Previous training or experience, conditions of fatigue, the circumstances of the moment, and many other considerations determine the suitableness of games.
The same thing appears from the suitableness of the provision which is made for the salvation of sinners, to the circumstances of all men.
And their suitableness to that which follows is the more clear when we remember that the weekly sabbath, in particular, is elsewhere (Exod.
Thus it attains a certain grace, analogous to that which in living creatures consists in the ease and suitableness of every movement and position to its end.
But the highest degrees of this passion spring from that suitableness of two individualities to each other on account of which the will, i.
First, by reason of theirsuitableness or unsuitableness to nature.
But the shunning of sorrow is due to the contrariety of the cause of sorrow; whereas the desire for pleasure does not arise from any contrariety, but rather from the suitableness of the pleasant object.
The state or quality of being infelicitous; unhappiness; misery; wretchedness; misfortune; want of suitableness or appropriateness.
Incongruous denotes that kind of absence of harmony or suitableness of which the taste and experience of men takes cognizance.
First we begin with a liking; then we give ourselves up to the passion of beauty: then comes the serious question of suitableness of the mate to match us; and perhaps we discover that we were wiser in early youth than somewhat later.
The ladies were talking to Mrs. Mountstuart and Lady Culmer of Vernon and thesuitableness of Laetitia to a scholar.
The condition of the durable outer bark of erect trees concurs with the chemical theory of coal, in showing the especial suitableness of this kind of tissue for the production of the purer compact coals.
It is a strong testimony to the suitableness of Mr Nash for his functions, that they were entered upon under the impulse of his own mind.
In this dress there was a manifestsuitableness to his person, and this excited them to a keen resentment of the distinction.
In the suitableness of Rebekah to a man of his nature, we see the suitableness of all such gifts of God as are really waited for at His hand.
The meaning of the step and the suitableness of the time and of the place to which Israel migrated, are apparent.
Consider of our unity of nature with all men: suitableness breedeth and maintaineth love.
Lastly, There must be some suitableness in age and sex.
There must be a suitableness of nature before there can be true love; and he that will love them as holy, must first love holiness himself.
In case they be all near and of an approved suitableness and fidelity.
And there may be something of suitableness between a pastor and the flock, which may give him advantage to be more profitable to their souls, than another man of equal parts.
The truth is that the present arrangement, if we think only of its abstract suitableness and its direct and ostensible claims to our respect, would need Swift himself to do justice to its exquisite unreasonableness.
By showing the sufficiency of the suitableness thereof.
What are more natural consequences flowing from anything, than that by these things is the sufficiency of the suitableness of redemption by Christ proved?
Now there must be in us something of a suitableness of spirit to this God before we can be willing to come to him.
The suitableness of it lieth in the fit application thereof to all the parts of thraldom and bondage.
And these graces have the greatest suitableness to capacitate and dispose every man for taking, and keeping the yoke of Christ.
And if worship in prayer carry not this character, and express not this honourable and glorious Lord, whom we serve, it wants that congruity and suitableness to him that is the beauty of it.
Things that are excellent in themselves will be loved for themselves; but they become the more suitable object of affection, if they have withal some suitableness and conveniency to us.
What suitableness and conveniency is apprehended in these perishing things!
The law is appointed to lead a man to faith in Christ, for salvation and righteousness, and the suitableness of it to that end, we comprehend thus: 1.
For personal excellencies, he is the chief infinitely beyond comparison, and for suitableness to us and our necessities, all the gospel is an expression of it, so that he is presented in the most attractive drawing manner that can be imagined.
There is a suitableness in them, because of their spiritual nature, whereby they may close immediately with thy spirit.
Even Jesus Christ himself is but foolishness to a natural mind, he neither knows his need of him, nor Christ’s suitableness to his need.
Men pursue nothing but under the notion of good, and to complete that which may be called good, there is required some excellency in the thing itself, and then a conveniency and suitableness to us, and these jointly draw the heart of man.
A celebrated and very ancient[104] theory makes the beautiful consist in the perfect suitableness of means to their end.
Incongruous denotes that kind of absence of harmony or suitableness of which the taste and experience of men takes cognizance.
Without doubt, this question is to be settled on the same general principles by which we should settle a similar question in regard to the suitableness of any other form of government for any other people.
By this means you will be assisted in your decision of the suitableness of the servant for your place, from the appearance of the lady and the state of her house.