No young leaves are produced, and the old glands do not secrete honey.
In the mucous membrane of these external organs of sex are thousands of little glands that secrete a foul, filthy substance called smegma.
In man, the first is when the genital glands begin tosecrete procreative life.
The first function is to secrete a peculiar energy that is absorbed by the body.
Owing largely to our artificial methods of living, when a boy is eighteen, the seminal vessels secrete more than can be absorbed.
Now the philosophy of it is this, your mind is stimulating the little salivary glands in your mouth and causing them to secrete the saliva rapidly.
The second function is to secrete milk for her baby when she becomes a mother.
During that hour your salivary glands secrete just enough saliva to keep your mouth moist, perhaps the heat and labor left your mouth dry.
In the presence of food, or fancying that one is in the presence of food, the mind so influences the salivary glands that they secrete saliva much faster than at other times.
Underneath the folds of the prepuce are hundreds of little glands that secrete a substance that should be removed daily with water, or a wet rag.
After puberty dawns, impure thinking and all impure states of the mind will so stimulate the sexual glands that they will secrete more semen than the body can absorb.
The blood flows freely to the glands and they secrete saliva many times as fast as they would when the mind is engaged in other things.
Or the colour-determining molecule may secrete a ferment or a hormone, and this may be the cause of the particular colouring of the resulting organism.
Phenomena such as these seem to suggest that in some cases the bright colours of the male may be pathological, that the hormones which the male sexual cells secrete may exercise an injurious effect on the somatic or body tissues.
Molluscs, crustaceans, corals, and the like, secrete from the ocean the carbonate of lime of which their hard shells and skeletons are composed, and these hard parts go to the formation of limestone.
They are armed with desperate weapons, and secrete themselves in the woods.
I contrived, however, to displace a few of the trinkets, on pretence of admiring them, and ventured to secrete one very rich gold seal, marked six guineas.
His creditors became clamorous, and a commission of bankruptcy was sued out by a friend, but not until he had managed to gull the public to a large extent, and to secrete a very considerable quantity of valuable effects.
As this labor would detain me in the unpleasant neighborhood, I determined to secrete my own boat from the public gaze.
The skin of fishes is rather thick and tough, and abounds in glands that secrete mucus, and in cells that secrete the hardening, or protective, denticles and scales that form the coat of most species, and which differ widely.
In most cases the mollusks secrete from a larval gland an external shell which serves as skeleton and defensive armor; are bisexual and produce eggs, or if monoecious are never self-fertilizing.
An other more secrete cause was herewith concurrente; M^r.
For a real Navy does not so much design and build ships as secrete them.
At the same time he was seen to steal and secrete a pair of trousers.
But they nevertheless frequently managed to secrete the means of making away with themselves, and thus accomplished their purpose.
And surely, if he had meant uprightly, he woulde have delte more plainely; for truths seketh no secrete comers.
Which also this present yeere I saw confirmed in a secrete extract of the particular estate of that kingdome and of euery gouernement and office subiect to the same with the seueral pensions thereunto belonging.
For what els can those wordes importe, that he did it also for certen secrete causes, but give us juste cause to suspect that there wanted uprighte, indifferent, and sincere dealinges?
But if you will have me to reveale those secrete causes, to say as the thinge was, they were nothinge else but the feare and jelousie that he had, that Kinge Henry the vij’th.
These thinges are kepte secrete by the marchantes, and suche as depende upon the trade of marchandize are lothe to utter the same.
But there was no telling when someone might come, and he knew it behooved him to secrete himself and instantly.
Then the two conspiratorssecrete them in a safe and unlikely place, easily accessible, I take it, from the sea.
But as to who it was that believed this, and managed to secrete the box--that's a far different matter!
These sheath-cells are then supposed to re-form and secrete a pabulum which is important for the process of regeneration of the down-growing axis-cylinder and medullary sheath.
These cells secrete the layers of the sheath, and have originally, by proliferation, given rise to the notochordal tissue.
The thyroid gland has been supposed to secretemucus into the respiratory chamber for the purpose of entangling the particles of food, and so aiding in digestion.
Now Miss Alcock has shown that some of the surface-cells of crustaceans secrete a fluid which possesses digestive powers, and she has also shown that certain of the cells in the skin of Ammocoetes possess digestive power.
Panthers secrete themselves in the trees above the boughs overhanging the "yards," and, with stealthy movements, approach and pounce upon their unsuspecting prey.
When the trap is spread the draw-rope should extend to some near shelter where the bird-catcher may secrete himself from view.
So in Certaine Secrete Wonders of Nature, by Edward Fenton, 1569, "There appeare at this day many strange visions and wicked spirites in the metal mines of the Greate Turke.
The Tibboo women secrete knives about them, as the Italian and Spanish ladies conceal the stiletto in their garters.
Incited action in the vessel takes place at the deligated point; the divided margins of the internal and middle coats secrete lymph, by which they adhere, and so obliterate the canal of the artery.
Francis, of New York, describes the case of a lady who continued to secrete milk regularly for fourteen years after having lost her child, so that she could always nurse an infant; and Dr.
Some pregnant females will secrete an immense amount of saliva for weeks and months in succession, as if they had been salivated.
In self-protection it begins to secrete an excess of mucus and if the irritation is great enough, pus.
Why do the cells of the liver secrete bile, and those of the mouth saliva?
How does the maple-tree secrete a sweet, wholesome sap, and deadly nightshade, growing in the same soil and living on the same elements, a poison?
After a short parley, we concluded to secrete ourselves in the inclosed woods.