In the third chapter of Corinthians it is termed “the ministration of condemnation,” and “the ministration of death written and engraven in stones, which was done away.
The end of the matter was that John Taylor accepted the Gospel under the ministration of Elder Pratt; and was soon afterwards ordained an Elder in the Church, and commenced his missionary labors.
But Mrs. Harkutt's ministration for the present did not pass beyond her domain, the kitchen.
Then, submitting herself and her dusty habit to the awkward ministration of the Irish chambermaid, she was quite thrilled with a delightful curiosity.
It is only having received this commission that can give any security that the ministration of the Word and the Sacraments shall be effectual to the saving of your souls.
But the only ministration to which He has promised his presence are those of the Bishops, who are successors of the first commissioned Apostles, and the other clergy acting under their sanction and authority.
That implies that all which the Philippians' ministration lacked was their personal presence, and that Epaphroditus, in supplying that, made his work in a real sense theirs.
So the temper which finds in Christian truth simply a 'ministration of questions,' as my text says, mars its purpose, and robs itself of all the power and nourishment that it might find there.
The little community at Thessalonica had been gathered together as the result of a very brief period of ministration by Paul.
On the passive side it is the calm, unmurmuring, unreluctant submission of the will to whatsoever evil may come upon us, either directly from God's hand, or through the ministration and mediation of men who are His sword.
I said before, the reading of the law by a typical priesthood, which the Jews would have set up in the room and place of the ministration of the spirit.
That they were the ministration of death and of the letter is granted, for the Scripture saith so; but the Scripture doth not say that they are done away, as will appear, if we consider the drift of the Apostle.
He endeavoreth to show the difference between the ministration of the spirit and of the letter, the one being a bare reading of the law, from which no life was communicated to those that heard it.
It was merely the ministration of it, or the then instituted manner of teaching, illustrating, and enforcing it, which was abolished, to be succeeded by a new ministration of the same law by the Spirit.
The abolishment spoken of, therefore, evidently respected no other than what the Apostle calls in another place "the law of commandments contained in ordinances," inclusive of the entireministration of Moses.
For domestic government needs the ministration of women.
Have not our Conformists in Scotland hitherto commonly omitted bishoping of children, and the ministration of the sacraments in private places?
We affirm the literal fulfilment of this gladsome promise through the ministration of angels in these latter days, by which the Holy Priesthood has been renewed to man.
Its particular function is that of caring for the needy and the afflicted, without exclusive distinction as to whether the subjects of their ministration are members of the Church or not.
Have you never read of Naaman, captain of the Syrian hosts, who sought relief from his leprosy through the ministration of Elisha, the man of God?
Through the mortal life and sacrificial death of our Lord Jesus Christ the demands of justice have been fully met, and the way is opened for the lawful ministration of mercy so far as the effects of the Fall are concerned.
The designation of the literal kingdom, material and spiritual, over which Christ the Lord shall rule by personal ministration in days yet future.
There are people who have been in Siberia all their lives, and some who have been there forty and fifty years, and never once had any ministration of their Church.
The whole system of religious observance and priestly ministration set forth in the Mosaic books may seem difficult to account for, not indeed as a national development, but as a moral and religious gain.
Of the revelation of the law Paul says, "The ministration of death written and engraven on stones came with glory, so that the children of Israel could not look steadfastly upon the face of Moses, for the glory of his face.
It must have been by charity and ministration of more than one humble woman, but no one now claimed any particular interest in him--except Mrs. Croale, and hers was not very tender.
As if he had resolved to show his employer at one broad view what has been brought upon him by ministration to his ruling passion!
Without promising obedience, but on the plea of desiring to be very quiet, Florence disengaged herself, as soon as she could, from the ministration of Mrs Pipchin and her attendants.
The ministration to the dying is a part of the priest's office, which is sometimes viewed with some apprehension before ordination.
Was it by the ministration of angels, or by the artifice of the seducing spirit, who wished to inspire her with sentiments of vanity and pride?
Then in 1550 "there were letters sent to every bishop to pluck down the altars, in lieu of them to set up a table in some convenient place of the chancel within every church or chapel to serve for the ministration of the Blessed Communion.
It is this ministrationof the Spirit which renders the preaching of the gospel to men dead in trespasses and sins a reasonable service.
The ministration to memory, aided by registering and arranging the data, of observation and experiment in tables of instances of agreement, difference and concomitant variations.
The ministration to sense, aided by observation and experiment.
They promise life by denying death, and apparently "make good" Satan's lie in Eden, through the ministration and manifestations of evil angels representing themselves to be the spirits of the dead.
When the number of the disciples multiplied, what instruction did the apostles give the believers, that none might be neglected in the daily ministration of temporal necessities?
Life Only In Christ The Intermediate State The Two Resurrections Fate Of The Transgressor The Ministration Of Good Angels The Dark Ministries Of Bad Angels Spiritualism Part XII.
Thirdly, Thou must hate his setting of thy feet in the way that leadeth to the ministration of death.
They must join in Christian communion also according to the golden reed of the New Testament, and ministration of the Spirit.
The ministration of angels is an animating theme to believers, and is well adapted to promote their confidence in the care and protection of God.
To conclude this, in that he here saith, that the foundations of the wall are these twelve stones, he doth it to show that now also the former ministration that was in the apostles' days will be the same and in full force again.
The present ministration of the Church entirely depends on the necessity of a clear historical proof of the literal contents of the Old and New Testaments.