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Example sentences for "befitting"

Lexicographically close words:
befell; befit; befits; befitted; befitteth; befittingly; beflowered; befo; befoah; befogged
  1. So they sought, but found nothing befitting her and told the Caliph who, vexed and annoyed thereat, exclaimed, "How am I Caliph and King of the Kings of the earth and cannot find so small a matter as a jewel?

  2. The Honourable Humphrey Crewe was delivering his long-heralded speech on national affairs, and was arrayed for the occasion in a manner befitting the American statesman, with the conventional frock coat, which he wore unbuttoned.

  3. His remains, first buried in the church of St Fermo Minore, were afterwards brought here, and laid to rest with every honour, and in a manner befitting such impressive surroundings.

  4. He was too proud to solicit the king to revoke the order he had given, and in the end behaved in a way befitting so noble-minded a man.

  5. While he was speaking my heart was full of joy, but I kept up the sadness befitting the scene.

  6. Is it not befitting the character of God to set upon that coöperation a special mark of His holy approbation, by assigning to it a more elevated place among the secondary causes which He is pleased to employ?

  7. Pythagoras recommended the Cedar, the Laurel, the Cypress, the Oak, and the Myrtle, as the woods most befitting to honour the Divinity.

  8. It is part of their mission to give to each maturing blossom its proper hue, to guide creepers and climbing plants, and to teach young plants to move with befitting grace.

  9. The Duchess Anne had seen to it that her guest should be clad in a costume befitting her rank, and the coarse gown of the peasant child had been discarded for ever.

  10. For surely some ceremony befitting royalty should be prepared.

  11. And we're going to give Mr. Gordon a welcome as is befitting a Forsyth.

  12. Jacob stood humbly before her; for though they spoke and acted as friends, nay, almost as brother and sister, he never lost the respectful demeanor befitting his position in Ada's household.

  13. Of all the Gatehouses, this is the only one suitable for the residence of a person in Jasper's position, who was enabled to offer befitting hospitality to his nephew and Neville Landless.

  14. Cathedral, a noble pile so well befitting the Metropolitan See of England, from which the Christianity of the Kingdom first flowed.

  15. Persistently independent and manly, he criticizes men and times largely, urging and defending his opinions with the spirit and pertinacity befitting a descendant of him of the Hammer.

  16. And so on the next morning the wedding ceremony took place, and the bride and groom went on their way to France, where preparations befitting their rank awaited them.

  17. In high befitting fashion / quitted she her land: She kissed of nearest kindred / all who round did stand.

  18. It is a lovely morning--a morning, I may add, befitting the sacred day.

  19. He must find us in the most respecterble room in the house--a room befitting my station.

  20. Believe me," replied Everard, "that I choose the line of policy best befitting the times.

  21. It had a sweet simple air, befitting him; as when in bygone days they travelled with the joy of children.

  22. This it is not necessary to do when you are set astride the enchanted horse of the Tale, which leaves the man's mind at home while he performs the deeds befitting him: he can indeed be rapid.

  23. At length the "slit-eared hare" met her death, in a manner befitting the wild, free existence she had led among the hills and the valleys.

  24. Here the bridegroom and his bride were seated in state, both attired in elegant robes as befitting the occasion.

  25. Forgive me that I cannot entertain you in a more befitting manner, in this, our poor home.

  26. Thou cloud of billowed lace, a shield befitting her pure heart!

  27. It were a fool's errand, my young master, and nowise befitting thy young wisdom.

  28. They have an instinctive perception of fitness, and an instinctive impulse to acts befitting their nature.

  29. He understands the epicurean precept of 'carpe diem' in a sense more befitting to human dignity.

  30. Thus his style appears animated not only by vital force, but by an impressive solemnity, befitting the grave and dignified emotion which responds to such ideas.

  31. Yet to Tyndarus he attributes a sense of religious trust befitting both his character and situation-- Est profecto deus, qui quae nos gerimus auditque et videt, etc.

  32. Give a man a trade befitting his sex, to a young man a trade befitting his age.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "befitting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.