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Example sentences for "acidity"

Lexicographically close words:
acidic; acidification; acidified; acidify; acidifying; acidosis; acids; acidulate; acidulated; acidulating
  1. A third effect of increasing acidity is that it induces increased imbibition of water by the colloidal gel and causes swelling of the tissue.

  2. The anthocyanin pigments are soluble in water, alcohol, and ether, the solutions being red or blue in color according to the acidity or alkalinity of the medium.

  3. Further, increase in acidity increases proteolysis, thereby liberating alkaline ammonia-derivatives which tend to neutralize the rising acidity and so to restore normal neutrality or alkalinity.

  4. The first effect of a change in the reaction toward acidity of the protoplasm is a decrease in the rate of respiration of the tissue, while increased alkalinity stimulates respiratory activity.

  5. The effect of increasing acidity soon falls off, however, as a saturation limit is soon reached.

  6. The positive charge increases with the acidity of the liquor.

  7. It likewise thoroughly cleanses the teeth, gradually removing the tartar, purifies the breath, thereby preventing infection, and corrects acidity both in mouth and stomach.

  8. This remedy was administered as an absorbent, in case of pains or convulsions supposed to be produced by acidity in the primae viae.

  9. When there is a tendency to acidity in wine, add to it sugar-candy in the proportion of a pound to every four gallons; dissolve it, and put it into the cask, incorporating it well.

  10. The soda will entirely remove the acidity of the milk, which will effervesce the better for being sour at first, adding therefore to the lightness of the cake.

  11. The acidity may be somewhat corrected by stirring in some dissolved pearlash, saleratus, or soda, immediately before the yeast is used; but it is better to have it good and fresh, without the necessity of any corrective.

  12. If you have not used lye in scalding it, dissolve some potash or pearlash in the rinsing water, to remove any acidity that may linger about the vessel, and may therefore spoil the new yeast.

  13. Since the proteins of cereals other than wheat absorb more of the free acid of the dough than do the proteins of wheat, the acidity of the dough is lessened.

  14. Since the acidity of fruits varies, no definite quantity of acid can be stated.

  15. The time of cooking depends upon the per cent of pectin and the acidity of the juice; the more pectin and acid, the less the time of cooking.

  16. Footnote 80: The acidity of molasses may be due to fermentation or to the preservatives used in many brands.

  17. If necessary, add more acid to produce the acidity indicated above.

  18. The solubility of a dye was improved by increasing its acidity (sulphonation) or by increasing its alkalinity (alkylation).

  19. These absorbents seemed to him very necessary to correct the acidity of the pancreatic juice, and the acridity of the bile.

  20. The precipitated starch is further cleansed from acid by repeated washings and by pressure, until all trace of acidity has been eliminated, and the substance exhibits a neutral reaction.

  21. A drop of phenolphthalein is now added, a little water, and the acidity determined by titration with deci-normal baryta solution, and the baryta solution taken calculated as oleic acid.

  22. Fermentation of organic matter goes on when there is a certain amount of alkalinity present; while, on the other hand, the presence of acidity seems to retard and check it.

  23. The presence of acidity in a soil is hurtful to vegetable life.

  24. In diarrh[oe]a and dyspepsia, especially when there is acidity and deficiency of bile.

  25. Bland' and 'Blissett' powders is due to baric sulphate, and I think the acidity of the aqueous extract is due to the nitric acid thus set free.

  26. With respect to the lead acetate, it is very important that it should not have an alkaline reaction; a slight acidity would be preferable.

  27. It is then pumped into large square shallow vessels called 'coolers,' where it is freely exposed to a current of air to reduce its temperature as quickly as possible, in order to avoid acidity or 'souring.

  28. Meanwhile the acidity of the aqueous filtrate and washings is estimated by decinormal soda solution.

  29. As the habit very frequently arises from acidity of stomach in horses, the administration of chalk or other antacids has been recommended.

  30. Most bacteria are very susceptible to changes in the degree of acidity or alkalinity of the medium in which they grow.

  31. The acidity is sufficiently corrected by soaking the pieces of potato in a 1 per cent.

  32. It sometimes happens that the natural acidity of potatoes is too great for the growth of many organisms.

  33. He touched theory again in continuing the cause of acidity to bacterial action--and the possibility of infection in epidemic form.

  34. An excellent culinary apple of first-rate quality; in use in December and keeps till March, when it possesses more acidity than any other variety which keeps to so late a period.

  35. Flesh, yellow, juicy, and tender, with an agreeable mingling of sweetness, and acidity in its flavor.

  36. It is necessary in storing this apple that care should be taken to prevent fermentation, by which its pleasant acidity is destroyed.

  37. Both crews were sent on shore to pick sorrel, which was here not less abundant than at our old quarters, but it was now almost too old to be palatable, having nearly lost its acidity and juice.

  38. The vinegar also became frozen in the casks in the same manner, and lost a great deal of its acidity when thawed.

  39. The appetite is generally good, but distress after eating, acidity and heartburn, eructations of acid liquid and of certain articles of diet, are experienced.

  40. As much bicarbonate of potassium to the pound as will lie upon a quarter of a dollar will neutralize the acidity of most fruits which require a large amount of sugar to mask this property.

  41. The urine is usually rather increased in amount, its color heightened, its acidity above normal, and floating in it, usually visible to the naked eye, are reddish masses composed of uric acid.

  42. As far as we now know, the function of the bile is to neutralize the acidity of the duodenal contents, and thus pave the way for the action of a digesting fluid of much greater potency and of much higher function.

  43. If there is much acidity present, it may be combined with magnesia or a few grains of finely-pulverized animal charcoal.

  44. The acid reaction is intensified by the excess of the acid urates and phosphates upon which the normal acidity depends.

  45. Excessive acidity of the stomach, seeds of fruit, certain articles of food, the presence of worms in the stomach, and draughts of ice-water may simply act as exciting causes to a centric predisposition.

  46. Footnote 55: According to Quincke, when the acid in the stomach is not hydrochloric acid, but organic acid resulting from fermentation, then vomiting and washing out the stomach do not reduce the acidity of the urine (Zeitschrift f.

  47. For the same reason, if alkalies are administered to neutralize the acidity of the intestinal canal, they must be given after meals.

  48. The acidity of the fluids irritates the mucous membrane upon which they lie.

  49. If free hydrochloric acid be present in moderate quantity, in a short time the fibrin will begin to be dissolved, but if the acidity be due to organic acid the fibrin will be dissolved very slowly or not at all.

  50. In addition to this, the parts may be washed or painted every hour or so with an alkaline solution for the purpose of neutralizing the acidity of the fluids of the mouth.

  51. The acidity of the throat was such, that it caused the tongue to be ulcerated.

  52. The treatment of one of these cases was attended by an acidity in the throat, and by the vomiting of matter containing chalky substances.

  53. The possibility of the activity of the plants being due to its normal acidity was excluded by neutralizing the extract with sodium hydrate and precipitating the salts with alcohol.

  54. No trace of acidity was there about her now.

  55. There will be found a good deal of acidity about that particular bunch, and that's why I don't envy Raynier.

  56. It is not a table fruit and can hardly be eaten out of hand until it loses some of its astringency and acidity by thorough ripening.

  57. It is, however, a very good culinary fruit and when well ripened may be eaten out of hand with relish by those who like the refreshing acidity of a Sour Cherry.

  58. The flesh-characters of the two kinds are much the same--excellent in both, the flavor being particularly refreshing to those who like the acidity of the Sour Cherry.

  59. Sour heavy bread, treated in this manner, will make very decent cakes and puddings, provided there is enough saleratus used in making them to correct the acidity of the bread.

  60. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "acidity" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acerbity; acid; acidity; acridity; acrimony; agent; alkali; animosity; anion; antacid; asperity; astringency; atom; base; bile; biochemical; bite; bitterness; cation; chemical; choler; compound; dryness; edge; element; gall; greenness; grip; harshness; ion; isomer; keenness; molecule; neutralizer; poignancy; point; pungency; radical; rancor; reagent; rigor; roughness; severity; sharpness; soreness; sour; sourness; spleen; sting; stringency; teeth; vehemence; violence