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Example sentences for "henceforth"

Lexicographically close words:
hemstitching; hen; henbane; hence; hencefoorth; henceforward; henceforwards; henchman; henchmen; hencoop
  1. Henceforth Blake could keep his vision of Jesus and his vision of art, for they were one.

  2. Henceforth religion of a puritanic kind ruled his life, and made him easy to dissenters of the different sects, but stiff and uncompromising towards the Church of England and the clergy.

  3. Henceforth he was an Israelite indeed--a guileless Prince with God, with a word of God on his lips for such as had ears to hear.

  4. Henceforth he valued the forms and outlines of things because they were a sign and pledge to him of the inner resplendent City which was not only built on an eternal foundation but was actually the home of his spirit.

  5. He accepted his earthly lot, henceforth content to do his work with all his might, careless whether his generation paid the wages due to him or not.

  6. The fathers Henceforth shall have no joy in their young men, And when they cry: Lo!

  7. The undoubted proofs Pledged by his royal mother, and this old man, 350 (Whose name henceforth be dear to all Illyrians) We haste to lay before the assembled council.

  8. Henceforth a dragon's haunt, fear and suspicion 520 Stand sentry at thy portals!

  9. Now, and from henceforth thou shalt not forbid me To call thee father!

  10. Henceforth then I'll believe That jealousy can make a hare a lion.

  11. I sympathize In his good fortune; and if you have seen me Deficient in the expressions of that joy Which such a victory might well demand, Attribute it to no lack of good will, 5 For henceforth are our fortunes one.

  12. Both her words and actions are henceforth inspired by religious enthusiasm.

  13. Thus does he win the sick man's mind, which henceforth helps him indeed to restore his body also to health.

  14. Henceforth she was full of sorrow, moody, tormented her husband with this obsessive idea, and renounced all joy and happiness.

  15. As the Ivenes dream emerged it was fitted on to the figures accidentally in the field of vision, and henceforth remains associated with them.

  16. Henceforth I address myself to the amateur or miniature Alpinist, who does not shirk a walk of some dozen miles or so.

  17. With such hints for divagation, let us resume our way down the river, henceforth navigable by barges and bridled by locks.

  18. Thou hast wounded me, but live,-- And my blessing take: Henceforth wilt thou not forgive Freely for my sake?

  19. Henceforth what soul will ever dare to trust In things that crumble at a breath to dust?

  20. But little sleep had I that night, for I knew too well that from henceforth my life and that of my foster father must lie apart, and how far sundered we might be I could not tell.

  21. But I knew that what I dreaded had come to pass, and that from henceforth the way of the prince of Cornwall and of the house-carle captain of Ina's court must lie apart, and I had no answer for him.

  22. If you persist in remaining silent, the relations between us must henceforth change for life.

  23. Or you have been trying to deceive me; and in that case, I have to tell you that deceit is henceforth useless.

  24. Henceforth I would never think of the past.

  25. Henceforth we will live apart, as divorces are no longer granted, and as we must remain united all our lives by the laws when we have ceased to be united by any sentiment.

  26. The attack henceforth was exclusively directed against bastion No.

  27. You may depend upon it that whenever I give astonishing commands I have my reason for doing so, and you will henceforth be more sparing of your little bit of worldly wisdom.

  28. He was henceforth called upon for a daily record of his actions, thoughts, and feelings, and a strict watch was observed as to whether a pupil kept back or omitted anything.

  29. Henceforth I foster but one wish--I ask only quick deliverance from life and all the ills that attend it.

  30. Henceforth our concerts consisted of two violins, an harpsichord, and three voices.

  31. Well, I will henceforth intrust my felicity to no one's keeping but my own.

  32. Now, however, that I was preparing to take an everlasting farewell of my country, now that an ocean was henceforth to separate me from him, how could I part without an interview?

  33. All happiness and dignity must henceforth be banished from the house and name of Wieland: all that remained was to linger out in agonies a short existence; and leave to the world a monument of blasted hopes and changeable fortune.

  34. Having gained this interview, I purposed to seek some retreat in the wilderness, inaccessible to your inquiry and to the malice of my foe, where I might henceforth employ myself in composing a faithful narrative of my actions.

  35. I mused upon the events of this night, and determined to take up my abode henceforth at my brother's.

  36. Henceforth be allowed thee release From the racer's toil, no vulgar reward in praise or in pelf!

  37. Just now we came, a little while before you, Another way, which was so rough and steep, That mounting will henceforth seem sport to us.

  38. Henceforth be silent Lucan, where he mentions Wretched Sabellus and Nassidius, And wait to hear what now shall be shot forth.

  39. Didst thou behold," he said, "that old enchantress, Who sole above us henceforth is lamented?

  40. And then he said: 'Be not thy heart afraid; Henceforth I thee absolve; and thou instruct me How to raze Palestrina to the ground.

  41. I've set before thee; henceforth feed thyself, For to itself diverteth all my care That theme whereof I have been made the scribe.

  42. I have too much deserved thou shouldst suspect That I am not thy father; but my love Shall henceforth show I am.

  43. Since thus you have resolved, henceforth prepare For all the last extremities of war: My king his hope from heaven's assistance draws.

  44. From henceforth let all acts of hostility cease betwixt us; and that, in the usual form of treaties, as well by sea as land, and in all fresh waters.

  45. Leave her, or cease henceforth to be my son: This is my will; and this I will have done.

  46. But, since the king is now a part of me, Cease from henceforth to be his enemy.

  47. Dare not henceforth ungrateful me to call; Whate'er I owed you, this has cancelled all.

  48. Henceforth be no Feast, Whereat a Villaine's not a welcome Guest.

  49. Burne house, sinke Athens, henceforth hated be Of Timon Man, and all Humanity.

  50. Samoset here left the settlers, and Squanto became henceforth their faithful friend and useful interpreter.

  51. Henceforth they were obliged, like the Jews of old, to go to their labor every man with his sword girded to his side, and continually to hold themselves in readiness for a sudden assault.

  52. Each pragmatic context determined what was acceptable as food and the conditions of food preparation, henceforth the condition of cooks and their particular role in social life.

  53. They resulted from the need to establish a political practice of efficiency pertinent to the pragmatic framework, henceforth to the needs of the community.

  54. You did not ask Him that the flesh should be nailed to His cross, and that you should henceforth give up self entirely to the power of His Spirit.

  55. The question whether Edward VI's Prayer-book should be restored or not, was at the same time decisive as to what doctrinal view should be henceforth followed.

  56. Parliament demanded that henceforth no one should be arrested without assignment of the reason and observance of the forms of law.

  57. Children were henceforth to learn the Lord's Prayer, the articles of the Creed, and the Ten Commandments in English.

  58. Catharine was henceforth to be treated no longer as Queen but only as still Princess-dowager.

  59. Shame, misery, and perpetual captivity will henceforth be his portion.

  60. That said salad-bowl will never again he used for salad, henceforth it is only silver.

  61. For henceforth the one aim of my life will be to liberate you.

  62. Had he not said, "My home is henceforth where you are"?

  63. You 're classed henceforth with frauds and fakirs!

  64. That was all; but I knew that henceforth I should have a friend in Doctor Rugvie.

  65. It were best that I keep it for myself, and henceforth I will give them naught.

  66. Wherefore they have right well deserved death; yet let that which hath befallen them suffice them, and do thou henceforth reduce them to servants' estate.

  67. But since, O man, thou deemest me this ill deme, henceforth I will never again break with thee bread nor drain with thee drink, for I loathe thee with the loathing of prohibition.

  68. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "henceforth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.