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Example sentences for "could desire"

  • Thus concurring and suiting my self to their humours, I had all the freedome I could desire.

  • The Wind favoured my design as much as I could desire, for it blew East-North-East, by which no Shipping could come out of Ireland.

  • Count Walewski remains true to himself; yet the admission that the Neutralisation Clause ought to be part of the European treaty, and not an annex, which he makes, is the most important concession which we could desire.

  • From that crown he received every assurance of assistance that he could desire, which assurances were fulfilled to the letter; but with his former partisans in France he was not by any means so successful.

  • This had, of course, rendered him fond of me; and his manner towards me was everything that I could desire.

  • In the meanwhile, the hatred of Gaspard towards you increased rather than diminished, as well as his passion for myself, which had, by this time, become as ardent as I could desire it.

  • I found these young noblemen as open to my advances as I could desire; I accompanied them in their midnight rambles, and often dined with them at taverns, where I had the honour of paying the reckoning.

  • The lady was not insensible of the sultan's goodness to her, and expressed as much gratitude as he could desire.

  • It is true," said he to his legate, "that the English king does not behave in certain matters so religiously as we could desire.

  • I have found out from the villagers that about four coss hence there is a small stream with plenty of water; the banks are covered with jungle, as thick as we could desire, and I have fixed on that as the place.

  • I had been enabled to add greatly to my house, and it was now as comfortable and spacious as I could desire.

  • In vain he coughed and hemmed to clear his throat; the wine, and the still better opium, were doing their work as quickly as we could desire.

  • For had he had nothing else, yet he had a mother ready to supply him with whatever he could desire out of her own means.

  • Mr. Brown, on the contrary, received me as kindly as I could desire.

  • We remained here over night, and, thanks to the good-hearted and amiable Mrs. Sprenger, found every possible convenience we could desire.

  • When he had given me all the satisfaction I could desire, I gave him and his two companions each of them a gun, with powder and ball sufficient, advising them to fire upon them as they lay sleeping.

  • After his usual manner, he asked many questions as to what were brought, and seemed mightily satisfied with what was in the inventory, especially with the tapestry, promising me all the favour and privileges I could desire.

  • In the morning of the 12th, we had fish brought to us in abundance, and as cheap as we could desire.

  • After a delicate supper, seasoned by pleasant and witty talk, Madame Valville granted me all I could desire.

  • In spite of its disgusting nature, the sight irritated us to such a degree that my housekeeper yielded to nature and granted me all I could desire.

  • I wished him all the luck he could desire, and on his asking me what profession I followed the fancy took me to reply that I was a doctor.

  • Being allowed three mates, I offered the berth of third mate to Dick, who, though no navigator, was as good a seaman as I could desire to have under me.

  • They looked up to me in consequence with even greater respect than before, and I found my position in the school as satisfactory as I could desire.

  • I felt as proud as I suppose most young officers do, when they first assume the command of a fine vessel; and as I surveyed the Ellen, I was satisfied that she was all I could desire.

  • I communicated my thoughts to my intimate friend, the captain's lady, whom I had so faithfully served in her case with the captain, and who was as ready to serve me in the same kind as I could desire.

  • This was as much as I could desire, and thus it rested for awhile.

  • Now things began to work as I would have them, and I began to be very popular, as much as I could desire.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "could desire" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    could answer; could command; could confide; could draw; could feel; could find; could gain; could hardly; could have; could imagine; could just; could neither; could not bring myself; could not have said; could not help thinking; could not tell what; could obtain; could reach; could readily; could rely; could sell; could you; curious smile; our days; south wall; written promise