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Example sentences for "spiritualists"

Lexicographically close words:
spiritualised; spiritualising; spiritualism; spiritualist; spiritualistic; spiritualities; spirituality; spiritualization; spiritualize; spiritualized
  1. Spiritualists of this intellectual temper can, however, form but a small portion of those who are enrolled under its creed.

  2. Since convinced spiritualists took part in the séances, all kinds of spiritualistic wonders were of course demanded, and especially the "protecting spirits.

  3. The materialisation mediums of the spiritualists are mostly Connesor mediums, because materialisation takes place much more easily through Connesor on account of its close connection with the properties of matter.

  4. These phenomena of which the Spiritualists speak, I will not undertake to pronounce all lies.

  5. Nor did it occur to him that he was being used a medium by certain of the most advanced spiritualists in the world.

  6. In front of the fire was a large, well-worn couch, and by it a small stout table such as spiritualists use, on which gleamed a ball of glass or crystal.

  7. Your fame is already great among leading spiritualists of the earth, though of course they do not know who you are.

  8. The following quotations from eminent modern spiritualists will further serve to illustrate the accepted general principles of "spirit communication" on the part of western spiritualism.

  9. There is undoubtedly a greater degree of influx from the spirit side than even spiritualists are aware.

  10. The Spiritualists claim two millions of active believers and five million "favorers" in America.

  11. The Shakers are strong in thought, the Spiritualists in wealth and numbers; Communism gains ground, but not Polygamy--the Mormon is a purely European church.

  12. A grosser and more unsuccessful effort at a vulgar deception I never saw; and I only ask whether it is just to prosecute poor women for getting a few shillings by telling servants' fortunes, and leave professional spiritualists like Messrs.

  13. For a short time the spiritualists created a considerable sensation, but their prosperity did not long continue.

  14. They imagined, as spiritualists of the present time do, that answers were received from deceased friends or relations.

  15. Some authors, the spiritualists notably, believe in the possibility of disembodied souls, and they admit by implication that these souls remain in communication with the terrestrial world, witness our actions, and hear our speech.

  16. After the spiritualists and the experimentalists, let us take the metaphysicians.

  17. Bishop Jewell was a believer in witchcraft; but it would be absurd if some future writer were to quote the writings of modern spiritualists as a proof that he believed in their doctrines.

  18. Spiritualists have been holding their seances for many years; but no one practical result has yet been realized by them.

  19. This is direct evidence that Welsh fairies or the Tylwyth Teg were formerly the same to Welshmen as spirits are to Spiritualists now.

  20. Spiritualists believe that a soul leaving this world passes into another, or into another state, and continues to grow in intelligence and virtue, if it so desires.

  21. If Spiritualists wish to liberalize the Government, certainly Liberals would be glad of their assistance, and if Spiritualists take any step in the direction of freedom, the Liberals should stand by them to that extent.

  22. You see, the Spiritualists do not believe in eternal pain, and consequently a belief in immortality does not fill their hearts with fear.

  23. The Spiritualists of to-day have living witnesses, which is something.

  24. The Spiritualists have indirectly claimed, that you were in many respects almost one of them.

  25. Spiritualists claim to prove that there is another life.

  26. The best thing about the Spiritualists is that they believe in intellectual hospitality.

  27. I know a great many Spiritualists that are exceedingly good people, and are doing what they can to make the world better.

  28. Can, or ought, the Liberals and Spiritualists to unite?

  29. The Spiritualists appear to be happy in their belief.

  30. I think that the Spiritualists have done good.

  31. As to that same extraordinary assortment of visitors at the Marshall house, one of the University co-eds had said facetiously that you met there every sort of person in the world, from spiritualists to atheists--everybody except swells.

  32. Let those who are inclined to cavil at the methods of the Spiritualists reflect how impossible it would be to secure such punctuality on anything but a basis of absolute honesty.

  33. If spiritualists are anxious to keep strictly dogmatic in their notions of the spirit-world, they must not set scientists to investigate their phenomena in the true experimental spirit.

  34. Spiritualists say it is easier for spectres to appear in the dark by reason of their material composition.

  35. Architects examined the room a second time, and the authorities also gave permission to certain notable spiritualists to make further nocturnal and diurnal vigils therein, though no solitary watcher was permitted.

  36. But have you ever asked yourself why the spiritualists must work in the dark?

  37. But of course there are still thousands who would be as much imposed upon as ever by any white figure seen after dark, and, in a private way, the spiritualists are still reaping a rich harvest.

  38. Some moderate Spiritualists have kept in friendly relations with liberal churches; but many others have been in active co-operation with the most aggressive of unbelievers in religion.

  39. Evolutionism had to look for advocates in America to Spiritualists like Denton or unbelievers like Underwood at that period.

  40. Spiritualists have all, I think, been in favour of woman suffrage; and the majority were abolitionists.

  41. Before I left Wellington the spiritualists made me a graceful presentation of a travelling rug, and I was able to assure them that if they found the rug I would find the travelling.

  42. Such was the scheme which I outlined that night, and which was eventually adopted by the Spiritualists of both Australia and New Zealand.

  43. At Toowoomba, and other stations on the way, small deputations of Spiritualists had met the train, but at Brisbane the platform was crowded.

  44. Some spiritualists in the audience struck up "Lead, Kindly Light!

  45. When I remember how many years it was before I myself got any final personal proofs I should have thought that the vast majority of Spiritualists were going rather upon the evidence of others than upon their own.

  46. But what have Spiritualists had in the main save misrepresentation and persecution?

  47. Can spiritualists continue to be Christians?

  48. Some Spiritualists run down the Bible, whereas it is from cover to cover a spiritual book.

  49. On October 14th the Spiritualists filled the Auditorium and had a special service of welcome for ourselves.

  50. On Sunday, 28th, the spiritualists gave the pilgrims (as they called us) a reception at the Town Hall.

  51. Spiritualists claim for their researches and their faith.

  52. Two days before our departure we attended the ordinary Sunday service of the Spiritualists at Stanmore Road, which appeared to be most reverently and beautifully conducted.

  53. This was enough for one sitting, so the “force began to go,” as the Spiritualists put it, and the Pimple found himself confronted with the delicate task of breaking the news to the mediums.

  54. He believed we were greater spiritualists than Sir Oliver Lodge.

  55. And he cursed all spiritualists from Oliver Lodge downwards.

  56. Spiritualists would no doubt find an easy explanation in “telepathy.

  57. Spiritualists have divided the statements of spooks into “evidential” matter and “non-evidential” matter.

  58. If the case be really thus, the Spiritualists have a show of reason for this objection, and it behooves the Seybert Commission to give no ground for it.

  59. Wherever fraud in Spiritualism be found, that it is, and not whatever of truth there may be therein, which is denounced, and all Spiritualists who love the truth will join with us in condemnation of it.

  60. In dismissing this subject of Independent Slate Writing, we repeat, what we think Spiritualists will generally grant, that this phenomenon can be performed by legerdemain.

  61. It was declared by the Spiritualists present to be a fairly successful séance.

  62. There is an outlying region claimed by Spiritualists which I have not touched, and into which I would gladly enter, were there any prospect that I should meet with more success.

  63. The séance was regarded by several Spiritualists who were present as a very satisfactory one.

  64. Secondly, experience has shown us that with every possible desire on the part of Spiritualists to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, concerning marvelous phenomena, it is extremely difficult to do so.

  65. There are very, very few professional Mediums, as far as our experience goes, who are accepted by all Spiritualists as free from the reproach of fraud.

  66. Meanwhile the Spiritualists are having an innings.

  67. He divides the world into "natural spiritualists and materialists.

  68. The reformers hailed the reformer; the spiritualists welcomed the spiritualist.

  69. But I find, as most likely you do, that it is as hard to get the Spiritualists to become Harmonial Philosophers as to induce ardent Bible-believers to daily practice the grand essentials which dwell in the warm heart of Christianity.

  70. But let me ask, Can you not conceive that there may be a difference between the mere word-teaching of Spiritualists and even spirits themselves, and the real teaching of Spiritualism as such?

  71. The Indian Chees-a-kees or spiritualists had a different and far more satisfactory mode of communicating with departed spirits than ever modern spiritualists have attained to, or perhaps ever will.

  72. We have with us this morning a lady, a Medium, who has been known for years among the Spiritualists as one who has sown the seed in the early forming of our faith, and scattered it with open heart and hand.

  73. Dear Leah I have a gathering of spiritualists at my house on the first Monday evening of every month.

  74. It became a subject which elicited much comment in the public prints; but in relation to which the Spiritualists had nothing to fear.

  75. Gray, and who afterward became thorough Spiritualists and my dear friends, made a bad start in their first experiences at my circles.

  76. The committee of Spiritualists were Mr. Allan Putnam, Dr.

  77. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "spiritualists" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.