There is no reliable evidence that they exert a physiologic effect; it has not been demonstrated that they influence any pathologic process; they are not ‘foods.
The lecithin preparations have been recommended in many pathologic conditions, especially in malnutrition and sexual debility.
The “institute” seems to be a means of suggesting that the physician have bacteriologic, pathologic and serologic examinations made on behalf of his patients.
Autopsy: Heart and lungs appeared normal; abdominal viscera showed no apparent pathologic change other than coccidial infection of the liver and fullness of the blood vessels.
Some of these are age, season, and pathologic conditions.
It is quite possible, therefore, that the minimum fatal dose may be somewhat higher, as we have reason to believe that, at least in some pathologic conditions, the susceptibility to caffein is increased.
It is true that through pathologic degeneration the form and even the function of cells may become greatly changed; but never does it amount to a complete metamorphosis or complete transformation into another distinctly different type.
Again, we have the following from one of the foremost pathologists, as to the strict and rather narrow limits of even pathologic change: "Epithelium and gland cells .
This modification of function among the cells which sometimes goes on in the developing embryo, or under pathologic conditions, is very closely analogous to the variation which goes on among species of animals and plants.
But they are so plainlypathologic phenomena that there is little temptation for the advocates of Lamarckianism to use them as proofs of their theory.
We must, however, recognize that in most men of genius are found so many peculiarities, physical eccentricities and disorders of all kinds that the pathologic theory retains much probability.
It would be wearisome to follow these extravagant thoughts, which, though the learned may treat them with some respect, have for the psychologist only the interest of pathologic evidence.
As in women, this increase of the sexual desire is sometimes due to pathologic causes, such as an inflamed prostate gland--in other cases it is of psychic origin.
In some cases this increased libido is normal, that is, no other pathologic symptoms or local conditions can be discovered.
Excessive development of the mammae, generally being a pathologic phenomenon, will be mentioned in another chapter.
They may be congenital or due to some pathologicdisturbance after birth.
Through the able efforts of Her Majesty's surgeons in India the presence of ainhum has been shown in India, and considerable investigation made as to its etiology, pathologic histology, etc.
There is another species of rupture of the heart which is not traumatic, in which the rupture occurs spontaneously, the predisposing cause being fatty degeneration, dilatation, or some other pathologic process in the cardiac substance.
Studsgaard mentions that in the pathologic collection at Copenhagen there is a long, smooth stone, 17 cm.
Horrocks ascribes to these anal tags a pathologic importance.
The principal pathologic change is seen in the epiphyseal lines of long bones and beneath the periosteum.
It seemed however, that the color was due to some chemic-pencil poisoning rather than to a pathologic process.
Leukoderma is a pathologic process, the result of which is a deficiency in the normal pigmentation of the skin, and possibly its appendages.
By some it is considered a reversion to the lower species, while others deny this and claim it to be simply a pathologic appendix.
Lipomata, being distinctly pathologic formations, will be left for another chapter.
Elephantiasis or other pathologic hypertrophy of the labial tissues can produce revolting deformity, such as is seen in Figure 100, representing an individual who was exhibited several years ago in Philadelphia.
Part II contains a summary of Therapeutic Indications for the employment of remedies, arranged according to the Pathologic Conditions to be combated.
Arranged alphabetically under the titles of the variousPathologic Conditions.
Pathologic abortions, and those arising from accident or carelessness, are extremely common.
The causes of pathologic and accidental abortion are very numerous and often interactive.
When there is a pathologic sexual erethism from an excess of spermin or ovarin, vasectomy, castration, spaying, or the menopause cuts off this excess and the erethism disappears.
Besides the diseases enumerated here, there are several pathologic conditions of the eyes which are hereditary--presenile cataract, stationary night blindness, and retinitis pigmentosa.
Rachitis, osteomalacia, curvature of the spine, habit scoliosis, hip dislocation, and similar pathologic states cause these distortions and contractions.
Neither one constitutes a disease by itself, but is a symptom of some pathologic condition.
On this fact must he based thepathologic symptoms accompanying the cessation of the menstrual function.
Anatomic changes may lead up topathologic conditions.
It must be remembered that certain pathologic conditions cause many disturbances connected with the onset of puberty.
When the flow is excessive, it must be considered a pathologic condition, which needs the physician's attention.
Hemorrhages occupy the foremost place among the pathologic phenomena of the genital tract during the menopause.
The vaginal secretion under certainpathologic conditions may become so acid that it induces sterility.
If no functional or pathologic excuse is discovered, it must be considered normal, for the individual, and, as stated above, even 58 or 60 beats per minute are in many instances normal for men.
The previous history of such a patient will generally disclose the pathologic cause or the physical excuse.
Not infrequently and probably more frequently than we recognize, recovery without any of thepathologic lesions just described follows mild endocarditis.
The same is true of a good compensating pathologic heart.
A pulse from 45 to 50 per minute occasionally occurs when no pathologic excuse can be found, but such a slow rate is unusual.
Arteriosclerosis or arteriocapillary fibrosis is really a physiologic process naturally accompanying old age, of which it is a part or the cause, and it should be considered a pathologic condition only when it occurs prematurely.
The united action of all those interested would soon rid the country of a disease which has smitten all Europe.
They are medium or bad, let the milk-mirror be what it may, if the veins of the belly are not large, and those of the udder apparent.
In cases of difficult parturition the aid of a skillful veterinary surgeon may be required.
The farmer will be governed by the question of profit, whatever course it is decided to adopt.
These animals, which have been driven long distances in bad weather, and frequently half starved, arrived famished, and therefore the more fatigued, and some of them lame.
A pathologic sinus leading from an abscess cavity to the surface.
Flat Foot+ may be congenital or acquired, the former being a very infrequent deformity, and the latter one of the most common pathologic conditions.
In cases of chronic osteomyelitis with open sinuses and exposed bone, a great variety of organisms, pathologic and saprophytic, may be present.
The pathologic condition is due to change in the relations of the bones rather than to any change in the bones themselves.
An agent which causes the dispersal of a tumor or of a pathologic neoplasm of any kind.
One or the other of these methods is used for the recognition of pathologic conditions existing in the human tissues.
A pathologic or spontaneous fracture is one which occurs in a bone, the strength of which has been diminished by some preceding abnormal or pathologic changes.
Should it be due to the wearing of improper foot-gear, nothing primarily pathologic in the tissues themselves being present, treatment will be effective only when correct shoes are worn thereafter.
A pathologic condition of any part or organ of the body.
These vary with the different pathologicconditions present.
It is only considered pathologic when the deviation is more than fifteen degrees.
In the acute cases of Graves' disease the explosive conversion of latent energy into heat and motion is unexcelled by any other known normal orpathologic phenomenon.
This is summation, and summation plays a large role in the development of both normal and pathologic phenomena.
Menten to determine by electric measurements the H-ion concentration of the blood under certain pathologic and physiologic conditions.
Many other pathologic phenomena may be explained in a similar manner.
We have viewed each anatomic and pathologic part as an entity and man as an isolated phenomenon in nature.
As the thyroid secretion causes an increase in the facility with which nervous energy is discharged, a pathologic reciprocal interaction is established between the brain and the thyroid.
Their pathologic vindictiveness should also be mentioned.
Here was probably the first well-illustrated instance of his pathologic emotionalism, the tendency to a complete dominance of a certain affect.
We now see them manifest a pathologic emotionalism, an unbounded egotism, a relentless vindictiveness and an apparently total disregard of consequences.
Then his attempts at suicide throughout his lifetime, evidence of a pathologic emotionalism, must also be remembered.
I am convinced, without a doubt, that should this man be pardoned, all the manifestation which he now possesses, and which may be considered as pathologic in character, would at once disappear.
In addition to this, it is noted that this apparently pathologic condition can be definitely influenced by using strict and positive measures.
A good deal more could be furnished from the records of this man's case in illustration of hispathologic disposition to lying.
It was the first evidence of his pathologic emotionalism and vindictiveness.
He comes to the conclusion that the prison psychoses are reactions of pathologic nervous organizations to definite deleterious conditions of life.
The exaggerated egotism, which is so common to these individuals, serves to establish a pathologic degree of self-consciousness.
They also showed, as a rule, intolerance for alcohol, and were wont to react to alcoholism in a strongly pathologic manner.
Again: although as a rule Christianity has steadily opposed pathologic love both in writing and preaching, there have been remarkable exceptions.
Lopez[FN#416] draws a frightful picture of pathologic love in Peru.
The Greek vocabulary is not less copious, and some of its pederastic terms, of which Meier gives nearly a hundred, and its nomenclature of pathologic love are curious and picturesque enough to merit quotation.
Entering Persia we find the reverse of Armenia; and, despite Herodotus, I believe that Iran borrowed her pathologic love from the peoples of the Tigris-Euphrates Valley and not from the then insignificant Greeks.
Now, however, under the influences of improved education and respect for the public opinion of Europe, pathologiclove amongst the Luso-Brazilians has been reduced to the normal limits.
It is one of the rarest of pathologic curiosities and, for practical purposes, may be entirely disregarded.
Ten years' deep, patient, absorbing dissection of pathologic tissue had not rendered the gloss and glow of a girl's cheek less velvet-soft.
If the mind can produce a pathologic process like a blister, it can also remove warts or cancer, as the hypnotists of the Charcot school claim.
These defects may be such biochemic alterations (undemonstrable by existing methods) as lead to diminished inhibitory power or other altered function, or to secondary pathologic or teratologic change of decidedly demonstrable nature.
Moreover, in addition to the normal psychical life of man, there is that vast borderland in which the normal merges into the abnormal, and the healthy state into a pathologic one.
And against this it must be urged that the most complete honesty is no guarantee against self-deception, while ability and even genius are not at all incompatible with a pathologic strain.
Both will in certain pathologic states degenerate into cruelty.
This is that the Methodist revival owed a great deal of its vitality--as is also the case with other religious movements--to phenomena of a distinctly pathologic nature.
For other cases, and a general account of the relations between pathologic states and religious delusion, see Lombroso, Man of Genius, chap.
His followers naturally resent the ascription of his visions and voices to a pathologic origin, and point to his pronounced mental ability.
On the one hand, it formed part of that insensate desire to torture the body which went to make up the ascetic ideal; on the other hand, the fondness for whipping bare flesh and for being whipped has a distinctly pathologic character.
These are the main lines along which, I conceive, the study of the pathologic elements that enter into the history of religion must be studied.
And if he too frequently depicts pathologic states, is it not the fault of his epoch?
I confess that the condensed bitterness and woe and cruelty of this last act border on the pathologic if we do not consider the symbol.
From the purely pathologic standpoint that is true, but from the important, functional standpoint it is far from being the true state of the cases.
While many cases showing pathologic causes for extrasystoles have more or less marked arteriosclerosis, there are other states in which no arteriosclerosis is found where the extrasystole is present.
There are cases, however, in comparatively young persons where a combination of certain ill-defined symptoms gives a clue to the underlying pathologic processes.
In many cases of arteriosclerosis, the pathologic changes are not confined to the arteries, but are found in the veins as well as in the capillaries.
He noted "that the vasoconstricting properties of blood serum vary in different pathologic conditions, being increased in nephritis, for instance, and diminished in others.
Hence it might be considered as a useful condition of no pathologicsignificance at all.
It has, however, aided materially in the intelligent interpretation of many phenomena heretofore not well understood, and has enormously increased our knowledge of the physiology and pathologic physiology of the heart.
However careful a urinalysis may be, there is no assurance that one can predict the pathologic state of the kidney.
The arteries become thickened, lose their wonderful elasticity, fibrous tissue is deposited in their walls, and the vicious circle is established which leads to pathologic hypertension.
As a matter of fact, we know of very few organs where even profoundpathologic changes in the vascular system produced during life any symptoms which could be laid to these arterial changes.
If one may judge by the description of the pathologic changes, the condition is quite similar to that produced in a vein by transplantation along the course of an artery.
The Pathologic Affinities of Beriberi and Scurvy, Jour.
Probably a similar separation of other pathologic conditions, now so entangled as to be indistinguishable, will be evolved.
If this observation is confirmed, it furnishes another anatomical basis for associating the glands of internal secretion with pathologic conditions of the bones.
In the century which followed, there are to be found many reports of scurvy, especially in connection with the frequent wars, but it is surprising how little detailed pathologic information they furnish.
Although we shall, therefore, treat adult and infantile scurvy separately, it should be borne in mind that, from an etiologic and pathologic viewpoint, such a division is artificial and is resorted to merely for purposes of clarity.
In their pathologic studies on scurvy among soldiers, Aschoff and Koch frequently describe beading of the ribs, which they attribute to an infraction of the costochondral junctions.
It must be remembered that the pathologic as well as the clinical picture of the scurvy of Lind and his time was generally complicated by infection.
Under all these conditions the striking pathologic change--absent in scurvy--is edema.
Thus the two diseases have been found very frequently associated in pathologic examination of the bones, leading some to infer that they are in some way interdependent.
As a result of this pathologic picture the authors are of the opinion that they may have been dealing with a mild infection.
The chief pathologicchange was a marked fragility of the bones, leading to spontaneous fractures, or to breaking of the bones in the course of ordinary manipulation.
Another pathologic symptom asks the hospitality of Mallare, and I must make the proper pretense of graciousness and cordiality.
You were first an obvious pathologic symptom--an illusory conscience born to adorn the grief of my senses that fancied they had murdered Rita, the phantom.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pathologic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.