When a condition is put in a deed that it shall be forever used as a burial ground for the interment of bodies, it is doubtful whether the grantor and grantee together may change the uses of the property.
Their only effect is to grant the privilege of interment so long as the ground continues to be used for the purposes of burial.
The Church authorities refused to allow Coppers to be buried in the cemetery, and application was made by his relatives for a writ of mandamus to compel his interment therein, they having deposited the necessary money to pay all the expenses.
The shell was to be closed, and then, "in consequence of a dispute with the first undertaker," the order for the coffin and the interment was to be given to another undertaker.
The death of a well-known man appeared in the papers, and in the announcement was the place of interment and the hour of the ceremony.
It was touching to hear the tales of the various displays of popular sympathy and sorrow which accompanied the death and the interment of Don Emilio Carles, whom no less than fifty carriages followed to his grave in Arevalo.
Their methods of interment were the same as those already described; their tombs were built of stone, on the heights, and here they put the bodies of their chiefs, together with some of their wives and servants.
After the interment the women and servants shaved their heads, put on their commonest clothing, and took no care of their persons.
The death of Sainte-Beuve was preceded by cruel bodily tortures, and, as he saw his end approaching, he took precautions to keep the priests away from his bedside, and to divest his interment of all solemnity.
Behind the church a garden, laid out by the famous Le Notre, was the scene of the funeral ceremony and interment of Marat, stabbed by Charlotte Corday in the house just opposite, numbered 20 at the time.
The king had left no directions in regard to his burial; and, partly for the sake of economy, partly to save trouble, it was decided to regulate the ceremonies by those observed at the interment of Louis XIII.
The duke observed as nearly as possible the ancient ceremonial, the only important variation being that (possibly in his character of Englishman) he ordered the interment to be followed by a grand dinner.
Early next morning the permission of the authorities would be obtained for the choice of a burying-place, and then the interment would take place.
After all relating to the interment had been carried out, the Mohammedans came to ask for a few rupees to enable them to hold a memorial feast in the evening in honour of the deceased.
This mode of interment was practiced to only a limited extent, so far as can be discovered, and it is quite probable that in most cases it was employed as a temporary expedient when the survivors were pressed for time.
Should a youth die while under the superintendence of white men, the Indians will not as a rule have anything to do with the interment of the body.
The next mode of interment to be considered is that of cairn or rock burial, which has prevailed and is still common to a considerable extent among the tribes living in the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Nevadas.
The commonest mode of burial among North American Indians has been that of interment in the ground, and this has taken place in a number of different ways; the following will, however, serve as good examples of the process.
The manner of their interment is thus: A mole or pyramid of earth is raised, the mould thereof being worked very smooth and even, sometimes higher or lower, according to the dignity of the person whose monument it is.
The day of interment is the theatre in which he displays the mysteries of his art.
Circumstances all pointed to his removal to Florence; but a recent decree had prohibited further interment in the English Cemetery there, and the town had no power to rescind it.
Some coins of the reigns of Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius showed that the interment belonged to the end of the third century.
It is therefore probable that it was sanctioned by Henry's authority, as well as the details respecting the interment of the bodies.
The latter part of the tale, which declares their interment by the priest and their removal by Richard's order, was evidently fabricated by Henry, to prevent the hazard of a search.
How very often the publication of a ponderous tome has been found to resemble the interment of a portly corpse!
To doubt the fact of premature interment is quite as absurd, as to credit all the tales, in this connection, fabricated by French and German wonder-mongers.
The interment was made in the corner, on the left, at a distance of eight or nine feet from the enclosure wall, and at an equal distance from a small house, which subsequently served as a school.
It is distinguished also by the circumstance that instead of being the place of interment of a corpse, it is the depository of relics.
Now and then he is persuaded by the white man to bury it, but its place of interment immediately assumes an air of sanctity in his eyes.
After the seventh year the interment is permanent.
When the interment is over the Sorcerer proceeds to burn the catafalque, which, being no more than a slender framework of bamboo covered with sheets of paper or flimsy material, offers no resistance.
When all the mourners are assembled the interment proper begins.
Sometimes the rites require that for the first interment the "klong" of a man and a woman must be used together.
This is a ceremony which is never omitted at the interment of a Roman Catholic.
No verse or stone to mark the place of intermentare to be found.
The date of the first interment may be ascribed to the 3rd century, while the latter may belong to the 12th century.
His motive for this extraordinary mode of interment was to prevent his wife from dancing over his grave, which she had threatened to do in case she survived him.
It was also the common place ofinterment for the victims of the great plague in 1665.
The first interment in the cemetery of Pere la Chaise; it was laid out and prepared by order of Bonaparte.
At the same time they carry with them their dead for intermentbound up in buffaloes skins.
In the seventeenth century a singular privilege was given to women dying in childbed, their bodies being allowed interment within the church without the usual fee.
The Willenhall record of his ministry and interment runs:-- The Revd.
No device, inscription, or hieroglyphics are made at or near the place of interment by any of these nations.
When bodies are brought to the trading houses for interment or scaffolding they are always boxed by the whites, the coffin being made large enough to contain the implements and ornaments enveloped with the corpse.