Meanwhile our epoch demands an intensive care of the new generation, and the preparation of a culture ever vaster and more complex.
That which it is necessary to direct is not the culture of man, but the man himself.
The culture thus created ensures the possibility of an indefinite continuation in the successive evolution of such formative phenomena.
Henceforth it will be sufficient to present the material of further culture, and the child, gradually exercising himself upon it, will pass from one intellectual stage of culture to another.
The same conception governs the school: it is the teacher who must form the pupil; the development of the child's intelligence and culture are in his hands.
Arabic wealth and culture had indeed thus early reached a stage which justified Professor Robertson Smith in writing, "In this period the name of Arab was associated to Western writers with ideas of effeminate indolence and peaceful opulence .
The ripening of the fruit of the apricot is accelerated by culture under glass, the trees being either planted out like peaches or grown in pots on the orchard-house system.
Venable, Beginnings of Literary Culturein the Ohio Valley (1891), is important.
Footnote: Venable, Beginnings of Literary Culture in the Ohio Valley, chap, iii.
Guess it's the refinement of competition due to the claims of our much proclaimed culture and civilization.
She had called her physical cultureinstructress a "cat" that morning, only because she had been afraid to enter into a more drastic physical argument with her.
But this method was neither congenial nor possible to the simpler folk of a later day, who sought to write as they spoke, and whose culture was slighter, or at all events very different from the notary's.
The Florentine Commune was the centre of so much culturebecause it was also the seat of the largest freedom compatible with the times.
When communal liberties were finally proclaimed, a new culture was inaugurated, and with it a new epoch in the history of Roman law.
Naturally, however, those merchants, solely versed in commerce and petty local politics, lacked the breadth and loftiness of thought, the mental culture and refinement needed to solve the hard problem without help.
The moment of its consolidation coincided with that in which Florence became the seat of Italian culture, and hence of the general culture of Europe.
Somehow she felt that Harding was an unusual man: his toil-roughened hands and his blunt manner of speech were at variance with the indefinite air of culture and good-breeding that hovered round him.
Harding's clothes were old and plain, and she could see that he worked with his hands, yet there was something about him which suggested a broader mind and more culture than she associated with the rude preemptors.
With his passing, leadership went to a new generation; but his successor, John Quincy Adams, formed a bridge between the old and the new in that he combined a high degree of culture with democratic sympathies.
Almost every available acre was brought under cotton culture as the small farmers were driven steadily from the seaboard into the uplands or to the Northwest.
Loving the ripe old culture of the mother country, he often sent his sons to Oxford or Cambridge for their education.
New Orleans, a good market and a center of culture not despised even by the pioneer, grew apace.
Madison, it was said, was armed "with all the culture of his century.
The way in which land may be acquired, held, divided among heirs, and bought and sold exercises a deep influence on the life and culture of a people.
There is no real culture without restraint, you know.
This will be impossible until freedom and culture shall become the inalienable rights of woman.
Beckwith--a life-long opponent of the broaderculture of women--left the meeting with the purpose of arresting all action.
The address abounded in historical and literary allusions which show its author to be a person of broad culture as well as an adept in "book learning.
In 1880 she formed the Ladies' Silk Culture Society of California.
By its provisions a State Board of Silk Culture was created consisting of nine members, five of whom were to be women, and the sum of $7,500 was appropriated.
Much of the success of this society is due to the literary culture and earnestness of Mrs. Anne M.
Mayo, a lady of fine culture and a successful teacher of elocution, was also an active member of this society while in the city.
Yet both these had all possible educational advantages, and were familiar with the best books and the best results of American culture from infancy almost.
Culture of the humdrum sort, given by those who ordinarily pass for teachers, would have left the faculty undeveloped.
Its so-called agent, evidently a man of culture and ability, seemed, without official position, to possess an extraordinary influence in the highest Government spheres.
Alike at home and abroad he was often brought into familiar relations with men of rank and distinction, and his engaging manners and wide culture made him a welcome addition to any company.
Their genius was not without its influence on the special aspect of Edinburgh’s industries, including some of the novel forms of periodical literature which have so largely contributed to the culture of the masses.
Her generals recognized and admired a culture superior to their own.
But this superficial culture could not save the Roman Republic from the dry-rot that sapped her vitals from within.
The Greeks had reached that stage of individualculture where they were much too selfishly intelligent to be willing to die in battle.
The good, if there was any good, that Roman dominion brought the world at that period was the spreading of Greek culture across the western half of the world.
An interested devotion to the noble animal is here shown to be the last infirmity of noble minds, for old Mrs. Knox, with the culture of a grande dame and the appearance of a refined scarecrow, went cub-hunting in a bath chair.
That is the moral to be drawn from "Dan Russel the Fox," the latest work from the pen of Miss Somerville and Miss Martin, in which the rival claims of culture and foxhunting are subjected to a masterly analysis.
Thus a man, like many men of real culture in our day, might learn from good literature nothing except the power to appreciate good literature.
Then he invents modern culture and goes to Florence.
It would be wonderful if the æsthetic culture of our community had reached a development at which the æsthetic attitude toward a play would be absolutely controlling.
These mightiest agencies of public opinion and intellectual culture are supported, and their technical perfection secured, by those who pay their business tax in the form of advertisements.
But after all we ought not to forget that similar dangers surround our inner culture and our spiritual life, and that an intellectual underworld threatens our time, which demands a no less rigorous fight until its vice is wiped out.
Monogamic civilization strives to regulate and organize these race instincts and to raise culture above the mere lure of nature.
The infectious germs which it spreads in the realm of culture may ultimately be more dangerous to the inner health of the nation than any physical diseases.
But this is not so in the fields of real culture and knowledge.
Every new stage in the culture of mankind developed new desires and new longings from nature and from society, but it also brought with it new means of satisfying the longings and fulfilling the desires.
Here we have truly a twofold personality, one living in a world of culture and the other in an underworld of intellectual dissipation and vice.
If we educate at all, we educate in the service of culture and civilization.
It is particularly valuable in respect of biography and the history of mental culture in general.
To deny the moral influence of intellectual culture is as great an error as to affirm that it alone is a sufficient safeguard of morality.
Matthew Arnold praises culture for "its inexhaustible indulgence, its consideration of circumstances, its severe judgment of actions joined to its merciful judgment of persons.
But the ecclesiastical seminary is not a school of intellectual culture, either here in America or elsewhere, and to imagine that it can become the instrument of intellectual culture is to cherish a delusion.
None of us love "a woman impudent and mannish grown;" but knowledge and culture and strength of mind and heart and body have no tendency to produce such a caricature.
The evil effects of this semi-culture are most disagreeable and most harmful in those whose being has been developed only on its temporal and earthly side.
With the advance of civilization our wants increase; and yet it is the business of religion and culture to raise us above the things money buys, and consequently to diminish our wants.
He was Nero's preceptor, and saw plainly how powerless intellectual culture was to save Rome from the degeneracy which undermined its civilization and finally brought on its downfall.
There is no surer mark of the lack of culture than the use of ill-natured and abusive epithets.
The New Thought System of Physical Culture and Beauty Culture (illustrated).
A concise and informing survey of just what Russia has contributed to the art, science and culture of the world.
A Treatise on the Culture and Management of Fruit Trees.
Peach & Pear The Cultivation of the Peach and the Pear, on the Delaware And Chesapeake Peninsula; with a Chapter on Quince Culture and the Culture of Some of the Nut-Bearing Trees.