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Example sentences for "returne"

Lexicographically close words:
rets; retting; return; returnable; returnd; returned; returnes; returnest; returneth; returning
  1. And this was the first time that they remained héere all the winter, vsing afore time but to come and make an inuasion in one place or other, and immediatlie to returne home with the prey.

  2. But now to returne backe to speake of other dooings, as in other parts of this land they fell out.

  3. After his returne from Rome, perceiuing himselfe to draw into yeares, [Sidenote: Offa departed this life.

  4. In his returne thorough France, he married the ladie Iudith, daughter to Charles the bald, then K.

  5. Héerevpon when she had knowledge that euerie thing was ordered according to hir appointment, she persuaded the king to returne thither againe, feining occasions great and necessarie.

  6. But howsoeuer the matter stood, king Ethelwulfe liued not long after his returne from Rome, but departed this life, after he had ruled the kingdome of the Westsaxons the space of 20 yéeres and od moneths.

  7. He was consecrated after the maner of other kings his ancestors by Athelred the archbishop of Canturburie.

  8. He likewise built or new repared the townes of Tocetor and Wigmore, with diuerse other, as one at Glademuth, about the last yéere of his reigne.

  9. And so Alfreda the daughter of Offa king of Mercia was affianced to him: so that he himselfe appointed (as meanes to procure more fauour at his father in lawes hands) to go fetch the bride from hir fathers house.

  10. Wherein it was ordeined, that whereas the prouince of Westsaxons in times past had but two bishops, now it should be diuided into fiue diocesses, euerie of them to haue a peculiar bishop.

  11. Also she wan from the Danes the towne of Darbie, and the countrie adioining.

  12. He remoued the archbishops see from Canturburie vnto Lichfield, thereby to aduance his kingdome of Mercia, as well in dignitie & preheminence of spirituall power as temporall.

  13. The old Saxons doo bring the genealogie of this Ethelwulfe to Adam, after this maner following.

  14. After that king Adelstane had subdued them of Northumberland, he was aduertised, that not onelie Constantine king of Scots, but also [Sidenote: Wil.

  15. Shortlie after his returne from the sea now in this eleuenth yeare of king Henries reigne, he made a road into Scotland by land, [Sidenote: The earle of Angus Umfreuill cōmonlie called erle of Kime.

  16. The king said he would send for the duke of Norffolke to returne home, and then vpon his returne he said he would proceed in that matter.

  17. But to remit this and the like variances among writers to such as can reconcile them, let vs returne to the storie.

  18. But Enguerant de Monstrellet affirmeth, that vpon their returne into France, there wanted not aboue thréescore persons of all their companies.

  19. But leauing the consideration hereof to others, I will returne to the purpose from whence I haue thus far stepped.

  20. But now to returne to the matter present.

  21. Our wildmen said doubtlesse they have gott an other company of their nation, so that some minded to throw their castors away & returne home.

  22. We being of 3 nations arrived there with booty, disputed awhile, ffor some would returne to their country.

  23. The prince tarried for the returne of king Peter, both weekes and moneths, but could not heare anie tidings of him.

  24. And so now I will returne to speake of the kings dooings in the north part where he left him.

  25. But to returne now to the matter where we left.

  26. And amongst other people that perished of that pestilentiall sickenesse, that worthie knight and noble capteine the earle of Warwike died at Calis in the moneth of Ianuarie, after his returne from Harflew.

  27. King Peter went vnto Siuill, to makeshift for monie accordinglie, promising to returne againe, within a few weekes, and to see euerie man paid, according as he had couenanted.

  28. I drinke the aire before me, and returne Or ere your pulse twice beate.

  29. Twas a sweet marriage, and we prosper well in our returne Adri.

  30. And finding that he had forgotten to speake at the dore as I had directed him, I caused him presently to returne and to discharge himself in such sort as is above mentioned, which he will depose he did.

  31. The ships depart to be the 10 of May in Goa, and being not then arriued, they turne backe to Cochin, and if they cannot fetch Cochin, they returne to Malacca.

  32. The ships depart betwixt the 25 and first of September, and returne from the straights to Diu, the first and 15 of May.

  33. And because there is none other thing worthy mention in Grida we wil returne to our Carouan which hath almost rested enough.

  34. This much I haue written at this time, because I had no more time of knowledge, but I trust at my returne to note more of this island, with the commodities of the same at large.

  35. But in the end the matter was so ordered, that this duke of Norfolke was banished for euer: whereupon taking his iourney to Ierusalem, he died at Venice in his returne from the said citie of Ierusalem, in the first yeere of King Henry the 4.

  36. Goe, get thee hence, and finde my dog againe, Or nere returne againe into my sight.

  37. A litel whyle after when the yong manne was forced of his father that was come to him, to returne agayne to his old vertue, he brake his necke out of a garret.

  38. Dispatch it then, good Iris, out of hand, My Peacocks and my Charriot shall remaine About the shore till thou returne againe.

  39. For ever die, and nere returne againe, Never more see the Sunne, nor Heaven, nor Earth?

  40. Wilt thou goe with me, then, and see that world Which either will returne thy old delights, Or square thy appetite anew to theirs?

  41. And I returne them back to all their trusts.

  42. Lift me a little higher, yet more: Doe the Immortall Powers poure blessings downe, And shall I not returne them?

  43. And thilke that ought thee money no penny wolde paye; they wende thy returne hadde ben an impossible.

  44. Thus hir leving unclene and lecherous 285 Sho wald returne on me and [on] my mother, To quhom I shew my grace abone all uther.

  45. To me art thou moche holden, that in thy kynde course of good mening I returne thy mynde.

  46. Women suspected to be witches, after their apprehension may not be suffered to go home, or to other places, to seek suerties; for feare least at their returne home, they worke reuenge upon them.

  47. Howbeit, after some detracting of time, she brought him a few eggs, willing him to returne to hir, if his ship were gone when he came.

  48. I came from Edward as Imbassadour [eak160] But I returne his sworne and mortall foe: Matter of marriage was the charge he gaue me, But dreadfull warre shall answere his demand.

  49. When I returne with victorie from the field, Ile see your Grace, till then Ile follow her.

  50. Moreouer, at the same time he caused his two brethren, earle John, and Geffrey the elect archbishop of Yorke to take an oth not to returne into England during the terme of thrée yeares next insuing, without his consent and licence first had.

  51. Herevpon king Richard was fullie persuaded to returne home, but yet through the admonition of certeine persons, [Sidenote: William de Poicters K.

  52. That if anie pilgrime borrowed anie thing of an other whilest he was on his iournie, he should be bound to paie it: but if he borrowed it before his setting foorth, he was not bound to answer it till his returne home.

  53. Here will we leaue earle John conferring with the French king, and returne to the king of England.

  54. Geruasius Dorobernensis saith, that the archbishop resigned that office of his owne accord, and that not till after his returne from the marshes of Wales, where he had ouerthrowne the Welshmen, and slaine fiue thousand of them.

  55. The Pope vpon promise that the King should ayd him against his enemies, yeelded to these demands: and required againe of the King, to permit Thurstine to returne with his fauour into England.

  56. At his returne from the Progresse to his house at S.

  57. Hierusalem; and in his returne died at the Citie of Nice.

  58. His returne was on foote, by reason of the euill qualitied wayes: and when Fitz-Osberne who went with him, was ouerwearied with the weight of his armour, the Duke eased him by bearing his helmet vpon his shoulder.

  59. For this cause the King was displeased with Thurstine, and forbad him to returne into the Realme.

  60. Bvt now to returne to the person and gouernment of this King William.

  61. But I will leaue this point to be determined by more discerning iudgements, and happily by further experience in these affaires, and returne againe to my principall purpose.

  62. Againe the King sent his messenger to the Duke, forbidding him with loftie language, to make any stay within that Countrey; but to returne againe no lesse speedily, then rashly he had entred.

  63. Here the King restored Anselme to his former possessions; but his returne into England was respited, vntill the Pope had confirmed certaine things which Anselme did assure.

  64. That all such goods fruits and possessions as the King had taken from the Sea of Canterbury, should bee restored to him at his returne into England.

  65. So the King hauing both enlarged and assured his state in Normandie, by reason of the approch of winter, departed into England: but this was like the recuiling of Rammes, to returne againe with the greater strength.

  66. After that he was mounted into the seate of Maiestie, hee neglected no meanes to settle himselfe most surely therin, against the returne of his brother Robert.

  67. Thus much haue I digressed and I hope not vnnecessarily: nowe will I returne againe to my course and intreate of that which yet remaineth appertaining to this Chapter.

  68. By thee, and this thou didst returne from him.

  69. If it shall please you to make me a wholsome answer, I will doe your Mothers command'ment: if not, your pardon, and my returne shall bee the end of my Businesse Ham.

  70. Let them lay by their Helmets & their Speares, And both returne backe to their Chaires againe: Withdraw with vs, and let the Trumpets sound, While we returne these Dukes what we decree.

  71. Your Seruants euer, Haue theirs, themselues, and what is theirs in compt, To make their Audit at your Highnesse pleasure, Still to returne your owne King.

  72. Would not my Lords returne to me againe After they heard yong Arthur was aliue?

  73. Indeed no, by your patience; Ile not ouer the threshold, till my Lord returne from the Warres Val.

  74. None in the world, but returne with an inuention, and clap vpon you two or three probable lies: but we haue almost imbost him, you shall see his fall to night; for indeede he is not for your Lordshippes respect Cap.

  75. I returne those duties backe as are right fit, Obey you, Loue you, and most Honour you.

  76. If she will returne me my Iewels, I will giue ouer my Suit, and repent my vnlawfull solicitation.

  77. Now we must returne to the Mouth of the River and so along by the sea side; and first from Saybrooke to Guilford 12 Miles.

  78. Now we must returne to the mouth of Charles River againe or rather the entrance of the Bay of Massachusits, It hath three entrances, two of them difficult and dangerous without a good wind and Pylot.

  79. Why feare not man, I will not forfaite it, Within these two months, that's a month before This bond expires, I doe expect returne Of thrice three times the valew of this bond Shy.

  80. Nay, we will slinke away in supper time, Disguise vs at my lodging, and returne all in an houre Gra.

  81. I praie thee good Leonardo thinke on this, These things being bought and orderly bestowed Returne in haste, for I doe feast to night My best esteemd acquaintance, hie thee goe Leon.

  82. For all wch we cannott but returne (after our praises to God) thankes to you and yor citty.

  83. Returne you towards me, and I will returne towards you, for he is a God at hand, and not a God a farre off.

  84. All these when they have turned for many yeares, God cals them to the floud of Lethe, by great troopes, Being forgetfull that they must review the upper convexe, And begin againe to bee willing to returne into bodies.

  85. All rivers runne into the Sea, yet the Sea is not full, unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they returne againe.

  86. FN#30] But to returne to speake of the citie; for as touchyng the maner of sacrifice which they vse at the foote of the mountayne wee wyll speake hereafter.

  87. Let vs now returne to speake of the pardons of pilgryms, for the which so many strange nations resort thither.

  88. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "returne" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    returne againe; returne home; returned again; returned back; returned from; returned home; returned quietly; returned the