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Example sentences for "ginger"

Lexicographically close words:
ginetan; ging; gingalls; gingelly; gingen; gingerbread; gingerly; gingham; ginghams; gink
  1. I opened the ball by drinking a bottle of ginger pop.

  2. After that a long silence, during which I drank another bottle of ginger pop and ate more fruit.

  3. Ginger Bitch was allowed to go free because she was daily expected to give birth to pups.

  4. On account of the steep up grade and the weight of Ginger on the sledge, we camped at 7.

  5. All the dogs which had perished were big and powerful; Basilisk, Ginger Bitch, Shackleton, Castor, Franklin and John Bull.

  6. Bickerton once started out with the object of cooking a ginger pudding, and in an unguarded moment used mixed spices instead of ginger.

  7. There were other crevasses about and almost immediately afterwards Ginger Bitch and Blizzard had broken through into a fissure and were frantically struggling to maintain their hold on the edge.

  8. As the sledges passed Aurora Peak, Blizzard and Ginger Bitch ran alongside.

  9. They were speedily rescued; following which Ginger Bitch gave birth to the first of a large litter of pups.

  10. None of the dogs except Ginger gave any help with the load, and Mary was so worn out that she had to be carried on the sledge.

  11. Our faithful retainer Ginger could walk no longer and was strapped on the sledge.

  12. At the same time the person should drink a bowl of hot ginger tea, or hot lemonade, be covered well with blankets, and every effort be made to bring about a profuse sweating.

  13. At the same time drink one or two cupfuls of hot lemonade, or hot ginger tea.

  14. Lay the peeled tomatoes in clear lime water for an hour, take out, rinse, and simmer for ten minutes in strained ginger tea.

  15. Four pounds pears peeled and cut small, four pounds granulated sugar, juice of four lemons, and the grated peel of two, two ounces preserved ginger cut very fine.

  16. It is only by cooking thus in ginger tea, or plain water, pear and quince preserves can be made soft.

  17. Mix in gradually a teaspoonful of cinnamon, the same of cloves and allspice, half a cup of preserved ginger sliced very thin, and a very tiny dusting of black pepper and paprika.

  18. Occasionally she flavored it with ginger--boiling the bruised root with the cores--but only occasionally, as ginger would make the jelly darker.

  19. Mammy's Ginger Cakes: Beat four eggs very light with a good pinch of salt and a cup of coffee sugar.

  20. If small or medium, wash instead of paring, take out cores, stick two cloves in each cavity, pack close in the kettle and cover when all are in with strained ginger tea.

  21. If large, pare and quarter, cutting out the core, stick a clove in each quarter, and drop as pared in cold ginger tea.

  22. Mix well through two and and one half cups sifted flour, add ground ginger and alspice to taste, and bake in a moderate oven.

  23. These might properly be called First Monday Ginger Cakes, since our Mammy made them to sell upon that day to the crowds which came to court, thereby turning many an honest fip or picayune.

  24. Drain off the syrup at morning, put the fruit in the kettle, cover with strained ginger tea, and simmer for ten minutes.

  25. She recovered herself before my lord went by, took a ginger cookie from her pocket, and put it into Davie Tolman's hand.

  26. He spoke to Peter Russet out loud about making a noise while he was eating, and directly arterwards he told Ginger to use his pocket 'ankercher.

  27. Twice Ginger Dick slipped off and tried to get a ship and came back sulky and hungry, and once Peter Russet sprained his thumb trying to get a job at the docks.

  28. He thought it was Peter or Ginger in the wrong bed at fust, but afore he could make it out Ginger 'ad got out of 'is own bed and lit the candle.

  29. Peter and Ginger snatched up their sausage-rolls and follered 'im, and at last Ginger swallowed his pride and walked up to 'im and asked 'im to lend them some money.

  30. Ginger and Peter looked at each other, but they was so hungry they didn't say a word; they just stood waiting.

  31. Kind-'artedness is often only another name for artfulness, same as Sam Small's kindness to Ginger Dick and Peter Russet.

  32. I mean if you have one little pot of preserved ginger in your closet for use at such times, put the junket in glasses to set, and serve with the ginger cut in little cubes on top and a bit of juice with it.

  33. The ice is just a plain lemon water ice, with preserved ginger cut up in it.

  34. One pot of ginger costs only fifteen cents and keeps forever.

  35. Ginger Bill, pointing to the hand-to-hand scrimmage which seemed to end in front of the Dashwoods' dug-out.

  36. Ginger Bill gave them a cheer as they went past him, but they heard nothing and saw nothing but that solid mass of grey German uniforms, wedged like herrings in a barrel where they had no right to be--in a British trench!

  37. Ginger Bill, as they picked themselves up.

  38. And then he saw that Ginger Bill was bleeding badly.

  39. Paul did not know what else to do for him, except to have his favorite dishes cooked, not to measure his rations of ginger and aniseed too sparingly, and to present him each Christmas with a new almanac.

  40. I am not able to offer you even a little liquor, a little ginger brandy with aniseed, which I am so fond of drinking myself.

  41. Put Ginger up to it; who the h— would take notice of a w— kicking the bucket?

  42. If any of them is squared, tell Ginger to just sign M.

  43. Then he sacrifices to the ghost, and having placed some ginger and leaves on his shield, and stuffed some more in his belt and right armlet, he sallies forth.

  44. The booming sound attracts the attention of the vagrant spirit, while the smell of the bark or of the ginger drives away the ghost.

  45. The truant soul is recalled by a blast blown on a triton-shell, in which some chewed ginger or massoi bark has been inserted.

  46. Jack Ginger entertained us with an account of his transactions in the Brazils; and as Jack's imagination far outruns his attention to matters of fact, we had them considerably improved.

  47. And on this, Jack Ginger gave a bumper toast.

  48. As Jack Ginger had little coin and no credit, we contributed each our share to the dinner.

  49. Clear the decks," said Jack Ginger to Jerry Gallagher.

  50. Some wished that every man should make for himself; but that Jack Ginger strenuously opposed, because he said it would render the drinking unsteady.

  51. With that he vanished, leaving us to take a little antidote for that there ginger ale.

  52. And every man and woman took ginger ale, which is a beverage that 'ud drive a man to drink.

  53. He watched the line drinkin' its ginger ale.

  54. After passing the first two stations the route lay through a very flat, highly cultivated garden section with cucumbers trained on trellises, many squash in full bloom, with fields of taro, ginger and many other vegetables.

  55. Ginger and Orange Sandwiches--Soften Neufchatel cheese with a little butter or rich cream.

  56. With this an innovation in the shape of square ginger wafers.

  57. A bottle of ginger ale cost the saloon ever so much more than a glass of steam beer; and it was up to me, if I wanted to hold my job, to drink beer.

  58. Nevertheless, he opened a bottle of ginger ale.

  59. Near the Gin and Ginger Woods he picked up a letter which had fallen from Flip's pocket.

  60. They were Flip's own, long since abandoned and cast off in the Gin and Ginger Woods.

  61. Hidden from the storm, the sylvan silence of sheltered valleys was broken by the impetuous rush of waters; even the tiny streamlet that traversed Flip's retreat in the Gin and Ginger Woods became a cascade.

  62. He's got adrift from his party, has lost his rod and fixins, and had to camp out last night in the Gin and Ginger Woods.

  63. The common road to Fairley's Ranch was by the stage turnpike to a point below the Gin and Ginger Woods, where the prudent horseman usually left his beast and followed the intersecting trail afoot.

  64. Ginger sprang down the embankment, and approached the captive, whom Kenneth covered with his revolver, at the same time keeping an eye on the arch below.

  65. Ginger hissed, sliding into the trench a few feet from the dark figure.

  66. Captain Adams suspected that something was going on in the German lines, and remembering the success of Kenneth and Ginger in discovering the sniper, he decided to send them out that night as a listening patrol.

  67. Ginger was half lying on his back, gripping a stanchion, and looking straight ahead with nervous anticipation.

  68. Stoneway staggered, but recovered himself immediately, clinched, and profiting by his superior height and weight threw Ginger heavily, and not being able to disengage himself, fell with him.

  69. Ginger had fairly let himself go, and the applause that followed his speech showed that he voiced the opinion of the majority.

  70. It must be admitted that Ginger took no pains to conciliate his old companion.

  71. As soon as Harry saw them, he squared his elbows and ran towards the motor-car, nearly a mile away, shouting to Ginger to inform the others.

  72. Well, what you may call a bit of a shindy," Ginger replied.

  73. Just as Kenneth and Harry caught sight of the men, Stoneway lifted his fist and with a sudden swift blow that took Ginger unawares sent him head over heels.

  74. Ginger and the other members of their billet had left them some little while before, and the men's faces had worn the sly, conscious look of those who are meditating a secret design.

  75. They drove the second lorry to the summit, leaving Kenneth and Ginger to carry up the spilled load.

  76. It was not until an hour later that Ginger hit on a possible explanation of his absence.

  77. Ginger was first in at the front, Harry at the back.

  78. Ginger is known in commerce in two distinct forms, termed respectively coated and uncoated ginger, as having or wanting the epidermis.

  79. In this form ginger presents a brown, more or less irregularly wrinkled or striated surface, and when broken shows a dark brownish fracture, hard, and sometimes horny and resinous.

  80. Cut up into pieces like lozenges and preserved in sugar, ginger also forms a very agreeable sweetmeat.

  81. The whitewashed appearance that much of the ginger has, as seen in the shops, is due to the fact of its being washed in whiting and water, or even coated with sulphate of lime.

  82. So frequent is the mention of ginger in similar lists during the middle ages, that it evidently constituted an important item in the commerce between Europe and the East.

  83. To produce uncoated ginger the rhizomes are washed, scraped and sun-dried, and are often subjected to a system of bleaching, either from the fumes of burning sulphur or by immersion for a short time in a solution of chlorinated lime.

  84. Ginger seems to have been well known in England even before the Norman Conquest, being often referred to in the Anglo-Saxon leech-books of the 11th century.

  85. Though the Venetians received ginger by way of Egypt, some of the superior kinds were taken from India overland by the Black Sea.

  86. The principal constituents of ginger are starch, volatile oil (to which the characteristic odour of the spice is due) and resin (to which is attributed its pungency).

  87. It was deemed especially suitable for children to drink; sometimes a little molasses and ginger was added to it.

  88. Water flavored with molasses and ginger was called beverige, and is a summer drink for New England country-folk to-day.

  89. Perhaps, had he known who it was that lay wakeful in a great ginger four-poster, two doors off, his slumbers would not have been so profound.

  90. Jamaica ginger is the best and most expensive.

  91. The United States standard for ginger is not more than 42 per cent starch, 8 per cent fiber, and 6 per cent total ash.

  92. Cochin, scraped, African, and Calcutta ginger range in price in the order given.

  93. Ginger is the rhizome or root of a reed-like plant (Zingiber officinale), native in tropical Asia, chiefly India.

  94. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ginger" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.