I submit our ancient system to the primary knife of the legislature, but would not willingly see our reformers employ a weapon, which, like the sword of Jack the Giant-Killer, cuts before the point.
The Reformers said: 'Give the nation reform, and you need fear no revolution.
The cause of Reform, which had never ceased to have supporters in England for a great many years, now acquired new life, and the Reformers urged the Parliament to grant reform, instead of going to war against the people of France.
These differences in statute law indicate, one would think, a variety sufficient to test in time all the theories of reformers and experimentalists.
I cannot leave this statement of human rights, without claiming for woman one right of which men very commonly deprive her; in behalf of which society makes no clamor, and about which the most radical reformers say very little.
This attitude was called forth by a banquet given to Brown by theReformers of the neighbourhood.
Brown had asked that the Reformers be represented by four ministers from Upper Canada and two from Lower Canada, which would, as nearly as possible, have corresponded with the strength of his party in the legislature.
In September a meeting of the Liberal members of both Houses was held at Toronto, and a circular calling a convention of Upper Canadian Reformers was issued.
The Lower Canadian Reformers held aloof, and in the subsequent debate in the legislature, strongly opposed confederation.
Reformers regarded these troubles as evidence that the experiment in reaction was failing, and waited patiently for the end.
Mr. Brown held that there could be no lasting alliance between Upper Canadian Reformersand Lower Canadian Conservatives, and especially with those Lower Canadians who defended the power and privileges of the Church.
A most wise and faithful friend, Alexander Mackenzie, thought that Reformers should accept no representation in the cabinet, but that they should give confederation an outside support.
Brown argued that Reformers were bound to stand by that principle, and to accept all its obligations.
The belief of the Reformers that the governor-general was guilty of partiality and of intrigue with the Conservative ministers is set forth as part of the history of the time.
The Reformers had a large majority in Upper Canada, their opponents a like majority in Lower Canada, and thus not only the two parties, but the two provinces, were arrayed against each other.
The statement of the Wisconsin Report, that "The Reformers of the English Church did not venture to write new Offices of Prayer," must be taken with qualifications.
It was for the very purpose of escaping redundancy and getting rid of surplusage that the Anglican Reformers condensed Missal, Breviary, and Rituale into the one small and handy volume known as the First Prayer Book of Edward VI.
Why is there not the same propriety in our garnering the devotional harvest of the three hundred years last past that there was in the Reformers garnering the harvest of five times three hundred years?
The multiplicity of "uses" that vexed the Anglican Reformers is in our day multiplied four-fold.
I have known of so manyreformers making a good start but about the time the thing begins to boil right well and a prospect of doing something, some supposed helpers come in and capture the whole outfit and put a stop to the move.
We were told that this would upset the theory that children inherit a craving for intoxicants from intemperate parents, and "the moralists and reformers would have to readjust this logic on these points.
Mrs. Hunt concluded by saying that thoughtful reformers are waiting with much interest to see what will be the result of Mrs. Nation's cyclonic campaign.
With all the more conservative monetary reformers he merely wished the fall of prices stopped, and such increment to the hard money supply as would effect that result.
To a large number of ardent civil service reformers who had originally voted for Cleveland this decoration now seemed so wilted that, more in indignation than in hope, they went over to Harrison.
Social reformers tell us of the improvements they find proceeding to-day in village life in England.
Most reformers have infinite confidence in creeds, resolutions, and laws.
These reformershave theories that can only be realized when other people have none.
He had no respect for political failures who became reformersand decorated fraud with the pretence of philanthropy, or sought to gain some private end in the name of public good.
The reformers on the continent never had the Jewish idea of the sacredness of the Sabbath.
They cannot think it unjust, if their prayers be now treated as the prayers of the Reformers were.
The Reformers have yet many and powerful foes; we have to contend against a host, such as never existed before in the world.
The yeomanry actually, as to the effect, drew their swords to keep the reformers at bay, while the tax-eaters were taking away the estates and the capital.
Why, he said that the reformers were a low degraded crew, and he called upon the House to make a stand against democratical encroachment?
On the accession of Queen Mary, who was crowned in 1553, more than eight hundred of the English Reformers took refuge on the Continent.
Hooper had become more thoroughly imbued with Reforming principles, and withstood the compromising compliances which some of the Continental Reformers yielded.
Within a few years the followers of the reformers were divided into hostile sects and began to oppose and persecute each other.
The great secret of the early success of the reformers was their appeal from the decisions of councils and regulations of men to the Word of God.
The fact that he embellished with his own great literary ability the speeches of the Liberals and Reformers only added to the influence of his news-letters.
Nor did the Reformers consider it a dangerous thing to bring the fact before the people.
The Reformers generally returned to the Hebrew canon, dividing off the additional books of the Septuagint or those attached to the Vulgate.
The principal reason that weighed with the Reformers was, that Christ and the apostles testified to none of the Septuagint additions.
All the greatreformers and martyrs were antagonistic men--enemies to falsehood and evildoing.
Thus the earlyReformers initiated the Reformation, and with it the liberation of modern thought.
Were our female reformers only to turn their energies in this direction with effect, they would earn the gratitude of all households, and be esteemed as among the greatest of practical philanthropists.
Classical culture was the instrument with which Erasmus and the Reformers purified Europe.
Most of the reformers or pretended reformers that I have known have been flighty men, flying about after everything without solidity to rest on, and accomplish anything.
My address to the reformers has excited a good deal of interest, and I verily believe saved some property from destruction and some necks from hanging, if not other lives.
At three in the morning the coach left, and great was the terror of the coachman, guard, and passengers that it would be stopped by the Reformers before it got to Stockport.
To me it seems like a place of political enchantment, and that I am made the great political diviner of the State, to whom the reformers will look for encouragement and direction.
The Courier has this evening claimed the gratitude of the Reformers towards the amiable Mr. Nadin, who, it asserts, saved the life of Mr. Hunt from the fury and vengeance of the Yeomanry Butchers.
The noble spirit and attitude displayed by the Reformers of Manchester on Monday, can never be annihilated, and it is within probability, that before this letter goes to the press, it will return to the attack.
Hilarity was seen on the countenances of all, whilst the Female Reformers crowned the assemblage with a grace, and excited a feeling particularly interesting.
The Owenites are the best class, yet they are sectarian and fanatical, hating all professed reformers who are not Owenites.
The first reformers of religion were generally and deservedly applauded for their spirit and boldness, yet they might as well have been prosecuted in their day as himself.
A war was declared on them by the late Royal Proclamation, which has been enforced by the Magistrates of Manchester, and the Reformers have no alternative but to make it a trial of strength.
The work being translated into most of the continental languages, she became known to the prominent reformers of Europe.
This to us is an interesting fact, for it shows the early unanimity which existed between the earlier reformersin politics and those of theology.
Liberal Parliaments and fraternal Reformers have nothing essential to say more.
In 1629 he published a confession in which he attempted to incorporate ideas of the reformers while preserving the leading ideas of Eastern traditional theology.
Relations of friendship united the painter with the Reformers at a very early period; yet it is difficult to fix the time of his first acquaintance with Luther.
Cranach's chief occupation was that of portrait-painting, and we are indebted to him chiefly for the preservation of the features of all the German Reformers and their princely adherents.
We, the Reformers of Ireland, gladly and heartily recommend him: by his works in the cause of Reform we know him; as a politician we endorse him; .
The majority of these Reformers are utterly indifferent to dietary regulations.
These Reformers sicken over those attempts of crass ignorance which, through the borrowed sanctity of a salaried office, assume the direction of educated intelligence.
The leading feature of the doctrines of the Hindu reformers has been that there is only one kind of life, which extends through the whole of creation and is all equally precious.
So far as the abolition of caste was concerned, both reformers have, as has been seen, largely failed, the two sects now recognising caste, while their members revere Brahmans like ordinary Hindus.
There have not been wanting reformers in Hinduism, and the ultimate object of their preaching seems to have been the abolition of the caste system.
One of the sects founded by Vaishnava reformers of the school of Kabir; a few of its members are found in the western Districts of the Central Provinces.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reformers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.