In his need she had nothing except love to offer; and love, she felt instinctively, was not the balm for his wound.
She will (if she hasn't done it already) thank you for this herself--and tell you how deeply we feel the kindly balm of your faithful thought of us.
I sit here with my big south window open to the River, open wide, and a sort of healing balm of sunshine flooding the place.
Quite apart from this balm to my stricken conscience, I do rejoice that the fatuous book has beguiled and interested you.
So I thank you, all tenderly, and assure you that you have poured balmon much of my anxiety, not to say on my shame.
But their selfishness defeats its own purpose, as it weakens that affection and tender pity which excites the most assiduous services, and affords the most healing balm to the heart of the sufferer.
Balm of Gilead (Balsamodendron Gileadense) belongs to scrub or half-desert regions.
This “oily or balm well” of Liberton was sufficient to excite the admiration and engage the protective care of the credulous King James VI.
Yet it was not only to the example of his own sorrow that Cromwell mainly looked as a balm for a father's bereavement.
For him as for another as weak for all purposes of government, as richly endowed with the artistic temperament as himself, Not all the waters of the salt, salt sea Could wash the balm from an anointed King.
Vexed he certainly was, but there was a balm for his vexation in these charming revelations of her character.
Let us, in kindness to these, find a balm for our own trials.
Verses learnt at his mother's knee came back to him; he said them over to himself, and the tender, solemn, beneficent words fell like balm upon his troubled heart.
She would watch over him tenderly, as the innocent should watch over the guilty; awaiting the gracious seasons, wherein to pour oil and balm into the bitter wounds.
The vengeance she called on them to take might be balm to the wounds of her own heart; but if Caesar in his wrath brought destruction down on these, her innocent instruments, that balm would turn to burning poison.
His recent accession to grandeur had caused him terror only; love now shed within him thebalm that created strength; he loved Love.
Hither come, for here is found Balm that flows for every wound, Peace that ever shall endure, Rest eternal, sacred, sure.
No words can tell what sweet relief, There for my every want I find; What strength for warfare, balm for grief, What deep and cheerful peace of mind.
To comfort and to bless, To find a balm for woe, To tend the lone and fatherless Is angels' work below.
Ask, and he turns your hell to heaven; Though sin and sorrow wound my soul, Jesus, thy balm will make me whole.
What pleasure to our ears; A sovereign balmfor every wound, A cordial for our fears.
Cornelia was too much shaken by her late mental suffering, to be yet able to leave her room; but it was with a sensation of some heavenly balm distilling upon her heart, that she listened to all these things.
There was something in these remembrances, which, while they overpowered him with regretful shame at his seeming ingratitude, yet awakened a countless train of recollections that flowed like balm into his soul.
Louis would not think of the orange groves, and gales laden with balm and fragrance, he had so lately left behind; but he did not check the remembrance, because he regretted the change.
But if you are suffering I have something which will reach the seat of the ailment; as the Scripture puts it, it is "A balm for all our woes, and a cordial for our fears.
Crowfoot, you have poured soothing balm on my wounded heart!
So Frank Merriwell prayed, and that prayer fell upon the heart of the dying man with such soothing balm that all fear and dread left him, and he passed into the great unknown with a peaceful smile on his weather-worn face.
Whilst you attending, droppèd have sweet balm In token that you pity my distress, Zephirus hath your stately boughs made calm.
To have been able to feel this would have been asbalm moreover to a piteously wounded self-love, to a smarting and bitter recollection, which would not let her rest.
Leaves of balm and curled-leaf mint (Mentha crispa), of each 4 oz.
There is a repose about them; they are balm to all those they love, and blister to none.
Yet that emotion had left a balm on the torn heart of his mother.
IV Ah for the world ere Raleigh's find Never that knew this suasive balm That helps when Gilead's fails to heal, Helps by an interserted charm.
He loved her but he was glad when the door closed behind her so that he could think it all out for himself in the dark--the dear dark that he had always loved so well and that was now as balm to his bruised spirit.
The wounds they made had been gratefully healed by the balm of her beauteous words about his mother.
Meantime the poet, harassed by troubles of divers kinds but innocent of the new poison as he had been of the old, welcomed the intimacy of this congenial woman friend as balm to his tried spirit; and delved away at his work.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "balm" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.