But Owld Moll is a knowledgeable woman an’ has a power av shpells an’ charms.
To excel in the management of a squad, the leader must be knowledgeable of all that bears upon the command of a platoon.
After signing on the line for his country, the individual's duty to himself is to strive by every honorable means to move ahead of his competition by growing more knowledgeable and better qualified.
If men are knowledgeable and intellectual, there is no sin in their choosing for intimate companions and associates men of like pursuits and like intellectual qualities.
True, every church would be very much edified and advantaged if it had in it scholarly men, knowledgeable men; but the church is strong in proportion as it has in it something of everything, from the very top to the very bottom.
So he said promptly, eager to seem knowledgeable with an intelligent rejoinder: "As!
Some poor devil who has not heard of Turner or Debussy or Dostoieffsky I gird at with the arrogance of a knowledgeable youth of 17.
Alison Pearson who was burnt in 1588 might have been Biddy Early or any other knowledgeable woman in Ireland today.
I was the patient; it seemed to be the only way of coming to intimate speech with the knowledgeable man.
So the council ended, and they chose as their ambassadors the son of the Grand Caramany and the Prince of Scythia, who were very knowledgeableabout war.
His name was Almedixer, and he was a very discreet man and was knowledgeable about many things.
He is a member of our office, and his name is Claros of Clarence--a man who is very knowledgeable about arms.
Had there been any really knowledgeable judges of dogs in the town just then who needed a dog, they would hardly have quarreled with his owner over Jan's price.
Then he stooped down and rubbed Jan's ears, with a friendly, knowledgeable way he had.
For this tent was the temporary home of an American named Willis--James Gurney Willis; asknowledgeable a man as Jean himself and, in addition, one known wherever he went into the northland as a white man.
The snake park has a lot of visitors daily and people are always looking for someone knowledgeable to answer questions.
But I liked the company of the people there very much for all of them were very knowledgeable and they were the active type too.
Uncle Alan who is very knowledgeable about trains since he has worked in the railways all his working life.
Antagonistic as she was, herself, to the fracases, she wasn't particularly knowledgeable about all their ramifications.
The games had started as fights between skilled swordsmen, being observed by knowledgeable combat soldiers of a warrior people.
She was an Upper-Upper, by the way, and the mostknowledgeable fracas buff I ever met.
This is the annual treat provided in the spring—for Grandpa’s especial behoof at Villino Loki—by the industrious care of the knowledgeable ladies.
Her body was flexible like that of a jaguar and like the bow of a hunter; he who had learned from her how to make love, was knowledgeable of many forms of lust, many secrets.
Where was the knowledgeable one who wove his spell to bring his familiarity with the Atman out of the sleep into the state of being awake, into the life, into every step of the way, into word and deed?
Some won't own a horse that has once been down; and anyknowledgeable man can tell, at a glance.
Can I hoe turnips, or poke a knowledgeable finger into the flanks of beeves?
Ang íyang palákat sa íyang tindáhan inantigu, She runs her store in a knowledgeable way.
Kabisádu kaáyu siya sa mga makina, He is very knowledgeable about engines.
And as to Finn himself, he was a king and a seer and a poet; a Druid and a knowledgeable man; and everything he said was sweet-sounding to his people.
And there was sitting near to Grania a knowledgeable man, a Druid of Finn's people, and it was not long until they began to talk together.
Din Cotter is a knowledgeable man compared with the bulk of you.
Parents Recognizing Drug Use Recommendation #3: Be knowledgeableabout drugs and signs of drug use.
Be knowledgeable about drugs and signs of drug use.
Teachers should beknowledgeable about drugs, be personally committed to opposing drug use, and be skilled at eliciting participation by students.
Muscles and joints were carefully felt, and all in a manner which no self-respecting hound could take exception to; with the assured, gentle, knowledgeable touch which soothes and inspires confidence in all animal folk.
Finn had a notion that these men knew a good deal; they had a knowledgeable way with them.
But he did not move, being the knowledgeable person with animals that he was.
So, judging I was a knowledgeable man, he asked my advice on this point.
But as far as I know, he had no knowledgeable conversation with anyone there.
I developed at this time the impression that he really had no knowledgeable background at all of Marxism.
Now how knowledgeable would a person in that capacity be about this case?
I have been concerned with the behavior of missiles in contact with tissues, but I am not very knowledgeable about the design of a missile nor how many grains of powder there are behind it.
He is required elsewhere by his beloved, and Morgan went to rejoin his queen in the world that comes after the Many-Coloured Land, and his victor shore that knowledgeable head away from its giant shoulders.
That he was versed in magic is true, for he was ever known as the Knowledgeable man, and later he had two magicians in his household named Dirim and mac-Reith to do the rough work of knowledge for their busy master.