.

  34. In closing this chapter, I cannot forego the pleasure of citing Count de Gasparin apropos of the learned negations of Babinet and his emulators of the Institute.

  35. I wrote at that time in this critical study "apropos of the phenomena produced by the Davenport brothers and mediums in general.

  36. Fremy, of the Institute, has recently presented to the Academy of Science, apropos of spontaneous generation, substances which he has called semi-organic.

  37. Ciolfi were published apropos of this visit.

  38. As for the executing of the mandates of the will, the putting into play of the muscles required to lift the hand, or of the fluid-power required to lift the table-leg, I have no knowledge of what passes in me apropos of this.

  39. Apropos of Eusapia I had received from my illustrious colleague, M.

  40. I saw Bishop at Inverness last week," said Sir Paul Spinner to Mr. Prohack, apropos of nothing whatever.

  41. And later Bishop said, again apropos of nothing: "Of course it's only too true that the value of money has fallen by about half.

  42. Should he keep to the defensive, or should he lead off with an attack apropos of the Eagle car?

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "apropos" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    about; adapted; admissible; appertaining; applicable; apposite; appropriate; apropos; apt; becoming; befitting; dovetailing; expedient; felicitous; fit; fitted; fitting; geared; germane; happy; incidentally; likely; material; meshing; opportune; pertaining; pertinent; point; proper; qualified; regarding; relation; relative; relevant; right; seasonable; seemly; suitable; suited; tailored